《School trip (Lk)》Chapter 7 Ankle


I was planning on sleeping in today but just like yesterday I woke up to the sound of a knock on our door.

I got up and opened it and it was Tzuyu "Hi Tzuyu" I said and she waved. "I need to clean your room and here your teacher told me to hand these out and said your team Green" she said and I was confused

"Team Green?" I said and she nodded. "What do you mean?" I said "So each of you guys have a team color and yours is green" she said.

"Hi Tzuyu" a voice in back of me said it was Jungkook. "Hi Jungkook" she said and waved and smiled.

First of all when they did even have time to meet each other.

I took the clothes from her hand and I gave Jungkook his clothes. "Here we have to wear these the project for school starts today" I said and went to the bathroom.

We're all lined up in rows starting with us green team. "Ok students your goal is too go into the woods and find these objects" Our teacher said handing us a little piece of paper with 3 objects on them.

"Good luck Lalisa FIGHTING!!!" I heard Rosè whisper over to her. I then felt a tap on my shoulder "Kook Make sure not to make out with anyone today" Namjoon whispered in my ear. I slapped him playfully.

"YAH COME HERE NOW WE SOUDNT SOCIALIZE WITH OUR ENEMIES!!!" Suga yelled and grabbed him by the ear.

"ON YOUR MARK GET SET.... GO!!!" She blew the whistle and me and Lisa went running. We ran faster I didn't realize this but we're both competitive.

After a while we got tired and stopped running. "You check there and I'll check over here" she nodded and we separated.

I was walking and I heard a yell or was a shriek I don't know what it was but it sounded like Lisa. I ran over in her direction and saw her on the floor.


"Get up" I said and instead of her getting up she put her hand in the pile of mud that made her trip.

She pulled an object with a string wrapped around it saying green team "Yes found the first object" she said.

"Ewww why would you put your hand in mud" I said. "Stop acting like you haven't seen anything dirty and pass a napkin or towel anything that will clean my arm."

I reached into my backpack and took out 3 napkins. "Here let's get going if we want to beat the other teams" I said and we kept walking.

We found two items already and we have been walking for hours trying to find the third.

"Ugh we've been walking for hourssssss" I said stoping and sitting on a log. "Stop complaining your just like Yoongi when he wants to sleep" Jungkook said sitting down on the log across from me.

I looked up at the sky but Doing so I saw our last object in a tree. "AHH THERE IT IS!!!" I said getting up Jungkook got startled.

"Don't scare me like that woman" he said holding on to his chest. "Stop it drama queen help me up" I said and he shook his head no.

"I'm not helping you hurt yourself and___" I ignored him and started climbing the tree. "Almost there" I said reaching for the box. But I tried to hard because once I got it I fell from the tree.

Lisa feel from the tree with the object in her hand and started crying.


I ran over to her and she was non-stop crying. "Lisa are you ok, where does it hurt?" I said and she kept on crying and she pointed to her ankle.

Shit what do I do we found all the objects and it's getting late. "Forgive me Lisa you can punch me later" I said and picked her up and put her on my back.


I was walking with her screaming in my ear. "Yah Lisa I need you to calm down please" I said and she lowered down her crying.

I started to hum as a habit and it looked like it made Lisa become quite. She was listening to me hum. "You know for a playboy you have a really nice voice" she said.

"Well looks who's back" I said and rolled my eyes. "No really Jungkook you have a nice voice" she said and chuckled.

"Do you think you fractured your ankle?" I asked her. "I don't think so I think I just hurt it really bad" she said and I nodded.

We finally made it back to the hotel where everyone was already there. They all ran over to us.

"Lisa, Jungkook What happened?!"

"Lisa are you ok?"

"Wow Jungkook must be really strong"

I laid Lisa down on the floor Jin approached me and patted my back. "I thought you Well my son" he said and laugh.

"Yah Jungkook What happened in the woods" V asked "Nothing Lisa just hurt her ankle" I said. "Come on tell us the TEA!" Jhope yelled.

"They were probably making out to hard" we all stop talking and turn to Yoongi who was smirking.

"Yah Hyung stop" I said and I was blushing. "HAHAHAH look Kook is blushing" Jimin said and all my hyungs started laughing.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Lisa who was talking with her Unnie's

"WAIT So you're telling me that you fell from a tree" Jisoo said and I nodded my head afraid of what she would do.

"You're lucky you're in pain or else I'll attack" she said. "Forget that Unnie are you saying that JUNGCOCK OR JERKOOK IS A GOOD SINGER!!!" Chaeyoung yelled.

She bend down to my level "tell me Lalisa is he better than me?" She said and I poked her chipmunk cheeks. "No ones a better singer than my wife" I said and she smiled.

Jungkook then walked over to us "Ready to go Lisa?" He said and I was confused. "Go where?" I asked.

"To our room dummy how would you get there" he said and picked me and put me on his back.

I look over at my Unnie's and Chae has a Jealous face, Jisoo looks like she's about to choke the life out of him, and Jennie has a smirk.

"You better take care of her" Chae said giving Jungkook a death stare. "Don't try any___" She was cut off when Jennie covered her mouth.

"Just have fun kids" she said "Use protection" Jennie said and I facepalmed myself.

We we're in the elevator and I couldn't help myself Jungkook's hair looks so soft. I did a very light touch, but he eventually found out.

"Are you playing with my hair?" He asked "w-hat n-o" I said and he laughed. "Continue it feels nice" he said and I did.

"HAHAHAH" I burst out laughing the way I made his hair

"What happened?" He said and we got off the elevator. "Your hair!!!" I said couldn't stop laughing.

"What about it?" He asked "you look so cute" I said and then I stopped laughing realizing what I said. "Wow Lalisa Manoban called me cute" I heard him say even though I can't see his face I can tell he's smirking.


"It's ok Lisa I think you're cute too" he said and the feeling I felt when he said that

What is this feeling?

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