《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》The two men.


"I know what I've said is a lot to take in..." I mutter.

I had no choice on whether or not to tell Will who the father was, by tomorrow morning the entire world would know that David and I had slept together.

Will took me back to his place, together, we packed a quick bag and Will suggested I stayed at his until things calmed down.

"You better ring him," Will says softly. "tell him what's happened."

I didn't exactly want to, David would come back to Brixton and make things worse...!

"Fine." I reply bluntly. "Can I borrow the phone?" I ask and Will just nods holding both his hands together resting them on his lap.

I dialled Margo's number in, I knew it perfectly now. The phone rang once and Margo answers in her American accent. "Hey Ros." I called so often she even knew my number now too.

"Is he there...?" I question worriedly.

"I'll pass him over." She mumbles quietly.

"Ros?" His beautifully gorgeous accent speaks like an angel making me even more worried about how to tell him.

"I have something to tell you..." I whisper.

"What's the matter my little rebel?" He asks cautiously.

"I woke up this morning, and there was paparazzi everywhere..."

"Why are they there? Did they catch us together?" He asks more sternly but still cautiously.

"Worse..." I pause. "They know you got me pregnant." I hear my voice crack towards the end of the sentence.

He doesn't say anything, and the silence makes me want to vomit... I was panicking about this quietness, I open my mouth to say something but I hear him again.

"Go to Gatwick, don't pack anything just get on it, one of my jets should be waiting for you." He orders at me.


"What about Angie?" I ask.

"I'll sort that. I'll sort accommodation, James will take you to the hotel and I'll meet you there. Ros, I don't care what's in those papers tomorrow, just as long as you're safe, I don't care. My darling, take care of yourself... I'll see you in a few hours."

I just hang up, this was so odd...

"What'd he say?" Will asks me.

"He wants me to go to Gatwick right now and get on a plane to America." I say still shocked at the pace this was all going at.

"Right." Will stands up and puts his hands on my shoulders. "I'm coming with you."

"Will, you can't, you've only just met me... You barely know me..." I stumble over my words.

"We have what- 6 hours to get to know each other on the plane?" He winks and smiles to me.

"You can't just drop and go..." I hiss.

"Want a bet?" He smirks.

He takes my hand, grabs me my coat and some sunglasses so I'm not seen and he picks up his keys and we walk out his house together hand in hand.


We got to Gatwick quickly and I saw the manager I had seen a couple of months.

"Ah, Miss Chester, this way..." He signals with his hand to follow him.

I take the lead and Will follows me. "I'm sorry sir, you cannot come past these doors." The manger says professionally.

"No it's alright," I take Will's hand. "He's with me." I smirk and see Will's cheeks go red.

"Right, well, this way. Mr Bowie's jet is already with us, he wanted one on standby just in case you ever needed it. He's a very prepared man wouldn't you say?" Neither me or Will say anything, we just continue to walk hand in hand.


I look ridiculous... I was wearing sunglasses , I wasn't even a celebrity...

"If you'd like to board now, your flight will leave in 5 minutes." The manger smiles to me and then Will and the manager opens the jet door for us.

It was a completely different plane, still glamorous, still full of rich things. Even though the entire plane had many seats to choose from, me and Will sit next to each other knowing we're the only things on the plane that aren't worth a massive sum of money.

"So go on then," Will says as we begin to lift into the air. "how did you come across someone like David Bowie and manage to get pregnant with his baby?"


After long discussions about each other I soon felt like I knew Will, and was actually pleased he was coming with me. He made me laugh about the whole matter about the paparazzi and about Kevin...

"So, what about this baby? What are you going to do with it?" Will purrs.

"I have no idea..." I whisper getting annoyed about the whole baby conversation. "I don't really want to talk about it actually, I think I'm going to get some sleep." I turn over on my seat and close my eyes hoping to just get away from this chaos...


"Welcome back to America Miss Chester." One of the American managers say once I get off the plane.

"Thank you." I say putting the sunglasses David had bought me many months ago.

"And welcome Mr...?" The manager asks Will.

"Mr Hester." He says cooly, already fitting in with the modern way of America.

"Well, welcome to America Mr Hester, I hope you have a pleasant stay."

We strut through the arrival gates and I can see James waiting outside with the car. "Hello Miss Chester and-" he stops and looks shocked. "who the bloody hell are James says rudely.

"James!" I shout. "This is William Hester." Both Will and I sit in the back and Hames awkwardly drives us to the hotel we'd be staying in.

Once there, David had left many clothes for me, but obviously none for Will. "Uh- James...?" I mutter and he turns around. "Could you get Will some clothes to change in please? Thanks awfully." I said amazingly British which was unusual for me.

Minutes later, a stack of my clothes arrived and we both changed into something else to freshen up. A small tap hits our door and I go to answer it.

"David..." I feel my breath run away from me.

He smiles his crooked smile. "David!" I shout happier and wrap my little arms around his neck. He picks me up and walks into the room whilst carrying me.

"Ros, I'm so happy to see you." He breathes.

"Me too..."

"Did you get here ok? Flight good?" He asks questions immediately.

"David, I-" I'm interrupted when I see David's eyes turn to slits and soon hear his voice go sharp.

"Who's this?"

David let's go of me and I see Will standing there, I'm stood between the two men. Almost as if I'm the barrier of the two alphas to fight. "This is Will, my...

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