《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Help.


Ros Chester POV.

"David?" I says yawning down the phone.

The clock ticked on slowly, and told me it was 5:36 a.m.

I hear his heavy breathing, "Ros," he sounded...

David hadn't called me in weeks, I got his letters, but it was rare getting phone calls, and extremely rare to get calls at this time of night.

"Ros, I- I need you to come to New York." He says shaking on the phone.

"David we've discussed this you know-" he stops me.

"No," he says sharply. "Ros," he pauses and I hear the crack in his voice. "I -"

His gorgeous British accent had turned into a very harsh tones man, but I knew it was still David... "I need your help..." And for the first time, I heard the rockstar, David Bowie cry to me...

My heart leaped, tears were already beginning to form in my own eyes, this broke my heart...! He was in a bad place... And I wasn't there to help him...

"David-" I stutter. "What's happened?"

"Please, Ros, come to America. I'll pay. Just, I need you here." He pleads.

"How will I get there?"

"I'll send my jet over, anything that'll get you here the fastest." He quickly answers.

"What about Angie?" I ask sadly.

"Who cares about her! She isn't helping me, my rebel..." He pauses. ""

I gasp and feel my heart sink right down into my stomach, this man was in desperate need of help.

I had seen it, read it all before. Celebrities died of depression, overdose on pills, suicide... I couldn't let David get like that, he'd break the hearts of millions... Breaking mine the hardest.

I had to stop him before it was too late. He was already spiralling down into it, I knew I'd have to reach into the whirlpool of sadness and drag him out.

"Ok, send the jet over, I'll go and pack now..."

"My darling," He sighs happily. "I can't thank you enough."

This must've been the first bit of good news he'd had in awhile. "What time do I need to be at the airport and how do I tell them I need to get on your jet?"


"It'll be there in 6 hours. Wear your red lipstick, put that Aladdin Sane bandana on, and take the most recent letter I've sent you with you. I'll ring the airport now to tell them I'm expecting a girl to get on my jet. I'll tell them what you're wearing and they'll let you on..." It's silent for a minute.

In David's head, he thought this plan was going to work, but he wasn't himself, something could be playing tricks on his mind and I don't know what... The only thing I could do would be to and get this plan to work.

"Ok, I'll be at the airport in 5 hours. See you soon." I tell him and be sighs happily again.

"Thank you Ros, I-" I stop him.

"David," I say sternly. "Do not do anything stupid. I'm serious."

"I love you." Is all he says.

It worries me, why didn't he reply to what I just said?

"I love you too David..." I breathe and he hangs up.

I put the phone down and look at the clock. The plane would be at Gatwick at about 11:30 a.m.

"So who's David?" Kevin says behind me which makes me jump.

He grabs my arms tightly and presses his lips against my ear. "You're not going anyway my dear."

"You want a bet, you can't keep me here!" I spit at him.

"Really? Well I think that ring on your finger says differently." He smirks and I push out of his grasp.

"I'm not married to you yet." I say rubbing my arm trying to ease the pain.

"David." He ponders at the name. "We don't know a single David."

I say to myself, and I smirk and laugh a little too.

"Who's that artist you obsess over?" He thinks. "David... "

My smile drops and panic zooms through my body and it shows in my face.

"A celebrity? Little Rosalind Chester talking to a celebrity? Telling him you love him. Oh don't make me laugh!" He shouts.

"He loves me, unlike you." I growl.

"He's a celebrity, he'd tell any girl that's young he loved them!" He laughs and my anger makes me snarl under my breath. "You honestly thought he loved you?"


I slapped him round the mouth, his head turns, but turns back with a scary and aggressive face. He punches me in the jaw and fall onto the table that had the phone on it. My head throbs and I can't even get up...!

"You're not going anywhere." He hisses to me and then kicks my leg making me yelp in pain.

Kevin picks me up. "Oh darling, you fell down the stairs? You can't remember anything? What a shame." He says twisting everything that just happened.

I was too tired, too drained to even attempt to speak. I was weak...

Kevin ties me to one of our kitchen tables and I now my head avoiding eye contact with him. He sits opposite me but I don't look up.

"Ros my darling?" He says sweetly.

I don't move, I knew he'd trap me into thinking everything was ok but it's not. Nothing ever was with him. "Look at me!" He finally snaps.

He grabs my small jaw and pinches my skin, I have no choice but to look at him now. I was losing time, I had to pack, I had to get to Gatwick.

"It is incredible that your parents can't see that this is our real relationship. You, cowering at me, you being afraid to shout at me because I have the louder bark. If they knew what it was really like, they'd let you marry anybody but me. They'd even let you marry David Bowie...!" He laughs evilly.

After a few punches to my face and body and I feel like I could die there and then...

"No man-" I shudder in my words. "Treats a woman, like this..."

I look up at him and his face suddenly softens.

I tell myself, I've seen him do this a million times.

He unties me from the chair and I rub my wrists from how sore they are. Kevin kneels down next to me and I just want him to leave me alone.

"Ros, I'm- I'm sorry." He mutters and suddenly realises what he's done.

I soften my face too, I see the Kevin I first knew. He tries to touch my cheek but I lean away, scared.

"Ros," He whispers. "I'm not gonna hurt you again... I swear."

"Can I go to bed?"


"Of course..." He says opening the kitchen door.

I began walking slowly out the room, I couldn't believe what had happened...

"Ros," He says more sternly which sends shivers down my spine, I just turn around and look at him. "Don't leave me for that David." He says but I don't reply.

I start walking again and feel the ache of everywhere that Kevin had hit me.

"Sleep on the sofa tonight." I croak to him.

Even though Kevin had apologised, it didn't mean I forgave him for hitting me. I was still going to New York whether he liked it or not.

Once my bedroom door was closed, I didn't fall asleep. I busied myself with packing and getting my passport, I did everything I could to stay quiet. I packed light, I knew if be on the run as soon as I stepped out this house...

By 8 a.m. I was ready to leave, my red lipstick was as bright as the blood that trickled out of wounds Kevin had given me, I smile at the Aladdin Sane bandana, remembering the first time I wore it. I was so young, just another fan... Now here I was, flying to New York for the guy who made me adore everything about him.

I checked my watch and see I need to leave, carefully I take my weekend bag downstairs, and leave the house.

As soon as I closed that door, I felt a wave of freedom. Even though I knew I'd come back to Brixton, maybe in that time Kevin would realise what he's done to me is wrong and he'll tell me he loves me and needs me and actually mean it...

But would I want that? Or would I have to wait forever for David?

David said he needed my help, but really... I needed his help too... And he would soon realise that once he saw my black and blue bruised face.

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