《School trip (Lk)》Chapter 5 The dare


I smile at everyone and sit in the circle to end my awkwardness. "I want to go first" Jhope yells I started to feel uncomfortable. Jennie and Taehyung are too close.

Wow I never seen Jennie smile this much is something going on with them?

I look over at Chae and gave her 'the what's going on look?' She just shrugged her shoulders also confused.

"Ok truth or dare JIMIN!" Jhope yells "Truth" he said "is it true that your GAY!"He says. "JUNG HOSEOK!!!" Jin yells acting like a mother I chuckle under my breath, he's kinda like Jisoo.

I look over at Jungkook who's laughing hard. I never seen him smile this much I guess he really loves his Hyungs.

"LISA!!!" Jimin called on me that got me startled. "Y-es?" I say nervous. "Truth Or dare" he said and I groaned in annoyance.

Jisoo is across from me and she's looking at me like I better not fuck this up.

"Dare" I sat with confidence not wanting to sound like a coward.

Jimin's eyes we're looking around the room to find something for Lisa to do as a dare. Sadly his eyes landed on me and he smirked.

I gave him the 'don't think about it' look but he had to pick me.

"Lisa your Dare is for you and Jungkook to go inside that closet and stay there for 5 minutes". NO I HATE YOU JIMIN.

"Wouldn't that be 7 minutes in heaven" she says. "No 7 minutes in heaven is you have to make out for seven minutes" Namjoon said. "You guys can if you want too" Yoongi said and I shake my head roughly.

We went in the closet and we both sat on either side so there would be a lot of space between us. "Sooo..." I started it off but when I look over at her she looks worried.


"You ok?" I ask her she then looks at me. "What if there ghost in this closet?" She says and I laugh underneath my breath.

"Wow your scared" I said and she got mad "Yah shut up!!!" I laugh. "See I just made you forget" I said and "IF I FORGOT THEN WHY DID YOU JUST REMIND ME!!!" She whisper yells.

A hanger then fell and hit her head and she thought that it was something else and jump and started to tear up. Oh no I don't deal well with people crying.

"No d-on't cry" I said trying to calm her and obviously is not working. "Ughh I can't believe I'm doing this" I said and sat next to her and pulled her onto my chest.

"What a-re you d-oing?" She ask "stop crying" I said and I just keep holding on to her. She looks up at me in the eye and I look down at her.

"AYE MAKNAES YOUR DONE GET OUT!!!" They yell from outside.

Me and Jungkook then separate fast from each other and head out the door

When me and Jungkook I see Jisoo Chasing Jimin with a fork and Jin running after her. Me and Jungkook look at them then at each other and we just laugh.

I go and sit next to Chae who's sitting on my bed with a shocked face. "Hey Chae" I said waving a hand in her face she still didn't respond.

"YAH PARK CHAEYOUNG" I yell and she turns to me. "What happened?" I ask and she went close to my ear to whisper.

"Jimin was dared to do a handstand and when he fell to the ground he landed on top of me and our lips touched" she said.

"Wow so you cheated on me Rosè" I said and she laughed. "I can say the same about you cheating on me with Jungkook" she said and I rolled my eyes.


"I heard the moans in the closet" she said "those were tear" I said correcting her. "So why is Jungkook's shirt more wrinkly than it was before?" She did smirking once again.

"I was using him as a stress ball" I said and she sighed. "Well I guess Liskook will never happen" she said and I scoff "for now it's just Chaelisa" I said and we both laughed.

Someone then knocks on the door "it's open!" Jungkook yells our teacher walked in "it's getting late, you all should return back to your hotel rooms" she said.

Everyone started walking out the door saying goodbye to both me and Jungkook.

"So you know the reason Jisoo Noona was chasing Jimin with a fork?" Jungkook asked as we both started getting tucked in our own beds.

"Omg Yeah Jimin tried to do a handstand and landed on top of her and there faces touched" I said "wait if it was Rosè the one he kissed then why wasn't She the one to Chase him." He asked.

"Because Jisoo is like our mother of the group, boy if it was Jennie getting kissed Soemone would've died today, but I guess she showed mercy" he laughed dammm he looks nice when he laughs.

"Oh it's getting late we should sleep we don't want to look weak tomorrow" he said and I rolled my eyes



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