《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》1975.


"You ready?" Will asks while I quickly pull my hair into a low bun.

"Yeah, I'm ready." I whisper and take Will's hand.

Together, the 2 of us and the bump walked down the street to the White House pub, where I first met not only David, but Will as well.

"Hang on." I puff and stop in the middle of the pavement and lean on the wall.

"What's wrong?" Will asks leaning by me.

People were busy running into pubs and bars all around Brixton, Larry must've loved David a lot to close his pub for him on New Years Eve.

It felt odd that I was 6 months pregnant at the age of 19, while all my friends got drunk making some horrid last mistake before the New Year. But strangely, I didn't mind that I was pregnant...

David and I had spoke daily, he said he had so much to tell me, news I couldn't wait to hear.

"Sorry, I just needed to stop for a minute..." I breathe.

"Is everything ok Ros?" Will asks worriedly.

"Yeah, just got cramp."

And we slowly start moving again.

Walking down that pavement made me think of so many memories, moving to Brixton, getting kicked out of uni, running from Kevin, meeting Bowie, writing a with Bowie, meeting Will...

"Hang on, I want to go and see something."

I pull on Will's arm, and instead of turning right, I turn left. Will doesn't even object and just walks with me.

I stop at the famous wall with David's face on. I rub my tummy and smile at it. "Will you please tell me what you're calling the baby?" Will pleads aggravated.

"No, not yet." I whisper seeing my breath attack the cold air.

"Some year, huh?" Will puts his arm around me to keep me warm under my coat, and I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, it's been eventful..." I mutter then take a deep sigh.

"So why did you bring us here?"

"I always used to come here. Just to take my mind off of things." I take my head off of his shoulder and waddle towards the wall. "I could stand here for I press my hand against the wall and get a shock at how cold it is. "I used to talk to him." I smooth my hand over the paintings face and smile.

" to it?" Will asks amused.

"Well, that was before I met him." I giggle to myself. "It's just odd, to think this time 12 months ago, I was at home with mum and dad, just a . Now, now I'm-"

"His." Will bluntly puts.

I turn around, we just look at each other, longingly.

I wanted to love William like I loved David. But my love for David was so effortless and sometimes my love for Will was pushed.

"We should go, we don't want to be late." Will sniffs breaking the awkwardness.


"Yeah..." I take his arm and lean on him for support. "I just need to sit down soon..."


Once at the pub, not a huge amount of people were there, a small stage had been made and a microphone stand was on top of it. I barely recognised any faces but I was glad to see my usual bar stool.

"Blimey lass!" Larry says, his eyes practically popping out of his skull at the sight of my large belly. "Where did come from?!"

"Long story," I smile and then laugh. "orange juice please, Larry."

"Actually Ros," Larry says close to my face. "He's waiting in the back for you."

"Oh-" I say startled. "Uh- ok-"

I hand my jacket to Will and cautiously walk to the back room of the pub in a huff, desperate to put my feet up.

"Hello Brixton Boy." I smirk to him.

"Little Rebel!" He grins happily to me and takes my hands in his. "How are you my darling?"

"Tired." I reply bluntly but then laugh afterwards.

"Take a seat," David offers me the sofa and I sit down as instructed.

A sigh of relief falls from my mouth, it was good just to take a seat...!

"How's our baby boy?" He asks still smiling and puts his large hand over the bump protectively.

"He's still an alien to me." David laughs at my comment and I put my hand over his. "Likes he's falling to Earth."

"How'd you know?" David asks pleasantly surprised.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I've decided to star in a film," He grins and I grin back excitedly. "and it's called 'The Man That Fell To Earth""

"No way!!!" I scream ecstatically.

I pull David into a hug and feel a tear about to slip from my eye.

"A rockstar, a pop star, a star...!" I list.

"Don't forget a star." He smiles and fits his fingers through mine. "I actually have some bad news though..."

"What?" My smile fades.

"I'm going to be moving to America for quite some time..."

"You'll be back for the baby's birth though, right?" I ask trying to reassure myself.

"Ros..." He mutters and strokes my cheek.

"David, you have to be there! You're his father!" I shout hurt.

"I know, Ros... But I'm needed over there..."

"What for? To become even more rich and famous?! In 10 years time you'll be rolling in money!"

"Then I can support you and the baby more."

"You can support us !" I shout then calm down. "This has something to do with Angie, doesn't it."

"All I'm saying is Ros, this divorce will take time, and I don't know if you'll be able to wait that long for me..."

"I can! I you, David." I take his angel like face in my cold hands.

