《School trip (Lk)》Chapter 16 (fianl) moving




We look up from kissing and we saw my Hyungs, her Unnie's, my parents and one other person next to my parents.

"Mom what are you doing here?" Lisa asked I look to her side and I saw tears going down her cheek. She quickly went to hugged her which I'm guessing is her mom.

"Hi Jungkook" her mom said and I snapped out of it and bowed. "Do you remember me Kookie?" She said and I look up really confused Lisa had the exact expression on her face.

"Lisa Honey when you were little I came to Korea with you because my friend Mrs. Jeon Jungkook's mom wanted to see me because we we're collage friends" Her mom said.

"You and Jungkook knew each other before that's why when you were 14 I sent you back to Korea and put all my trust in Mrs. Jeon's hands." Her mom said.

"Wait but how did we meet back then" Lisa asked. "I Babysitter both of you" Her mom said and Lisa looked at me with a huge smile.

"I'm guessing your waiting for your alone time" Jin said and I remembered what we were doing before we were interrupted by them yelling.

I close my eyes in embarrassment and grabbed Jungkook's hand and led him up to my room.

"Well that was embarrassing" he said once I shut the door. "What do you mean?" I ask. "The first impression to your mom after years was us making out" he said and I laughed.

"At least we didn't miss anything important during school it's over in two weeks" I said reminding him, and throwing myself on the bed, as he laid next to me.

"Hey you know how we met?" I asked "Yeah I was walking and bumped____" "no what I mean is when I took you to the nurse cause you got into a fight what was the reason" I asked.


"I w-was having f-flashbacks" he said and I raised an eyebrow. "Flashbacks?" I asked confused.

"There was a feeling in me that I knew you back then and I started remembering stuff, and the day I got into a fight was because some guys were talking about your body" he said I pulled him closer to me on the bed and hugged him tight.

"Your so cute, I'm glad I knew you and___" I was going to continue until

His Hyung and my Unnie's yelled out side the door. "Ugh why are we friends with them" he said and I laughed.

We just graduated from our last year of high school we're going off to collage with my friends by my side and my amazing girlfriend.

"Who's in the mood to celebrate!!!" Taehyung yelled. It was me my Hyungs, her Unnie's, my parents and brother, her parents, and our best friend Bambam and his girlfriend Tzuyu.

"ALRIGHT SOJU AND MEAT ON ME!!!" Yoongi yelled and we all smiled as we headed to the restaurant in our, capping gowns.

We sat down and since we just graduated everything was on the house. "Ok let's give the present we have for our children" my dad said and took out a tiny box, Lisa's dad did the same, and handed it to us.

We both opened the box, mine had a door key in it and I look over at Lisa holding the exact same looking key.

"Since your going of to collage we want you guys to have fun so we rented out a huge house near the collage you both want to go to" My mom said and me and her look at each other and smiled, and hugged each other.

"That's not all your awesome brother has a surprise for you" Junghyun said and handed me car keys. "I wanted you to be able to drive your girl around so I bought you your own car" Junghyun said and passed me car keys I was shocked this is amazing.


"Oh by the way we already moved your stuff to the new house" Jennie said and we looked at each other.

"Omg can we go now" Lisa said excited. "Yeah take your new car there" Namjoon said. "Now you kids go have fun" Hoseok said. "But not to much fun" Jisoo said and Rosè slapped her arm. "I learned to let my wife go you should too" she said and I laughed and took Jungkook's arm.

"Ok no freaking way I'm inside a Lamborghini" I said as we drove off to the new house.

"Wow I can't believe we're starting new life's" Jungkook said and I quickly pecked his cheek while he was driving.

We finally got there and we stood there our mouths open

"NO FUCKING WAY!!!" We yelled together as we ran to the door of a big house nope never mind

We opened the door and we both separated and just wandered through the house amazed by everything.

"LISA!!!" I heard Jungkook yell out my name and i followed from where he called me and ended up in a big master bedroom.

"Why'd you call me?" I ask his sweat smile from before turned into a devilish smirk. "There's only one bedroom" he said and I blushed as he started getting closer.

"I'm pretty sure we might have a guest room" I said not wanting to make Eye contact. My back suddenly hit the wall as he pinned me against it.

"So what if there's a guest room why let a master bedroom go to waist" he said and I looked him.

"You..... I yelled and stepped on his foot he winced in pain and I was going to escape but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into a back hug.

"I'm so glad that I'm with you even thought you sometimes scare me" he said and I chuckled and kissed his neck cause I wasn't tall enough to reach his face.

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