《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Airports and sunglasses.


"Mum," I mutter. "Just listen to me."

"What do you mean you're leaving? Where are you going?! If you get on a plane I swear on your grandmother's grave I'll-" She shouts worriedly down the phone but I stop her.

"For God's sakes just give the phone to dad!" I shout back at her.

The phone goes silent a moment and I look round the airport, it was manic. I had never seen Gatwick so busy, but then again, everyone was flying off to some hot country for the summer. I should've known it was going to be this busy.

"Rosalind? What's happening?" My dad asks.

"Dad, I'm leaving the country, only for awhile, please understand I just need a break from everyone, including you guys and Kevin."

"What's happening with you and Kevin, Ros?" He sounds more worried now.

I gulp, close my eyes and ignore his question, if dad could see me right now, he'd understand what was happening between me and Kevin. "I don't know when I'll be back... I'll call you when I can, please don't let mum worry, can you ring Abby and El, say that I've gone away, and tell them I say sorry for not telling them - it was a sudden decision to leave town." I tell him quietly.

A line of people was beginning to form for the phone.

"Where you going?" Dad asks.

"New York. Dad I have to go, I love you, and mum and Henry. Look after yourselves, I'll call when I can, bye dad." And I hang up straight after, I didn't want the whole story of 'you're not going at your age!'.

Why couldn't people just accept that I'm 18, almost 19? I'm not a child anymore! The only person that saw I was an actual adult was David, so why couldn't other people just look past my baby face?

I quickly scurry to a line for checking in for the planes taking off. I had an hour to get through the security and the gates to get on David's jet...! But it wasn't like it was going to leave without me.

After awhile, I got to the front of the line and I lean forwards to the woman on the desk. Already, she's examining my face, and looks strangely at me. I hated Kevin for giving me marks that even make up couldn't cover...

"David Bowie's jet is arriving in less than an hour for me to be taken to New York. He, himself, called this airport and said look for a girl with red lipstick and a David Bowie jumper on, I have letters that he sent me here." I pull out the letters and show them to the woman.

"You're insane!" The girl says in complete shock.

I roll my eyes at her and sigh.

"Charlotte." An older man puts his hand on her shoulder and then he looks at me, his badge on his tie read 'manager' this was the guy I have been talking to in the first place! "Miss Chester, will you come this way please?"


The man takes me round the back, he even offered to take my bag but I declined. As we're walking down long corridors of the airport he begins talking.

"Mr Bowie did get in contact with us and described you well, when I saw you, I knew it be you that he was talking about... However he didn't mention about the bruises..." He pauses and I hide my face with my hand. "His jet will be arriving very shortly, we'll just need to refill the tank and then we'll fly you out to New York."

"Thank you sir." I say relieved... I felt like a celebrity myself, people escorting me, getting a whole jet to myself...

"Is there anything I can get you while you wait? It won't be a very long wait I must warn you."

"No thank you, the shorter the wait the better." I sigh anxiously.

"May I ask, how did a girl like you come across a man like him?" The middle aged man asks curiously.

"Trust me, I've been asking myself the same question since I met him." I smirk to myself knowing I am a very lucky girl. I avoided eye contact with him, I knew if I caught his eye he'd ask about the bruises more, and I'm not even that great at lying...!

"Well, he must like you if he's lending his jet to you." The man jokes.

"Yes well, uh- I- uh- I have some family over there too, so..." I trail off lying badly.

"Here we are." He says opening a heavy double door.

The doors opened onto a landing with a huge glass window. Through the glass window I saw David Bowie's jet. It was cream, with a red stripe down the side of the plane, and on the wing, the Aladdin Sane lightning strike. I gasp and touch my bandana.

"He did tell me that you'd be wearing the bandana that matches the plane." He chuckles to himself but I'm still amazed by the jet.

"I'll show you onto the plane if you like Miss Chester?" He calls me and I blush.

He begins walking through a tunnel and I follow, the tunnel echoed and before I knew it I was on David's jet.

The plane was completely luxurious, seats of leather, marble tables, and even a bed with red velvet covers. Expensive champagne was already being poured for me, and I take a glass from the waiter serving me.

"This is David's most prized jet." The manager tells me.

I suddenly am completely flattered that David sent his favourite plane over just for the little South Londoner. I would've been happy with just a seat on a normal plane, but David always had to pull all the stocks out for me...!

