《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Back in Brixton.



After another week of my parents calling me mad, I decided to take my trip back to Brixton.

The important news Abby had to tell me was to say that Jerry had purposed to her. I always knew he would, so it was no surprise to me.

I began to get more excited the closer I got to Brixton, David had wrote to me many times while we were away from the little town, he told me how much arguing him and Angie had done, how little work he had managed to do and he said I could use his house to avoid Kev, the key was under the door mat.

Once I got to David's house, it seemed far too large for just little me to live in for the next couple of days alone. I was in house. in David's house...!

The black and white tiles amused me as I danced on them whilst David's very modern and expensive CD player boomed out his music, Rebel Rebel was played repeatedly, I also tried on new clothes David had left me as a gift, it was fun being young again.

I then took a stroll out by myself, the weather, for once, was holding. Not paying much attention to where I was going, I saw Ellen sitting on a park bench. I sat next to her and she looked at me and smiled. "You're back?" She croaks.

"I'm back." I mutter to her.

She wraps her arms round me and tightly holds me. "I've missed you."

"I've only been 3 weeks." I tell her with a small chuckle.

"Where are you staying? Kevin's going about where you are... He's literally on the search for you!" El panics.

"I'm staying at David's, it's gorgeous! And- What you mean? Whys he so worried about ?" I ask panicked too now.

"You're staying in She says excitedly but soon calms down. "Oh- it doesn't matter. Kevin will find you now that you're back in Brixton... Why don't we just kick Kevin out of house. It's weird living with boyfriend when you don't even live here anymore!"

"Yeah I guess it is a bit weird... But mum and dad won't speak to me again if I kick him out..." I sigh sadly.

"But you two argue like cat and dog, Ros!"

"Yes, I am aware Eleanor." I roll my eyes at her.

It's awkwardly silent for too long, too many people walk past us, then Ellen speaks up.

"Hey did you hear Bowie's new song?" She says excitedly and I smirk.

"It's probably one of his best I'd say." I say looking off into the distance.

"Ros, it's number 1 in the UK!" She says excitedly which makes me smile - I it would be a success.

"Where you meant to be anyway?" I ask her curiously.

"Uni..." She mumbles. "But I-"

"Hey, go get a life, you'll do better than I am. See you later." I say cooly.


She hugs me once more and rushes in the direction to the university of Brixton... I sigh, actually really ashamed of myself for getting kicked out. My and I blew it. I shake my head in disappointment and start walking back to David's house.

As I'm walking, deep in Bowie's lyrics again, a hand slithers round my waist and I smile at the hand, the man starts to walk with me and I look up... My smile instantly drops and turns to .

"Hello " Kevin says with a nasty smirk painted across his face.

I stop dead in the street and push his hand away, and he pushes me against a wall, he pushes me with so much power I hit my head making me feel dizzy... I have no where to run. My eyes grow wild, I was...

"C'mon Ros, give your boyfriend a kiss!" He mutters slyly and leans in, I start to shake my head and begin to shout out for help.

Kevin's face turns angry and slaps his hand round my mouth for me to shut up. My screams are soon muffled, barely anyone is on the street now.

"Ros, shut the up." He spits at me, and I stop the screaming. "People will think something awful is happening."

My breaths are heavy, I'm frightened by Kevin! I wish I hadn't let Eleanor go to uni now! I wish David was here...!

"Now, behave yourself. We're in public, you'll show me up." He smirks to me. "Now, let's walk together, like every couple does."

He let's go of my mouth and a red print of lipstick stains his hand, I take a few deep breaths. I didn't want to go anywhere with this man! He was vicious!

He grabs my arm and tightly holds it so I can't go anywhere.

When a large crowd of people came towards us, I made my escape, wriggling out of my horrid boyfriends arm, I get my freedom but when I turn to see Kev's face, he slaps me forcefully round my jaw and I let out a loud yelp. The hit was hard, and I stumble over someone's foot and end up in the road. A car comes roaring down the road and I'm frozen... I can't move! The car beeps and suddenly puts it's breaks on, I hear the one voice I want to hear before I die...

"!" The gorgeous British accent screams out.

The car taps me and I get knocked down... It all happened so fast... My vision blurred. Was that David running over to me...?

My head weeped, it throbbed... What the is happening...? Everything is hurting... Loud screams is all I could hear. People gathered round me... I had never felt so embarrassed.

