《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Eventually.


I don't even knock on the door to home, I barge in. All of downstairs was empty. I took two steps at a time on the stairs and hold my stomach once at the top, a pain like being hit erupted inside of me but I took a breath to calm myself. David rubs my shoulders and kisses my head. I hold my breath, And reassuringly, David holds my hand and gives me a warming look, that look gave me the confidence to walk into my mothers room.

Once in, I look up and freeze on the spot. David tries to drag me closer but I dare not move.

Henry was sitting on the side of her bed, holding her fragile, boned hand and is sobbing badly. My dad stands just behind my little brother and mums weak eyes look to me with great effort.

With impressive force, she smiles to me and Henry's eyes divert to where mum is looking and the sobbing stops for a minute. He sees my shocked face and let's go of mums hand and runs into me. I stumble backwards and let go of David's hand to hug my 11 year old brother better.

I haven't even said a single word, but all the actions and emotions were deafening me.

I could feel the heavy lump drop deep in my throat and I walk closer to my mum, with David just inches behind.

"David Bowie," She whispers silently. "It's nice to finally meet you... I would make you a cup of tea but-" She stops and smiles again. Which makes David smile sympathetically to her.

"Jane, it's a pleasure to meet you too." David purrs like a lullaby.

It's silent for too long, I watch the rise and fall of mums breathing, it was exhausting to I couldn't bare to think how painful it must be to actually be like that...


"Can I talk to Ros-" She pauses. "Alone..." She breathes heavily.

I look to David was terrified eyes but he kisses my head and is the last to leave the room.

I sit down where Henry once was and take my mothers hand, it was frozen, and the cold creeped up my arm making me shiver.

"Do you remember-" She pauses then gulps. "-when we turned the radio on, and Space Oddity came on for the first time... I had never seen your eyes light up so much... You fell in love at aged 13..." She smiles then takes another deep breath. "I knew then, how much meant to you."

David's guitar plays lightly in my head, his voice, slightly muffled, the memory of me sitting at the table, dad entertaining my 5 year old brother...

"He loves you, and he'll do the right thing. Maybe not now, but She smiles and closes her eyes and sighs.

"Mum-" I feel all of my skin freeze. "I love you-" I stutter. "And-" I sharply inhale. "And so does the baby."

She lazily opens her eyes and raises her hand to my cheek. I take it in mine and treasure this last moment I have with her. Dad, Henry and David creep into the room again, David's hands rest on my shoulders and I can feel mums hand get more and more weak.

Her eyes close and she let's out a peaceful sigh. The rooms silent and I look to her chest to see the uneasy rise and fall... But it's gone... gone.

"Mum-" I croak and grip her hand tighter hoping she'll come back. "Mum!" I screech.

Henry joins in and howls sadly with me. The tears down my face have never run so fast, I can't hear the screams anymore, I can't hear I couldn't see anything but her lifeless body. I didn't even realise David had picked me up and taken me out of the room, dad mist've taken Henry.


"Mum!" I shriek.

David pulls me into a comforting hug and my screams muffle and soon turn to hums, I was I'd soon wake up from this nightmare. It would all be over soon.

At least, I it would all be over.


I awoke a little confused at my surroundings, the peach coloured wallpaper was familiar, the posters, with that gorgeous face on. I was in my own room...? I move my head side to side still half asleep and blink frantically to get my eyes to adjust. In the corner I see David was his hands cupped close to his face, he looked And he was clearly thinking about something.

I smile at him and stretch my arms up. "Come here." I whisper.

David is quick to react and smoothly picks me up and cradles me on his lap and rocks me slightly.

"I love you." He whispers and suddenly the memories of yesterday smack me round the face harshly.

I stumble off of David's knee and run downstairs to see my brother sleeping on the sofa and my dad stroking Henry's arm.

"He's just fallen asleep." Dad croaks.

"He's been up night?" I mutter hoarsely.

Dad just nods and I can see how exhausted be was, not just physically but mentally... He was staying strong for

"Dad, I'll watch him. Go get some sleep." He smiles at me and I smile sorrowfully back.

David creeps down the stairs and sits next to me whilst Henry's head rests lazily on my lap.

"I heard what your mum said about me." David whispers. "And, Jane was right. I will do the right thing, just... He passes a small smile which makes me smile.

"I love you," He tells me again.

"I love you too." I smile to him.

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