《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Dinner.


"A friend I gather?" He growls.

"David, if Will hadn't come to get me, I'd still have paparazzi outside my house stressing me out with questions and invading on my personal life." I say desperately.

"Welcome to world." David says sarcastically and I frown at him in disbelief.

"Well if you hadn't of got her , she wouldn't be needing !" Will suddenly shouts at David.

"Excuse ?" David says horrified but angrily. "I love Ros, and I know her better than ! You-"

"Oh yes, because if you loved her, you would've helped her in her time of need and not come running home to Angie!" Will snaps back.

"You son of a-" David grows wildly angry and never had I heard him swear, nor would I ever for as long as I tried!

"Stop!" I shout. "We're not here about that!"

"Why is here then?" David asks pointing rudely at William.

"He offered to come." I mutter. "And I'd appreciate it if you too got along, for my sake."

They both look at each other for a moment, almost annoyed I had played that card on them both. David sharply pulls his hand out, and Will shakes it and he nods at David.

"Well then, how would you like to go for dinner?" David asks more cheerful now.

"Both of us?" Will asks carefully and David nods.

"That sounds lovely." I say and smile at David.

"Shall we go then?"


Angie joined us for dinner, overall conversation was minimal and awkward at times, we'd catch each other glaring...

"So Ros," Angie finally says to me after taking a big sip of her red wine. "How's little Brixton keeping you?"

"Wonderful." I smile evilly at her. "Just had my 19th birthday actually." I pick up my drink and sip it.


"So, this trip to America, was a late birthday present, from " I look alarmed at David once Angie finishes her sentence and cough some of my drink out. Angie pulls a face at the mess on the table and Will wipes it up for me and rubs my back making David flash a face of jealousy.

The reason to why I was here was to do with the paparazzi and the baby, but of course Angie had no clue, until tomorrow's papers...

"Uh-" David stutters. "Yes, well, you would've done the same, right my darling?." He winks to Angie.

"Yes. Of course I would." The sarcasm in her voice was overwhelming, almost unbearable...!

"How long is trip for?" Angie asks me, but it's almost aimed at David.

"However long she wishes to stay. Anyway Angie, a pair like these two need some time alone to see the city."

"We're not-" I start.

"Oh what a super idea, David!" Angie smiles evilly at me, she was trying to again. She liked the idea of me and him being as far away as possible... And it seemed so did David...

Thoughts spun through my mind, and soon enough it was time to say our goodnights.

"Well, see you tomorrow Ros, sleep well." David says and leans in to kiss my cheek, instead, he whispers something into my ear for only me to hear... "Meet me on the 47th floor in your hotel at midnight."

He leans out and I look shocked at him, he obviously wanted to talk... Whilst I look dazed, he shakes Will's hand warmly then slings his arm around Angie's shoulders. "Night." I say and half smile to them.


"Shall we go out tonight?" Will asks as I sit on the bed.


"Maybe tomorrow, David wants me to meet him tonight." I yawn.

"What for?" Will says protectively, which makes me wonder how far he'll take this protectiveness... Or will it turn into a control thing...?

"Will, it's just a meeting. It's probably about what to expect in the papers..."

"Or about the baby." He says sheepishly.

I look down at my stomach, nothing to see obviously, I was only 2 months.

"Let's go out tomorrow night, take me for dinner, the movies, a " I laughed to myself thinking of David's concert. "Just something together would be nice." I smile and he mirrors my facial expression.

"Ok, it's a date." He chuckles but my smile drops slightly.


Midnight soon came and the elevator took me down 3 floors. A long corridor was ahead of me, just a sitting room at the end, but it was full of modern furniture including large lava lamps.

I enter it and see David already sitting down with a cigarette in his mouth, he puffs a smoke and then smiles to me. "Ros," He mutters.

"Hey David." I sit next to him and place my hands together on my lap. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about? You sounded earlier."

"It's about the baby." He sighs.

"Will thought it might be." I say under my breath but David doesn't hear it.

"The longer you leave it the more you get attached... I'm guessing you've told Will?" He carefully says.

"Yes... He was going to find out sooner or later..." I trail off.

"So what are your thoughts about the baby?" He asks again and I feel the tears threaten my eyes. "My darling," He takes my hand and strokes my cheek. "I love you, and, this baby... baby."

"Then I'm keeping it." I say strongly.

"Ros... You know I can't-"

"I know you won't be there for me, or the baby... And I understand that, but I can't get rid of a piece of you, that would be terrible..."

"I'll visit often, I promise my darling..." He whispers. "And what of Will? Will he help you?"

"David, I've only just met him... I don't know. I'll just go back home, I'll go live with my parents, I'll sell my place in Brixton..." I trail off thinking of the long list of things I need to do.

"No, stay in my house... Heck, come live in America...!" He smiles widely at the idea.

"David, I'd love to, but this is world... I'm just the London girl, who's now soon to be a " The word make me queasy and uneasy.

"And you'll bring up our baby so well..." He smiles but then he drops his smile as he puts out his cigarette. "Will you tell the baby who it's father is? When he or she is older?"

I feel my face turn a horrible green, sickly colour...

"I suppose it's a bridge I'll come to when the times right..."

For once in a few months, I actually felt like I could do things by myself, I didn't need a man, I could raise this baby alone, but if the day ever came where David wanted me, I'd happily be dependant again...

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