《School trip (Lk)》Chapter 8 Rain


Today the teacher canceled all our plans because the new said it was going to rain, but I don't believe that bullshit half of the time it never rains when they say it's Gonna.

"What are you doing today since it's free" I ask Jungkook as both of us put on our shoes. "I'm going on a date" he said. And I stopped putting on my shoes.

"Really with who?" I ask "Ummm Tzuyu I think it was her name" he said and I laughed. "Wow I feel bad for her" I said.

"YAH!!" He yells and I run out of the hotel room before he can get mad at me even further, and he ran after me.

We arrive down at the buffet to eat breakfast. "Wow for a girl who hurt her ankle yesterday you run pretty fast" he said and I looked down at my bandaged foot.

"Yeah I don't even know why I need this bandaged" I say and scoff. I then here our names being called it's my Unnie's and his Hyungs.

"OOOO LOOK LISKOOK IS REAL!!!" Jin said and blew a kiss at us. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"As if I have a date tonight" I said and sat down. "AYE WHAT'S SUPPOSE TO MEAN YOU'LL BE LUCKY IF YOU DO EVER DATE ME" Lisa said with her mouth filled with pancakes.

"Yah chew with your mouth close Nasty" Jisoo said. Lisa put up two finger hearts. "I love you two Unnie" I laughed at this because Jisoo Noona was staring at Jin embarrassed cause of Lisa's Behavior.

After we ate we all went back up to our rooms. Me and Lisa in the same room

F.O.R T.H.I.T.Y M.I.N.U.T.E.S.


Well that's until my date so it wouldn't be as bad. "Hey when is your date?" She ask as we each sat in our own bed.

"In thirty Minutes" I said and she sighed, Why did she sigh?

"Umm what happened is there a problem" I asked "Nothing you need to be concerned about".

"No it's fine please tell me" I said and she looked out the window. "Not that I care but I wish I had a boyfriend that will care for me" she said and when she said that it made me want to care for her.

I was going to say something but she cut me off "But anyways I think it's getting late you should be going on your date by now" she said and I checked my watch and nodded.

"Are you ok with being here alone" I ask her and she smiled clearly fake. "Yes go has fun" she said signaling for me to go.

After Jungkook left I sat in this room very bored for 20 minutes trying to have fun but nothing worked.

I'll just go walk near the beach, I agreed to that plan and started putting in my shoes and I don't need a jacket because it seams pretty hot outside.

No one was here so it made it feel more peaceful. Why did I just expose myself to Jungkook. I said ruffling my hair.

As I was walking Rain started to come down, and later on it was pouring like crazy. I didn't care though it's not like anyone cared.

I sat down on rock and just let myself get wet. I sigh my thoughts were I interrupted by no rain falling on my head.

I look up and see an umbrella being hold by


"Let's go back to the room" he said in a serious tone, did his date not go well?.


I got up and went under the umbrella but I can see that Jungkook's arm is getting wet. "Jungkook come in more you're getting wet" I said but he shook his head no.

"If we do that then you'll get wet" he said and I laughed. "I'm already wet" I said but he remains with the same serious face.

"Ummm not to be nosy but did your date not go well?" I asked and he looked at me and stopped in his steps.

I can tell that he didn't want to tell me anything. "Umm Nevermind It doesn't matter" I said and we continued walking.

The whole way there was silent I mean he looked already annoyed by my talking and he wasn't going to say anything back.

We entered the room "I'm going to go take a shower" I said and went into the bathroom .

I sat on the bed and got dressed for bed, because I take morning showers. I would have told Lisa what actually happened but I can't tell her.

She got out of the shower in her pajamas and she sat on her bed and brushed her hair not saying a word.

I guess this has to do with me not telling her. "I'm going to sleep now goodnight" she said I'm a sad but angry tone.

I sighed I guess I'll tell her tomorrow when she's in a better mood to talk. I laid down and tried to sleep but couldn't.

30 minutes have passed but nothing worked when I tried to sleep. My thoughts were interrupted by Lisa screaming help me.

Is she dreaming she yelled it again and I went up to her and she had her eyes closed and was sweating. "Lisa wake up" I sat on her bed.I shook her a little and she woke up.

When she woke up she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me "Thank you" she said and I got confused.

She let go of me and we looked each other in the eyes. "For not giving up on me.....yet" that last word hurt me what does she mean Yet.

Lalisa Manoban What are you doing to me?

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