《School trip (Lk)》Chapter 6 Becah


I woke up this morning to the sound of a knock on the hotel room door. I got up to go get it Jungkook was still sleeping.

"Hi I'm the maid and I need you guys to leave a while so I can clean, Sunbae" she said and bowed I bowed back.

"No need to be formal you can call me Lisa, what's your name" I ask "I'm Tzuyu" she said and smiled. Jungkook then woke up "I'm so tired" he said walking over with messy hair I tried not to laugh.

"Umm Jungkook we have to get out of the room Tzuyu is going to clean it" I said. "Tzuyu?" He asked

"Umm yeah hi that's me you guys have to get out before I get in trouble" she said and me and Jungkook told her to wait two minutes so we can get changed.

"It was nice meeting you Tzuyu" I said "you too Lisa hope we can hang out" she said and she went inside our room.

"Are we going to get breakfast or not?" Jungkook says annoyed. "Stop whining your making my ears bleed" I said and we both walked to the buffet.

"LISA!!!" My unnies called me.

They called Lisa over and they were sitting with my hyungs. When the hell they start hanging out?.

I went and sat down next to Jin and Lisa sat down next Yoongi. "STUDENTS!!!" We look to the side and our teacher is getting our attention.

Today we decided since we just came to his hotel, it will be good to give you guy a free day."

Everyone In the crowd cheered including me. I looked over to see my Hyungs and her Unnie's looking at each other. "BEACH DAY!!!" They all yell Yoongi was sleeping on Lisa's Shoulder not paying any mind to what happened.


Me and Jungkook went up to the hotel room first to get changed for the beach. When we entered everything was cleaned, wow Tzuyu did a good job.

"You go first" Jungkook said and I nodded. I grabbed my swimsuit and ran to the bathroom.

Even though I brought bikinis I'm going to do a one piece because having a boy as your roommate. And that is a reason why it will be a bad idea to walk out in a bikini

I just finished putting my shorts on and at the same time Lisa came out wearing a one piece swimsuit that made her look hot.

She was trying to cover her body as much as possible but I saw everything there was no point. "Wow Lisa your so bad" I said and winked at her as she stuck out her tongue.

"Shut up Jeon let's get going" I can see her trying to avoid eye contact and from the corner I can see her blushing.

I look down at my abs "Is this the reason why your not looking at me" I said with a smirk and she facepalmed herself.

"YAH let's go there probably waiting for us" she said already heading out the door I laugh at her flustered side.

We walked onto the beach and we saw her Unnie's and my Hyungs waving at us to go over there.

"Yay you guys finally made it" Jisoo said clapping her hands. "Took you about time" Yoongi said on the side with an irritated voice.

What's his problem?

What I didn't notice was Jennie and Tae are holding hands. What happened that we didn't know. I pulled Lisa back.

"I told you" I said she rolled her eyes "you told me many things be specific" she said and I groaned.


"About Jennie and Tae" I said and she looked over at them and they were holding hands her eyes widened.

I sat down on the chairs and just watched everyone play. "You not going to play?" Chae was to my side.

"Umm probably not" I said rubbing the back of my neck. "Come on" she said getting up and reaching out her hand so I can take it.

I took it and we we're going to the water until. "Oh I forgot something I'll be right back" she said and went back.

"Hey" Jungkook said and I turned around to face him and his wet hair. Shit he looks hot turn away Lisa don't look.

I turn my face away "Doll I can still see you blushing" he said and I faced him. "Doll?" I said and he laughed. "Let's go into the water come on" he said and I nod unsure.

I dip half of my foot into the water and it's really cold. "Come on get in" Jungkook said already in the water.

I shake my head no and he smirks and go's to me. He picks me up "JEON JUNGKOOK IF YOU DON'T___" I got cut off when he threw me into the water.

I rubbed the water out of my eyes, and there he was laughing like a little boy. "I swear Jungkook when I get to you__" I said going near him.

"Then I won't let you go near me" he laughed and started swimming away. I swam after him, after a while of me trying to get my revenge it turned into fun.

And all day we talked and chased each other and splashed each other.

Finally after a whole day of fun my Hyungs and I went into Taehyungs room. We we're going to have bro night While in the other room the girls have Girls night.

"Everyone gather in a circle we're going to play Truth or Truth" Jin said and we all sat in a circle confused.

"Isn't it Truth or dare?" Namjoon said and Jin shushed him. "I know but Truth or Dare always leads to problems remember last time we played just us boys Yoongi was chasing Jhope with a Knife" Jin said.

Hoseok looked taken back "why did you guys ever give me the dare to wake him up from his sleep" Hoseok said and we all just laughed.

"Ok I want to go first Taehyung said and he looked at all of us" his eyes then landed on me.

"Ok Truth or Truth Jungkook?" He said "Umm Truth cause is the only option" I said and he was thinking.

"Have your eyes on any girls right now" He asked and I was going to say the first person to come to mind Lisa but if I said that they will tell her right away

So I thought for a moment if I know any other girls

"Yes I do her name is Tzuyu"

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