"Let's see then, shall we? Because I think, that in 10 years time, you'll be happily married with a couple of children running round-"


"I'll be having one running round me in a years time." I spit angrily.

It's silent for a minute then he looks down to my bump. "So now we know he's a boy, have we decided a name?"

I look at him and smirk, he mirrors my face and smirks back, and together we say our baby's name...


I kiss David's lips, he kisses mine back then his lips kiss my belly.

"Does this make you the Lady Stardust?" He winks to me, referring to his song on the Aladdin Sane album.

I laugh and blush at his comment, but then a sharp pain hits me hard making me gasp.

"Ros?" David says worriedly but the pain dies away.

"I'm fine," I smile. "now go and perform your heart out." We stand up together and I take David's hand.

"I'm so proud of you, me and Ziggy are the ."

"Oh-" I pull out a wrapped little present out of my handbag. "This is for you. An early birthday present." I smirk and hand over the present.

He unwraps it and let's the paper fall to the floor as he looks at the old bandana I used to wear. The lightning symbols were still as striking as when I first got it, and even the memories it held would never fade.

"Thank you my darling." He kisses my head then puts the bandana in his pocket. "It can be my good luck charm."

We stand there in silence for a few minutes... Then-

"Rosalind Chester, I'm in love with you. Just remember that." He says and kisses me more passionately.

"I love you, David Bowie." I mutter close to his face and take his hand and lead him out of the back room and into the small stage with the microphone on.

"Ladies and Gentleman," David says with his gorgeous accent. "What a year 1974 has been... I know it's one I'll always remember." He looks at me then winks which makes me blush.

Larry finally passes the orange juice across the bar and I sip at it.

David sings his heart out for all the songs, smiling away, really enjoying himself, this was a perfect New Years Eve.


The clapping dies down from one of his songs: "This next one is for a little alien that fell to Earth." His beautiful Britain accent speaks again.

I rest my hands on my tummy and smile down at it. "He's talking about you, Ziggy Stardust."

The guitar plays and David opens his mouth and I felt like I could die hearing his singing voice again. He sang, I mumbled the lyrics waving my body side to side, as if I was rocking the baby already.

"There you are!" Will says with my denim jacket over his shoulder.

I smile to him, not wanting to distract my ears or eyes from David's performance.

After a little dance, the song finished and the applause appeared then soon disappeared.

"My final song has been the biggest hit of the year, and if I hadn't had the help from Rosalind Chester." He smiles wide at me and everyone else's eyes follow leaving me the centre of attention. I turn redder than my dress. "So, thank you very much little Rebel." He winks at me which makes me beam a smile back.

The chords I had read that one night in the pub relight, and David rests his hand on the microphone. The words I had once said, turned into a classic Bowie song... This was-

A sharp pain floods me again, this time much worse... The pain dies down but soon hits me again making me yelp out. Some people turn around, David hasn't noticed yet.

Another sharp pain. A louder yelp, and I drop my orange juice making the glass split across the wooden floor. David stops singing now and I crouch over the bar to keep me from falling.

Will's leaning over me and Larry tries to take us into the back room. "I can't her!" Will exclaims.

"Out of my way!" I hear my hero, David coming to save me from this nightmare.

David picks me up and soon takes me into the back room. I can feel my whole body trembling from fright. My mouth quivering...

"What's happening?!" I scream David lies me on the sofa...

"Oh my God..." David breathes.

He's looking down between my legs and looks back up in shock. I'm whimpering, and every so often screaming to try and get rid of the pain.

"What?!" I scream and bite hard down on my lip almost making it bleed.

He puts his hair with his hands, and looks as if he's about to panic too... "Larry?!" David shouts.

"Ros..." I hear his voice crack and he looks back up to me. "I think you're in labour..."

Larry charge in now: "One of you, call an ambulance!" David orders and Larry runs out the room to the phone.

"No! No! I can't be! He's not due! Ziggy's too little!" I scream and I feel the large clumps of sweat roll down my forehead.

Babies born at 6 months never usually lived in this era... I couldn't my Ziggy...!

"David, I'm scared... We could lose our son... I don't want him to die. He die. I-"

"Rosalind," He grabs my face gently. "I love you."

After a loud, agonising scream, I breathe to him... "I love you too."

"3... 2... 1..." Everyone in the pub shouts, and finally... "Happy New Year!"

I slow my breathing and my big eyes lock with David's strangely divine eyes. He leans over to me and kisses me lovingly. "Happy New Year little Rebel." He mutters.

"Happy New Year, Brixton Boy..."

"Welcome to 1975..."


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