《School trip (Lk)》Chapter 14 Im sorry


I woke up not wanting to but I had to I lay flat on my bed I look around my room to realize..... Wait this isn't my room.

I shut up with my eyes open and here the sound of the shower turned on so the person might be inside. I look on the counter and there's hangover pills and water .

I take them because of the headache. Who took me home? COULD IT BE A GUY!?. I quickly look down into the covers to see if my clothes are still on and they were but they were different.

I then here the shower turn off I quickly pretend to go back to sleep. I heard the door open. "I know your awake sit up" The voice sounds like... "Jungkook?" I said and turned around to his half naked body in a towel.

I quickly cover my red glowing cheeks and turn away from his direction. "How'd you know I was awake?" I ask facing the wall. "The hangover medicine is open" he said and I facepalm myself for that.

"Oh my Unnie's might be worried" I said trying to find my phone with my eyes closed. "Don't worry I already told all three of them that your fine now change into the school uniform" he said and placed it next to me as I'm still not looking.

I then heard his bedroom door close so I can get changed. Is it just me or did Jungkook went back to he seems oddly cold.

I then got a text from Jungkook

Is he really going back to being a player why'd I even fall for him in the first place he's never going to change anyway.

I wipe of the tears that were going to fall an had to get dressed for school.

I entered school feeling like nothing, Jungkook if you were really a playboy then why'd you help me, was it just pity or__ someone interrupted my thoughts.


"LISA!!!" I look up and see my Unnie's hurdling towards me and hugging me. "Lisa are you ok you look..." Jisoo started but Jennie cut her off.

"You look dead what's going on" she said and I look behind them to see Jungkook talking with some random girl.

Tears threatening to fall out of my eyes but I tried to hold it back. My Unnie's seemed to notice because they turned around and understood.

"Lisa..." they started but I cut them off my running out of school crying feeling stupid for ever falling for him, things should just go to the way they were before when I was back in Thailand with Bambam.

I was sitting on my front porch tired and sick of everything. I should go for a walk to clear my mind. Before I can get up I got a text message from a Jungkook

I sigh and turn off my phone I need to clear my mind I hate you Jungkook.

I start walking to the park and see a familiar figure sitting on the swing. "Bam?" I said and he turned around with a smile. "What is my sweetie doing here on school hours" he said and I laugh "such a flirt." I say and sit on the swing next to him.

"You still haven't answered my question?" He said and turned to me as I kept looking forward. "I was tired of someone specifically" I said and he nodded.

"So why are you here?" I ask and he turned. "Tired of someone too" he said and I nodded. He suddenly jumped of the swing. "Come on Pranpriya lets go get ice cream since we both need to cheer up" he said I rolled my eyes.

"Fine if you stop calling me by my Thai name" I said and he bent down like a prince. "Shall we go get ice cream my lady" he said and I took his hand and stood up. "We shall" I said and we started skipping to our favorite ice cream place.


We both ordered our ice cream and sat down. "So how did you and meet" I said almost breaking my spoon saying it.

"He helped me get me and my girlfriend together even though I told him it was not his business and he kept wanting to help saying he was the love maker" I almost spit my ice cream out.

"That's so stupid" I said "That's what I said until one day Jungkook succeeded in making me dare her and I was thankful to him from there because since that day I'm still dating her" he said and I thought about what he said.

"Wait what's your girlfriend's name?" I ask "Tzuyu" he said and my mouth hung down. "But Jungkook went on a date with her" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah I know Jungkook asked me for permission to fake a date to make someone jealous" he said and I was shocked no wonder that day Jungkook didn't want to tell me anything.

"Bam bam I have to go" I said and ran out of the ice cream shop. Leaving him there.

It was the end of the day and I was going to leave till my Hyung's pinned me against the lockers mad. Because of me there girlfriends have been ignoring them all day.

"Jungkook What are you doing?" Hoseok asked me and I looked up at Yoongi who was the one who pinned me.

"You've been flirting with girls all day and because of that our girlfriends were ignoring us" Taehyung said clearly angry.

"It's not my fault they don't want to talk to you" I said and Yoongi slapped me in the face. "LISTEN THE ONLY REASON YOUR GOING AFTER GIRLS IF TO DISTRACT YOURSELF FROM THE FEELINGS YOU HAVE FOR LISA!!!" He yelled at me. "Hyung I think that's enough" Jimin said trying to pull him off but Suga shook days it off.

"Now Jungkook If you really are the Jungkook we know before the girls you will fix this and follow your feelings" Suga said and I look at all my Hyungs and hey nodded.

"Thanks guys I'm going to go find Lisa" I said and he let me go and I ran out of school searching for her until I see a brown haired girl on the other side of the streets looking around it's Lisa.

The signal then turned green so all the people can walk I ran towards her she saw me and stood frozen I then approached her.

"Can we__" "Jungkook I__"

We both spoke at the same time.

"Sorry you first" I said and signaled her to speak. "Jungkook I'm sorry if I showed you mix signals and I'm sorry you have to delay with me for two weeks" she talked very fast and kept looking down as I just stared at her.

"Lisa..." I said and she kept looking down I sigh and slowly approach her and lift her head back and pull her closer.

He made me look up at him I had tears in my eyes. "Can I kiss you?" He said and I stood frozen but nodded.

He leaned in and out his lips on mine I then closed my eyes and started kissing back I really hope this isn't a dream again. I wrap my arms around his neck his lips the. Parted from mine.

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