《School trip (Lk)》Chapter 15 Lust


I woke up in the morning in a good mood to head to school which is so weird because as far as I know I don't know someone who's happy to go to school.

I quickly put on the school uniform on pulled the skirt down a little, and grabbed a piece of toast to eat. I then hurried out of the house.

I was busy paying attention attention to the ground that I bumped into someone. "Watch where your going buddy" I said and was going to continue walking until the guy pulled my back and pinned me against a wall.

I look up at the guy and it was Jungkook I let out a big sigh "Omg Jungkook don't scare me like that" I said and hit his arm. I nicked he still had me pinned against the wall.

"Umm Jungkook are you ok?" I said and he had a smirk on him. "Jungkook if you don't stop we'll be late to school" I said and I scolded him.

He laughed and finally let go I looked at his smile and smiled to. "Let's forget about school" he said and I raised an eyebrow "what?" I asked.

"Let's not go to school today" he said. "Uhhh" I hesitated. "Please I want to spend it with you" he said and I blushed man first day dating And he's confident.

"Come on" he said and stood out his hand I gladly took it, and we walked in the direction of the place.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he just dragged me by my hand. "It's a secret" he said and I just agreed.

He took me to an ice cream shop I laughed because this is the exact place I talked about Bambam with my problems.


I laughed out loud and Jungkook turned to me confused. "What's funny?" He asked and i smile at him "Nothing just memories here" I said and pulled him to go order.

We went and sat down at a table. "Care to explain why you were laughing to yourself when we entered the ice cream shop?" I ask

"Oh because I came here with Bambam when I was sad yesterday" she said and I raised in eyebrow.

"Sad about what?" I ask. "Because I wanted you" she said and then realized what she said and stood up, I just look at her with a smirk.

"We s-should get g-going" She said and was going to leave the ice cream shop but I ran up to her.

"Wait" I said and she looked at me and I put my hand and hers and hooded it. "Now we can go" I said and she rolled her eyes playfully.

We walked hand in hand and went to a playground with a bunch of little kids she then laughed to herself again.

I laugh to myself again because this was the park I went to with Bambam yesterday when I was sad.

"Let me guess, your laughing because you spend yesterday with Bambam" he said and looked away. "How'd you know?" I said. "I don't know you guys just seem... close" he said and I can sense the Jealousy.

Since he had his face turned to the side I quickly kissed his cheek, and when he turned around to look at me I gave him a peck in the mouth.

I backed away and smiled "What was that for?" He asked. "I don't know your just cute when your Jealous, besides Bambam is that kind of brother that you want to punch but feel bad for doing it" I said.


"I wasn't J-Jealous, Anyways you were the first one to get jealous about me with other girls before we dated" he said and I gave him a nasty look.

"I hate you" I said and looked away "didn't you say you wanted me a few minutes ago" he said and when I look back at him he was so close to my face.

"Your so lucky I like you or you would have died right now" I said and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Suddenly I saw a little boy grab Jungkook's hand.

I felt a little bit grab my hand I look down at him and he was crying. I bent down to his level.

"Ahjussi I lost my mom" he said wiping his tears. "We'll do you know your mom's name?" I asked and he looked so confused. "Her name is mom" he said and I heard Lisa snicker in the back.

We ended up taking him to the playground security where his mom was. Once we finished with that I grabbed Lisa's hand again and we continued.

I look over at her and she was trying not to laugh and smile. "Let me guess another memory of you and__" She cut me off by dragging me somewhere.

We ended up in front of her house. "Why are we here?" I asked and she smiled and wrap her arms around me I smirk

I wrap my arm around his neck and right when I did he smirked and pulled me closer by my waist.

"Looking at you with kids makes me even more attracted to you right" I said and he smiled his cute bunny smile, but it all turned different when he looked back down at me with a... lustful look.

"So then why did you bring me to your house" he said and came closer to my face. "I w-wanted to kiss you n-not in f-front of kids" I said and pecked my lips.

It went from pecking to intense kissing and then a make out session, I don't know how I managed to open the door but I did, I wish I didn't thought it was a big mistake.

We both stop kissing and looked up

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