《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Heroes.


"You know you're my hero, right?" I tell David with a small smile, once he tells me his story to why he was so unwell.

"I take drugs, Ros. I smoke like a chimney. How can be your hero?" He says ashamed of himself. "If I was your hero, I should've saved you from Kevin, I shouldn't have you in Brixton!"

"But you seek help, help. And besides, you saved me from Kevin by inviting me here."

"No, I put you in more danger... I shouldn't have called... Look what he did after you told me you loved me..." He mutters angrily to himself.

I cup his angelic face in both my small hands. "Do you want me here or not?" I growl to him. My touch on his skin is soft, but my voice is harsh and powerful.

He looks at me and I look into his unique eyes. "My darling of course I want you here." He breathes and touches my cheek softly smoothing over the skin which had brown coloured marks on. They were already fading,

After a quick kiss, he smiles down to me and says: "If anything Rosalind, you're hero." I blush a scarlet red like my classic lipstick that I wasn't wearing today. "And I don't want, you, my hero, my little to leave."

I sigh, I'd have to go back eventually, I hadn't even met Angie yet...

She'd meet the South London girl, she'd see how I was.

"David, what about Angie?" I ask nervously.

His smirk drops into a frown, then he takes a deep breath in then sighs. "Well, do you want to tell her the truth or...?" He trails off.

"I'll think of something for the time being." I mumble to him.


Once at David's apartment, he showed me round and showed me the skyline of New York, I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. I hadn't been abroad for years, we barely ever had the time or the money, now I had the time, this opportunity of meeting David couldn't have come at a better time for me... But only if he wasn't married...


"Zowie, this is Ros." David introduces me to his 3 year old son.

"Hi Zowie," I whisper to him and beam him a wide smile, the boy smiles back at me and waves to me. "It's lovely to meet you!"

Zowie stretches his arms out in front of him and wiggles his fingers. "Ros!" He shouts and I giggle at him.

"Guess he likes you my darling!" David passes his son into my arms.

Zowie's legs wrap around my waist and he leans onto my chest, he looks up again and touches my new lipstick which was a bright pink colour, and he smiles again... I felt I felt

Broody for what? David's child? The only chance of me having a child would be with the monster living with me back home in Brixton... I couldn't risk another life in danger as well as my own... How was I meant to tell David about me being engaged?

"Jesus Christ!" I hear a new American voice shout around the apartment, it came from the front door and dragged me away from my thoughts.

"Mummy!" Zowie shouts and wriggles out of my hold. I set him down on the floor and he totters off to see Angie...

Instantly, I cower behind David, and he looks down at me and smirks. He puts his hand on my back and pushes me forward again slightly so I'm standing next to him. I play with my top anxiously then I see the model stride into the room.

Her bright orange lipstick didn't match her outfit at all, she wore baggy trousers and an odd looking shirt - it was out of date fashion. I wasn't a huge fan of fashion but even had a better fashion sense then her...!

She looks me up and down and smirks and laughs a little.

I close my eyes and shake my head.

"Who's the girl?" Angie asks with evil eyes at me, she picks Zowie up from the floor but continues to glare at me.

"This is Ros, the who I saved in Brixton." David smiles down to me which makes me smile back.


"So the person who put my husband in all the papers." She spits at me as she kicks off her heels.

"Well, at least it was all good news, after all, he was for the day." I smirk to her then to him.


"So how did someone as as you get to New York, it isn't cheap." She says quite bitchy which makes David tense up.

"David sent his jet over for me, isn't that sweet of him?" I smugly say.

Angie's head whips round to David's. "I'm sorry,

"It's true, Ros has been having a hard time of late, and she's a huge fan of mine!" David says cheerfully making Angie even more cross.

"Margo...?!" Angie calls, and soon Margo comes dashing out from her room. "Take Zowie out for a walk." She instructs.

Margo flashes a quick smile and wink to me then takes the child's hand and walks out the front door.

Once the door closes Angie storms over to me, 2 centimetres from my face and begins to hiss at me: "Now look here, I don't no what the you're doing in apartment, with and , but I know one things for sure, I don't like you near !"

"You're jealous of an 18 year old woman, Angie?" David smirks then laughs in amusement.


"?! You must be People like spread crap about celebrities to papers!"

"The papers weren't ever lying about you were they Angie, you really are a nasty cow." I blurt and suddenly am horrified with myself...

She raises her hand to me and I instantly grab onto David and close my eyes tight. His arms wrap around mine half a second after I clutch onto him.

"Just fan..." She whispers now, and I open my eyes to see her eyes wide at David and her arm lowers. "She you! Look at her with you! Wait-" Angie pauses. "Oh I get it now, you've known each other awhile, huh?"

Both me and David look at each other...

"And you got her over here because you needed a shoulder to cry on? Someone to tell your problems to?" She mumbles to David. "Aww poor David..."

"If you even about David, you should've realised how he was!" I growl to her and step forward.

David pulls on my wrist to stop me, but I shake it off. "No David, the woman's got to know. A million girls would die for him-"

"Including you." Angie says cooly with a smirk.

"Yes..." I say strongly. "I would, it's true." I sigh, and prepare myself for the next words... "I'm in love with your husband! At least if I were with him, I'd actually stay with him for , not for fame!" I spit and she raises her hand again, but this time does slap me, i let out a small yelp and I cup my face trying to ease the pain.

"ANGIE!" David shouts madly at her.

"I've had worse..." I mutter beneath my breath.

"Get out of here, get out of this city - this country! Go back to whatever horrid life you lived before you met my husband!" She shouts and I begin walking slowly.

"I'm going with her then." David bluntly says making me turn around.

He looks to me with soft, warm eyes, and I smile relieved...

"No you're not!" Angie shouts worriedly.

David walks over to me, holds my hand gently, winks to me then turns to Angie. "Watch me." He whispers beautifully, like in the movies...!

And with that we stride out of the apartment hand in hand. Whilst walking down the street, David lights a cigarette which I can forgive him for as it's the first one I've seen since I've been in America. "Let's go have dinner, my treat." He smiles then pulls my hand making me look up to him.

He strokes my hair and puts a little behind my ear, he then leans down to kiss me, and with my pink lips, mine meet his. The world stops for me when I'm with David, I feel so happy and loved in this very moment...

And the best thing is:



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