《The 1975 Imagines》Spiked - Matty


You wanted nothing more than your bed.

It was late, you had been at work all day and had completely forgotten that you agreed to go to a party with your best friend.

She had been invited by a boy she'd been blabbering on about for weeks and wouldn't have ever forgiven you if you cancelled. You had to travel to her house around an hour away and drop your things off for the night, so there was no escape home either.

So, here you are. A large, dark room packed with sweaty bodies, it stank of alcohol and body odour and you just wanted to close your eyes and sleep. You had been chatted up by several randoms, all pushing their bodies towards yours and asking the same generic questions.

It was easier to go along with it, you found. Denying them of chat only hurts their ego, so giving them some satisfaction of a response would lead to a smoother sailing evening.

Apart from one. He was instantly overconfident, a red flag in your eyes. He grabbed your waist hard, leaving a bruise for sure, and shouted loudly in your ear. You could feel his saliva land on your face as he yelled slurred words towards you. You politely attempted to leave the crowd before he began to follow you, giving up once he took the hint, or so you presumed.

The strobe lights were accompanying the loud music in giving you a piercing headache, the movement of people all around you causing your body to feel unattached from your mind. You had never felt so spaced out in your entire life, the feel of the music worsening the sensations. You felt clammy, cold, overall disgusting.

Taking a step outside, the cold air helped to settle your stomach but the clammy feelings remain. The dazed feeling was worsening and you feel more tired than ever, slumping your freezing body against

the wall as you feel your eyelids close.

'Oi. Helloooo. Wake up.' You hear an unfamiliar voice shout at you.

You stir and blink as you examine what's in front of you.

A man you'd never met was crouched beside you, waving his hand in front of your face and shining a light in your face.

'Are you alright?' He asks.

You couldn't remember how to reply, your brain couldn't register his face well enough to make out any features but you discover you can move your limbs. You lift your arm and rest it on his, hoping and praying he'd understand your cry for help.


You're completely out of it, your body feels like it's on fire, everything's dark.

You lurch forwards suddenly and you feel everything you had consumed in the last day make its way out, confirmed by the gut wrenching sound of the vomit as it hit the floor, as well as the stranger who was trying his best to help you.

'I'm... so... sorry.' You manage to whisper as you see him grumble and wipe himself down before tutting and pulling you off of the floor.

You hear another voice coming from behind him as the door next to you opens.

'Hey Matty. Out here for a cig?' He asks before looking at you. 'Oh. Is she alright?'

The guy who's been with you for a while now mumbles something in response, you only pick up on a few sentences as he rants to his friend.

'Out of her system now... drink spiked probably... that guy who's been following girls around... nearest hospital.'

You focus on his words as you feel your body slip back into the darkness you felt earlier, the voices becoming more muffled and distant as you heavily sank into the ground yet again.

'Oi, oi, oi girl. Stay awake.' You hear as you slip back into your previous state of unconsciousness.

You've never been more confused, there are people surrounding you, someone holding your hand. You look and recognise the kind stranger from earlier, soothing you by rubbing your back and squeezing your hand as nurses tend to you, however you're not sure what for.

He gives you a small glass of water and helps you drink it as you attempt to piece together the previous events. He notices your confused expression and takes a seat next to your hospital bed.

'Hi, Y/N. I'm not sure how much you remember of last night but you were knocked out for most of it.' He starts.

'Um, yeah. I don't know what happened. And I don't know who you are.' You reply.

He laughs.

'Well, my name's Matty. I was at the same party you were at last night, where you were roofied. I caught you as you were about to pass out in the smoking area. You managed to puke up everything in your stomach so you won't be hurt in the long term.' He explains.

Wow. You were drugged, and you knew exactly who by.


'Oh, I see.' You reply. 'Thank you so much for helping me.'

He smiles warmly and gives your hand a squeeze.

'I know who did it. I know his face.' You say.

'Don't stress about that, he was caught last night. Did it to four other girls.' He replies.

Your jaw drops, what a pig.

You take this time to evaluate the man in front of you, the man who saved your life. He wore bright clothing, presumably the same outfit as last night, which contrasted against his jet black hair. It fell softly into ringlets, brushed back as he ran his fingers through it. He had kind eyes, and despite the growing bags around them you could tell they reflected on his personality.

'When can I leave?' You ask.

'I'm pretty sure you're all okay to go when you're ready, but take it easy. You need to chill out for a couple of days but not necessarily here. I brought you a top and some joggers of mine so you don't need to get back in your sick covered clothes.'

You look around you, seeing nothing but a plain hospital room and instantly feel an urge to leave as soon as possible.

'I can just leave?' You ask.

'I mean, yeah. But take it slow. You don't want to-' He begins to reply as you stand up and grab the fresh clothes before rushing into the bathroom.

Hospitals had always freaked you out, the idea of them was so sadistic and you hated being in them. Knowing you could just leave was too tempting, so you throw on the clothes Matty had brought and laugh at how badly they fit, before heading back in to the room.

Matty is stood by the window as he joins you in laughing at your appearance.

'I know you want to be sensible because I basically died last night but I really want to leave.' You plead.

'Alright, hang on. I'm just gonna check it's actually fine and let them know you're leaving.' He responds.

He returns soon enough, smiling in order to indicate you could leave as he picked up your belongings and followed you out.

You soon realise you have no clue where you are, how you got here or where you're going. You hadn't heard anything from your friend who was probably too busy with her new friend to even notice you had disappeared.

'My cars over there. You can crash at mine as long as you need.' Matty calls from behind you before throwing you the keys.

'And what will you be doing?' You respond.

He says nothing in response, but pulls out a cigarette from his bag and lights it, right outside the hospital.

'Smoking kills.' You joke.

'Fuck off.'

The drive home is short and silent, but comfortable. He lets you into his place before throwing down both yours and his things as you stand there awkwardly.

'You want to sleep?' He asks.

'Not really. It's all I've been doing for the past day.' You respond.

'Fair enough then.' He replies as he leads you to the sofa and pulls you next to him as he flicks through the channels for something to watch.

'Hey.' You speak softly as he turns to you. 'Thank you for saving me.'

You notice something else about him now you're at such a short proximity - his lips. They're so pigmented, they look soft despite being so chapped. He notices your gaze and catches your eye before reaching his hand up to your cheek and bringing your face close to his.

You were right. His lips are incredibly soft and work wonders against yours. He deepens the kiss as he pulls you onto his lap and uses his hands to work against your body. Your body fits perfectly within his as you fall back onto the sofa, not breaking the kiss as you find your body on top of his.

You feel him smile against you as you pull away from his face, however hard it may be you realise how shattered you really are.

'I must be a saint, kissing you after you threw up all over me.' He jokingly mutters.

You laugh into his chest as you're consumed in embarrassment but quickly reassured as he senses your rush of grogginess, wrapping his arms around your body protectively.

He hums a short melody as you feel yourself slip away into a deep sleep, and for the first time in 24 hours you know you are safe, in the arms of the kind stranger who saved your life.

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