《The 1975 Imagines》Best Friend's Brother - George


You and your best friend had known each other since pre-school.

There wasn't a day where you wouldn't see each other, and more than a certain amount of time apart meant that there were FaceTime calls and numerous snapchats sent back and forth. Amy was always there for you, and you for her. You and her were inseparable, and had never had a serious argument. There wasn't anything for you to disagree on, anyways.

Other than just one thing.


Her older brother, three school years above the pair of you. He was in a band, a band that was slowly becoming more and more well known, which was strange for you, growing up with four boys who played small gigs ranging from just you and Amy to a crowd in a pub. George always treated you the same as he treated Amy, teasing you like a sister and being at your side when you needed him. He knew your relationship with your family was strained, being an only child meant that your parents had extremely high expectations and had sanctions for when they weren't met. That's what drove you and Amy closer, the fact you were always at their house. It also helped the relationship between you and George blossom, from strangers to acquaintances to friends - nothing more, however. You wouldn't dare throw away all those years with Amy for a fling with her stupid, yet incredibly handsome, older brother.

It didn't matter even if you would, as the boy had never shown any interest in you. He wasn't a player, he didn't have a girlfriend and never publicly had one ever, which was always strange, you thought, as his best friends often had girlfriends, or flings, or were taking advantage of the attention that came with the band. George, however, never took to the attention and wouldn't ever be seen with a girl by his side, by his choice, anyway. Of course they threw themselves at him - who wouldn't? However, he never seemed interested.


You were often invited to parties by George, either through Amy or directly from him or one of the other boys. You found yourself being treated specifically well by George's best friend, Matty, one New Years Eve party. You'd both had a lot to drink and you felt like complimenting Matty on the success of his band. He took well to the compliment and made his move, before being rejected by a wasted version of yourself.

'It's for the best.' You remember telling yourself. One drunken mistake will open up a massive can of worms.

What you do remember very distinctively from that night is the scowling pair of eyes you felt lay upon you as Matty glided his hand up your leg, coming from none other than George. He sat on a sofa, slowly moving away from a girl who was trying her best to get his attention. He was having none of it, and instead decided to focus his attention on you. As a drunk Matty got upset and defensive over your rejection, George came to your aid and calmed him down, reminding him of who you were and who he was, and what he shouldn't be doing. Matty had apologised and found someone else to seduce. George, however, stayed by your side. Sitting down next to you, he apologised, you weren't sure what for. He moved closer, his arm running along the back of the sofa, his forearm by your head. His other hand found its way to your thigh, his thumb running circles on the inside. You, however, were too drunk to realise what it all meant and thanked him sternly for helping calm Matty down. You felt sick and slightly shaken after Matty's embarrassment meltdown and stood up slowly. You said goodnight to a disappointed George, which you didn't see yourself, and took yourself home to bed.

The last thought before you went to bed of 'Did I make that all up?' was the last time you remembered anything of that night for a while, and George's attempt wasn't brought up in public, ever.


In the present day, things were the same as they'd always been. You often fell asleep and woke up at the Daniel house, sometimes even when Amy was out, seeing her boyfriend or doing extra curricular. It was the normal routine.

You wake up early one morning, too early. The clock reads 6.40am, too late to be able to get anymore rest. You pull off the covers and, still in your pyjamas, head downstairs to make coffee.

You're greated by George, who had beaten you to the kitchen, however in just his Calvin's. You marvel at his artwork of tattoos that plaster his arms and torso, and he catches you staring.

'Morning sunshine.' He laughs sarcastically.

You groan in response and slump towards the coffee machine.

'I heard you get up. I made you one already.' He states.

Surprised, you look over at the table and there was a coffee sat waiting for you.

'Oh.' You reply. 'Thank you.'

He smiles in response and joins you at the table.

It doesn't take long for you to realise that you are the only people in the house. Amy's parents were away for their anniversary and Amy was god knows where, leaving just the two of you, alone.

As you're chatting to George you realise just how attractive he really is. His hair fell down in perfect curls and his skin was smooth, doting small freckles on his face and neck. His eyes were gazing at you as you examined his lips, plump and red, and his tattoos just improved everything. He noticed your staring and raised an eyebrow.

'Hmm?' You question.

'Nothing.' He smirks. 'You have any plans for today?'

You shake your head. You had planned to sleep in til late afternoon but that went out the window.

You put your coffee cup in the sink and walk over to the couch, flicking through the channels before George joins you, his thigh pressing against yours.

You're still indecisive about what to watch when you feel his warm hand graze against your leg, shocking you with a rush of nostalgia as you remember his advances at the party. Much like the time before, his thumb begins to create shapes against your cold skin and you're afraid to meet his eyes as you know what would happen afterwards, which you couldn't allow. Your self control, however, goes out the window as you run your eyes up his body, past his neck, past his mouth, past his nose and then finally connecting with his. They look at you with desire, he nods for permission and you smile in response.

He smiles back. Then, after grabbing your face, he kisses you. The kiss is deep, passionate and meaningful, and nothing had ever felt so right. Your faces and bodies moved together as one, it felt as though a relief of tension had been let out, that this was what was meant to be happening.

Not breaking the kiss, George stands up, bringing you with him, wrapped around his large body, you felt tiny. He supports you and kicks open the door to his room.

'George.' You stop him. 'What are we doing? What if Amy comes home?'

'I promise you.' He replies. 'She is out all day. What were are doing is what I have been hoping would happen since basically forever, and we can keep it a secret.'

You felt like you were between a rock and a hard place - everything with George felt so right yet so wrong, Amy was your best friend.

You look back at George, who was patiently hovering over you, still just in his Calvin's, waiting for you to craft a response.

'Our little secret'. You reply.

He smiles as he kisses you again.

'Our little secret' He mumbles into your mouth as you start to undress.

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