《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Separate rooms.




"Thank you David." I say with a smile and put my denim jacket on, after a minute of watching people walk past us, I finally speak up: "I should find a hotel or something..." I mumble after dinner.

"Don't you mean ...?" David smirks to me. "I'm not going back in that apartment...!" He chuckles but I sigh.

This was so sad, that we both had horrible partners but we never left them.

"Ok fine, but I want separate rooms, and if that can't happen then separate beds." I say strictly.

"My little rebel, are you forgetting who you're with. You're with David Bowie, I can get us the penthouse of hotel you fancy. Take your pick." He puts his arm over my shoulder and pulls me closer to him as we walk down the street together. His shades were on, even in the dark night of New York, but he would've been in every paper if he was spotted with an English girl from south London.

We picked the closest hotel there was and David told me to wait outside for a minute. He told me to come into the hotel in 5 minutes. I waited impatiently in the cold and then walked in.

The hotel was grand and beautiful, red carpets flooded the place, champagne, caviar...

David takes my hand and takes me into an elevator, it was just the two of us... He finally takes his shades off and puts them in his coat pocket.

"David I feel so awkward and out of place here..." I tell him.

"Why my darling?" He asks worriedly.

"I don't in a place like this, I belong in a scruffy B&B in Scotland or something... Not New York." I say sadly.

He lifts my chin with one finger effortlessly and smirks. "Are you complaining?"

"No." I breathe and close my eyes and purse my lips.

"Good." He mutters inches away from my face.


A ding noise sounds in our evaluator and David leans out. "Ah, here we are. This is our floor."

I open my eyes and fold my arms stubbornly. "What?" He asks looking at my stern face.

"That was ." I spit.

"You're the one that said you wanted separate rooms, I'm just obeying your rules." He winks and smiles his crooked smile.

The penthouse was even more modern then David's apartment, long, white leather sofas, an electric fireplace and best of all, the New York skyline was in full view no matter where you stood in the penthouse.

"Here's room." David says with a smirk.

Inside was a big double bed with purple velvet covers and fairy lights. Mirrors hung from all four walls and a large dresser was in one corner of the room.

"Thanks." I mutter beginning to regret the decision of separate rooms...

"Well, goodnight Ros!" David says with a crooked smile and I turn around to him.

He could clearly see my bewildered face and stroked my hair twice. He kisses me and leans away only a few inches. "I love you."

"David..." I whisper and hold his hand that had fallen down to my cheek. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

He grins widely. "I knew you'd say that." He says smugly and I push his shoulder blade playfully as he laughs.

"C'mon then." He takes my hand and walks me down a long corridor to his room.

His room was a lot bigger, and that included an even bigger double bed which was in the centre of the room, expensive wallpaper was plastered everywhere, a large TV screen and even a bathroom. Two bedside lamps were the only things lighting the room, it was

David closes the door and strips down to his underwear which makes me tense slightly. I look at his body carefully, his muscles, amazingly He was even more wonderful, still God's best work... I didn't dare look further down, and the thought makes me blush.


I look back up to him, he's giving me a new smile, almost a smile. David Bowie, In front of

I look around looking for something I could wear to bed, but we were very unprepared for the walk out on Angie...

I take a deep breath and strip off my top and jeans, and see David looking me up and down with a glorious smile. I blush at him and quickly make my way under the covers. I sigh at how comfy the bed is and wrap all the blanket I can get around me.

David soon gets in the other side and I turn to him, he turns both the lights off and even in the dark his eyes sparkle. I had never taken so much notice of one person, how could one person be so breathtaking and how could I not take my eyes off of him...?

My mouth opens a gape slightly and I sloppily put my hand around his neck and pull him closer. He kisses me softly but I forcefully kiss him back. He leans out slightly, and I can see his smirk easily. "And you were the one who wanted separate rooms..."

"Just shut up and kiss me." I whisper with a smirk that mirrors his, and he obeys my command.

I push my body closer to his, and I can feel his muscles against my tiny body, I shiver and the shiver transports itself through my entire body.

David's kisses soon become more passionate and my mind spins happily, but then it hits me... I'm He's

"Stop..." I whisper and pull away from the fierce kisses that have reached my neck. I had to tell him.

"Ros?" David anxiously says. "Did I hurt you?" He strokes my cheek and then pulls a strand off hair out of my eyes and puts it behind my ear. I shake my head then look back into his sparkling eyes that showed fear.

"David, I have something to tell you..." I mutter scared of his reaction.

"Shh," He hushes me then kisses me softly...

Since David stopped with the drugs, he was a lot happier, he looked healthier... I had worked it out... I'm the drug that replaced the other drugs... But I'm a drug... drug...

The thought overwhelms me and I kiss him harder, I couldn't ruin his or my happiness now. This was perfect.

David pulls me under him and he leans over me protectively. I grin excitedly and see his soft eyes look at me daringly. "You sure?" He purrs to me.

"Yes." I breathe, see his crooked smile and allow him to continue...


I woke up confused about where I was, and who I was with... I felt

I rolled over still clinging onto the covers and see David smiling at me. I smile back then suddenly remember what happened last night. Guilt rushed over me and I feel myself go faint.

"Ros, are you alright? You look ever so pale." David puts his hand on my forehead and I blush, and smile... His hair was already perfectly slicked back and he was already dressed...

"Thanks for last night..." I purr to him smoothly to which he blushes back at me.

He quickly pecks my naked lips and smiles happily to me. "I love you." He says.

The guilt hits again... I never told him last night...

"David, I really need to tell you now about-"

"So what do you want to do today we could-"

"No, David, listen to-"

"We could go to the concert site or-"


"Or there's this really nice-"

"I'm engaged to Kevin." He finally stops babbling and I see his beautiful face turn into a sad, longing look...

I could see it so clearly, I had just broken his heart, I had broken my idols heart...

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