"Ros, it's ok, I'm here." David cradles me in the street, he took his hat off and his sunglasses so I could see his breathtaking eyes for the first time in weeks.


"David..." I mutter closing my eyes.

"DAVID BOWIE?!" People began to scream. "Good lord it's only David Bowie! Look!"

"They- know- it's- you-" I stutter out my words.

"Shh my darling," He coos to me and strokes my hair as I fall asleep.


I woke up in what looked like a hospital room, David was sitting right next to me, holding my hand. I smile at him and have a look more curiously round the room. This was definitely a hospital room... David's trench coat, his hat and his square sunglasses sat on a different chair.

"Guess you had to use a disguise... People know you're back in Brixton." I croak.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asks carefully.

"Yeah..." I whisper and feel the tears form in my eyes. "Kevin scared me, he pushed me against a wall, then made me walk with him... I tried to escape, he hit me-" I begin to cry, he was the reason why I fell into the road...!

"Then I fell..." I whimper.

David wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. He sits back into his chair and I look at him properly for the first time in a month.

His hair was slicked back, his cheek bones still God's best work, and his eyes, still as beautiful as ever, now that my vision wasn't blurred, they looked even more delicious and heavenly... And as always these days, a cigarette hung from his mouth lazily. He looked... But still the David Bowie I always knew and loved.

"Thank you for the gifts you left me." I smile to him and he smiles back but something was wrong.

"Ros," He croaks. "I can't stay in Brixton anymore. Everyone knows I'm here now..."

"You're " Worry hits my tone of voice and he runs his hand through my hair to calm me down.

"Come with me," He breathes. "come with me."

"Where?" I ask.

"New York, I'm going to do a tour there for Diamond Dogs, and of course, Rebel Rebel. It's hit number 1 here in the UK." He smiles. "Be in my band, be my pianist, travel the world with me! Leave your horrid life here!" He cups my small face in his hands and I look into his unique eyes. "You, and me..."

"I can't just leave my life here David." I look away, and pull his hands down from my face.

"What is there for you here my darling?" He strokes my cheek softly. "3 weeks ago you were pleading me to take you anywhere... What's changed?"

"I can't leave, I have to think about my family, my friends my-" I look back at the handsome man again.

"Please don't tell me you're going back to ?! Rosalind, you must be ! He almost had you !" I see his angry but worried face, the cigarette still hanging out of his mouth, his teeth clutching onto it as the smoke flickers through the air.

I look away, to break the sad truth, I pull my hair into a messy bun. "You're married David Bowie, if you weren't, I'd come with you, in a heartbeat."

"Me and Angie-"

"-Are married. Can you see it now? Headlines - I am 18! I can't deal with that! I'm going to be in headlines tomorrow, you'll be the mighty hero that saved me from an oncoming car..."

"You can deal with the fame... My darling, we spoke about this..."

"Oh David Bowie," I smile at him and rest my cold little hand on his cheek. "You've been my hero today, everyday..." I pause. "But the That's completely different."

"We'll go into hiding!" He tells me pleading, he grasps my hands and holds them tightly, he couldn't bare to watch me walk away.

"No David, you can't do that, you and your music has only just . Your blackstar has only started to shine." I smile and look down.

"Blackstar?" He asks curiously.

"You're a blackstar. Everyone knows the white stars, they see them, they're all the same. The blackstar, you remember the most, the . That's , David. Now go to America and show them that, just remember, I'll always be here, I have nothing to leave for now." I kiss him and he kisses me back harder.

The silence creeps on us again, and I change the subject, but only a slight change.

"You know your song, Sorrow, that you released on last years album... Was that about Angie?" I ask sadly.

"Yes, since Zowie was born, we've been fighting all the time." He sighs, smirks then kisses my hand. "How did you know I wrote that about Angie?"

"Just a guess." I lie, but he seems to buy it.

There's this silence for a long while, me and David were alone. I was alone with my rockstar... Why did this seem so perfect when life wasn't...? We were going to be thousands of miles away from each other within a matter of days...

"I'll write to you everyday. Live in my house if you want, just please don't go back to him, please..."

"I have to David, it's like me begging you not to go back to Angie... You'd tell me you have to go back to her... We- can't- win..."

"No. I'll find a way Ros. I you." He then kisses me again.

"I love you..." I start to cry as I whisper the words to my idol, the man I love...

Why was it that every time I tried to just live the normal life Rosalind Chester should've been living, it never seemed to work?

"Rosalind, I love you too..." He whispers meaningly.

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