《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Leaving.


"What...?" He mutters.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and start to cry.

He presses my head to his and kisses my forehead.

"I'm not letting you marry him, no way. Never Ros. I promised you I'd take you away from your problems, not marry them..." He whimpers to me.

I lean out of his grasp and look at him with sad eyes. "I have to."

I start to untangle myself from the sheets and David tries to stop me but I push his hand away and get dressed quickly. I throw my hair into a quick bun and David grabs my wrists carefully.

"Ros what are you doing?" He asks confused.

"I'm going home." I tell him adjusting my hair.

He sighs then reaches into his coat pocket. "I think you're forgetting something."

I look at what's in his hand... My classic red lipstick. "How did you-" I ask with a small smile.

"You left it on the bar the first time we kissed..." He croaks and my heart melts.

I move smoothly towards him and throw my arms around him. "I need to call home..." I mutters and walk towards the phone.

David grabs my hand and spins me round to give me a long, lingering kiss which makes me smile widely.

"I'm calling home, doesn't mean I'm leaving just yet."

I pick up the phone, David just behind me and I hear the phone ring. "Hey, El."

"Ros?! Where the hell are you?! Your parents called to say you were going on holiday... In

"Yeah I was invited over here..." I mutter with a smirk, David brushes his lips through my hair and shocks my body with the shivers.

"By who? It can't be Kevin, here's trying to track you down!"


"So he can kill me..." I breathe, David rubs my arms to reassure me everything's ok. "David Bowie flew me over."

"David Bowie? David Bowie?"

"Yes, and we've gotten, close." I turn my head, smirking, just to see David smirking back at me.

"Well don't get too close, when Kevin came round to mine the other day, he looked

"What you mean? When did he come round?"

"I've moved out." Ellen says bluntly. "You're away."

"So you're leaving me and Kevin in a house I panic and feel the colour from my cheeks run down my face.

"Yeah, I thought, now that your engaged... , what are you doing with another man in a different country?" Eleanor questions dangerously.

"I got to go... I'll speak to you soon."

"Ros, no!" She shouts but I put the phone down.

I sigh and turn around, David kisses my head gently and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Now you're definitely not going home." He says protectively which makes me smile happily.

"Come home with me then." I suggest.

"Ros," He sighs. "I need to be here for the tour..."

"Come home, David. For a few days... Please." I plead and press my little hand on his beautiful cheek bone.

"Ok... We'll fly tonight. I'll call NY airport now, tell them to get my jet ready... We'll go to my apartment, get some stuff together..." He pauses, and gasps. "What about Zowie, I can't leave him here with her..."

"We'll take him with us, we'll get Margo to come with us three, too."

"He can't come back to ... I'll ask Margo to take him... But it might mean she gets into trouble..." He stresses.

"David, if you're so worried, I'll just go home alone. I don't mind." I lie.


"I mind." He snaps. "I can't leave you with him again. Why can't you see I'm just trying to look after you?!"

"Because you already have someone to look after! David, for Christ's sakes! You're ! You're a ! I'm going to be married to Kevin soon enough, how will you protect me then?!" I growl back.

My words clearly shock him and his face turns hard and cold. "Go then. Marry the monster, but the next time you get hurt don't come crying to me... Ros I you, and this hurts me too." I hear my heart stop for a millisecond... He wasn't fighting for me... He was

"Well, good luck considering you were the one who called me for help! If you me so much, why don't you leave your wife?! You said you don't care about fame, so if that's true, why dont you fight for me?! That's the only way you can stop me doing this!" I shout back and the horrid truth hits us both...

The silence becomes haunting and I storm out of the penthouse with big fat tears streaming down my face.

I felt so stupid. I was actually leaving... I'd never see him again... One minute we were planning to run away together, the next we argue...

It must hurt him to know I'm still marrying Kevin...

I headed straight for the airport and boarded his jet in no time. I ignored James the whole way home, oddly shaped clouds passed for hours, I sat there, so ashamed about leaving so suddenly...

I start crying, missing David already... I have to move on... He's a famous celebrity, adored by thousands... I could just forget about this New York trip...

I'd plan the wedding with Kevin, hope that he's changed, settle down...

The idea of children with Kevin... How horrendous.

"James?" I mutter after wiping my red eyes.


"When you go back to America-" I stop myself.

"Yes?" He repeats.

"No, nothing..." I sigh.

If David was to get over me like I'd try to get over him, I couldn't make contact...

... Ever again.

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