"Right, the plane is ready for take off. Have a lovely flight Miss Chester and have a wonderful stay in New York!" The Middle aged man calls and leaves.


isjet. him!

I started to get excited, the engine was warming up and I spotted a CD player, I quickly got out my seat, and put his classic songs on, the first to play was Starman. I ran back to my seat, strap my seatbelt tightly round my hips and watch as the ground beneath me disappears under the merge of blue skies and cream clouds.

When the seat belt sign switched off, the waiter who gave me champagne came over and asked if I'd like breakfast, I happily said yes and continued to bob my head up and down to David's music.


I say to myself, I could smell the gorgeously crisp bacon being cooked and the eggs being fried...

Once I cleared my breakfast plate, I decided to try out David's velvet bed... As expected, it was perfectly comfortable and I fell into deep sleep. Although the flight was 7 or 8 hours long, I told the waiter to wake me 2 hours before we landed, I needed to freshen up before I see David, who promised on the phone he'd meet me at the airport in NY.


"Miss Chester," The waiter pokes me lightly waking me up. "We're 2 hours from our destination."

"Thank you," I mutter still sleepy.

After a few minutes of trying to recover from the fact I had just slept in David Bowie's bed on his plane, I got out of the bed and got my weekend bag. I look inside and pull a face.

A mixture of clothes were scattered tightly in the bag, odd shoes, shirts I never wore... I'd look like a next to Bowie...

"Miss Chester?" The waiter calls.


"Mr Bowie knew you'd be a little rushed for time when packing, so he brought you some gifts." The waiter brings over a large gift bag.

I smile at the bag and take it. Inside were neatly folded clothes. "Any preference to what I wear?" I ask the nice young waiter.

"He said whatever you feel most comfortable in." The waiter smiles, and I smile back wider.

Inside the bag was a floral dress, jeans, a denim skirt, a strapped floral top and some red lipstick, but a softer colour of red. I decided to wear the jeans and floral top, I found some flats at the bottom of my weekend bag and let my wavy hair fall onto my shoulders. I tried the new lipstick and suddenly saw myself turn from a young girl into a mature, sophisticated woman... I looked And it was all thanks to David.

"Miss Chester, if you'd please like to take your seat, we'll be landing in 20 minutes!" The waiter calls from outside the toilet.

"Thank you!" I shout back.


Once we had landed the waiter took my bag for me and before opening the door, stopped himself.

"Oh, you'll need these..." He passes me a pair of sunglasses with stars on the sides.


He doesn't answer my question. "So I wear them inside as well?" I ask stupidly.

"In NY, you'll need to. David is wearing sunglasses too. I doubt he'll be hard to find for you." He says with a smirk.

I put the sunglasses on and the waiter opens the door.

The long corridor led straight to the waiting area, lots of people stood waiting for loved ones. David was waiting for his loved one...

I glance around the busy room and then see the square glasses, I see the perfect honey coloured hair, and I see his usual crooked smile with a cigarette hanging out his mouth.

I beam a smile back at him and my feet make me run into his open arms. My heartbeat increased, I wanted to scream at how happy I was to see him.

Once in his arms, I hear him chuckle. "I've missed you so much." I tell him happily and he smiles down to me and kisses my head lightly.

"Thank you James." David nods to the waiter who I found out was called James.

James passes my bag to David and then winks at me. I feel slightly disturbed by the gesture. "Thanks James." I say awkwardly and then me and David walk out the airport hand in hand, with our sunglasses on.

David's car pulled up and he opens the door for me to hop in. Once David's on on the other side, I sarcastically say: "You're such a gentleman."

"I love you." He mutters and leans in, I close my eyes and purse my lips slightly.

David's lips touch mine softly but I push mine against his harder. The fire once again relit and my heart burst open happily.

I lean out of the kiss slightly and breathe the words... "I love you too David Bowie."

He leans further away, takes his shades off and slowly takes mine off. Finally, for the first time since I landed in America, I see his beautiful eyes... But it's his face that makes me wonder... His face, panicked, mine mirrors his.

His face looks grey, and wasn't glowing like I remembered, now that I noticed, his clothes stank of smoke and a sickly other smell... He looked .

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask scared.

"What the are those bruises on your face?!" He asks shocked.

I touch my skin and cringe in pain, I look up to him again. "Well why the do you look so unwell?"

It was clear we both had some explaining to do, but his experiences couldn't have been as bad as mine...

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