《School trip (Lk)》Chpater 1 First immresion


I transferred to Korea after learning Korean, I didn't travel alone I traveled with my best friend BamBam.

Today I'm attending a high school called 'Arts high school'. I'm so happy. I put all my stuff in my backpack ready to leave my house

I then got a notification on my phone

Lisa hurry up I'm outside


Chae became my friend when I came to Korea. We've been through everything together ever since, we got hired to work at a Cafè together, and we got fired together and we became friends since then.

I came out of my house and I see Chae waiting. "Finally" She said checking her watch.

"Sorry I was...Pooping" I said making an excuse. "I didn't ask but ok" She Said making a disgusted face I just laugh.

We started walking to school. "Love your first day of school outfit Lali" she said. I was wearing Black shorts and a off the shoulders shirt that was pink.

"Blackpink I like it" she said (ok sorry I'll stop😂) I laugh. "What are you most excited about?" I ask her.

"Education and boys" she said and I just nod even though I don't care about the boys. "Oh by the way since your new there's these boys in our school there kinda like..kings" she said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Kings?" I said confused "yep there all playboys too" she said and I rolled my eyes. I hate playboys and how they just play with girls feelings.

We then are at the front of the school gates. "OVER HERE!!!" We heard and saw Jennie and Jisoo waving to us, and we walk to them.

I met Jennie at a mall while I was looking which shirt looked best on me and she just kinda popped out of no where and helped.

I met Jisoo by dog sitting her dog Dalgom. That dog fucking hates my guts.

"Hey you guys ready?" Jisoo said kinda nervous. "Hell yeah I am" I said and Chae agreed, and we both looked at Jennie who's silent.


"Unnie?" Chae said waving a hand in her face. She snapped out of it "There coming" she pointed to seven boys walking closer to us.

"Ok Holy shit what do we do" Jisoo said panicking as the came closer to us. "Run?" Chae suggested. They all ran and I was left there confused.

I then felt someone past by me making me fall to the ground making my shorts dirty I look up to find the man Just continue walking.

"Yah watch where your going next time" I yell and the guy turned around along with his six other friends I can feel people gasp at my sudden move.

"What did you say?" The guy looked angry ok this seems like the best time to run. I ran inside the school before something went down.

Ok time to continue the day I looked at my first period class and walked to the room.

I enter and I see some kids there I go in sit down at an empty seat.

"Ok students let's begin" The teacher and in and so did that asshole I met outside. I clenched my first but at the same time the teachers eyes landed on me.

"Oh right students we have a new transfer student from Thailand, can you please stand up" she said and I stood up. "Hello my name is Lalisa Manoban, But you can call me Lisa please take care of me" I said and bowed.

"Students I wanted to warn you that we'll be going on a class trip very soon". Every celebrated "But you'll have to do a project on the trip" she said and the class groaned.

I got up from my seat packing up all my stuff as everyone started leaving the room. Slinged my bag over one shoulder and walked out of the classroom.

I walked into the cafeteria where I see my Unnie's sitting with the 6 guys and the one other guy I never wanted to see.

I walked to them and smiled and sat next to Jennie.


"What are they doing here" I whisper in her ear.

"I honestly don't know" she said and I nod my head and face foward.

My eyes looked at all 7 guys my eyes landed on asshole who was looking at me. I rolled my eyes and looked forward.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I said out of nowhere And Jisoo looked like she wanted to slap me.

"You we're sitting in our table" a guy with blond hair said. "But we didn't mind because we saw 4 very hot girls" a guy with black hair said.

"Well since this your table we might as well leave" I said getting up signaling my Unnie's to get up as well and they did.

Like that we walked off to another table ignoring the stares the guys are giving us from the back. How can they be kings of the school when they don't know how to answer to me.

We sat at a table "sorry guys I'll be back" I said getting up. "Where are you going?" Jisoo asked me. "The bathroom you guys want to follow me there" I said and they all looked at me nasty.

As I was walking to the bathroom I see a guy laying near there injured. I ran up to him to see if I can help. And once again it's the asshole from this morning just why do we always have to cross paths.

"Are you ok?" I said crouching down. He was holding onto his stomach and he had a black eye. "Shut up" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"We should get you to the nurse" I said trying to help him put he pulled me closer to his face. "Thanks doll but no thanks" he said with a smirk I just back away.


"You shut up let me help you asshole" I said swinging his arm around my shoulder and getting up. I can feel his biceps around my neck.

Man this guy works out.

He was holding onto his stomach with one hand. We finally made it to the nurses office, but she wasn't there I sighed.

"I forgot to tell you it's the nurse lunch period too" he said and I slapped his shoulder. "YAH SO YOU MADE ME WALK ALL THAT FOR NOTHING!!" I said and he laughed.

Damm his laugh is cute he should laugh more.

"Why don't you just treat my wounds?" He said with a smirk. "Sure" I said getting a wet towel to place on his wounds.

"I need you to lift up your shirt up asshole" I said and he did. Holy shit is that even a stomach it's so muscular.

"Doll If you don't close your mouth a fly is going to fly in" he said and I didn't even know I had my mouth open.

I put the towel on his stomach I can here him hold in his pain. Once I was done with his stomach I needed to do his eye.

"I need to do your eye come closer" I said and I see the tips of his ears turn pink. I slowly tapped his eye with the towel.

"How'd you even get into a fight" I said and his eyes suddenly turned dark. "It's none of your business" he said and I darken my eyes. "Then there's no point in me helping you if I don't know the reason" I got up and threw the towel in his face.

I got up and walked to the door "Are you seriously going just do that?" He said and I turn around and I can see he's mad. "Just watch me" I said and walked out leaving him there.

Hey guys I'm getting more shittier at writing but hope you read this book, and comment down below if you have ideas.

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