《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Rainy day.


"Thanks Larry," I say still in shock.

It was just after 1 a.m., Kev would be worried about me but I just wanted to be alone after meeting David Bowie. I walk out of The White Horse, it was pouring down, heavy drops lashed down on my ripped dress that Bowie had commented on, my wavy curls had already been drenched and were plastered against my face, the only thing keeping me warm was the denim jacket. My heavy eye make up was already down my cheeks, as if I had been crying hard.

The rebel that I was, I walked lazily round the town, drunk people falling out of the closing pubs, and I avoided eye contact with anyone and replayed the conversation I had with David. me

He was everything I dreamed he would be but more.

I had to tell someone... Not Kev, what about Ellen? Or she might go starstruck like I did... I decided to just keep it a secret for now. It still didn't feel real.

I route around my pocket to find my key to the house, my fingers, cold as ice from the rain. I unlock my door, the only people that lived here now was me and Kev because El was away.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He shouts at me as I close the door behind me.

"I'm - I'm sorry, I got a little lost in thought." I was startled by my welcome home.

"You stupid cow you had me worried sick! Who've you been with?! Where've you been?! Eleanor left hours ago...!" He says shouting aggressively.

"No one, I went to the pub, had a few drinks, that's all, I've just got a massive headache so I'll just head to bed." I say peeling off my jacket and rubbing my eyes that had black stains of mascara on still.

"I'll - uh -I'll see you upstairs then." Kevin mutters to me quietly.

"I won't be long." I mutter back.

I fling on one of my big shirts that had been washed and dried earlier that morning and threw everything in the wash - the dress I could fix a different day but for now, all I wanted was sleep.


The following morning I woke up alone, Kev had gone to work and wouldn't be back till the evening. Last nights shouts replayed in my head, I had never seen him so angry... If I told him about meeting up with David Bowie, he'd never let me leave the house again even if David was a celebrity.

I roll over in the bed and think about the incredible man I met last night... I quickly get out of my bed and run down to my denim jacket which was now dry, I reach into the pocket and find the little napkin. Pleased, I kiss the napkin and bite my lower lip looking at the black ink and handwriting.

I picked up the phone and dialled the numbers in. The phone began ringing and my breath began to get heavy... I was nervous.

"Good morning, how can I help?" I hear an American woman say to me.

"Um, is David there?" I ask cautiously... I must have the wrong number.

"Can I ask who's speaking?" She says in a bitchy way.

"Tell him it's his rebel, Ros." I say with a smirk and a lot more confidence.

A minute passed and suddenly the gorgeous British accent spoke. "Well hello Ros, you're my rebel are you?"

I suddenly cringe... Did I really say that was rebel...?


"Uh, I didn't mean it like that I just-"

"Darling it's fine, it's fine, I quite like that title, Ros the rebel!" He says and I giggle at his comment. "So, how can I help you today?"

"Well- I- uh-" I stumble my words nervously. "I just wanted to check that this was your number... Who's the American woman that answered?" I ask carefully.

"Oh that's my P.A. Margo, she'll know you now, just say it's you." He tells me happily.

"So what do you need to talk to me about, tomorrow?" I ask him

"Ah, all will be revealed tomorrow my little rebel! Have you told anyone about meeting me last night?" He trails off at the end.

"No, not a soul." I answer honestly. "Would you prefer I don't tell anyone?"

"Just for now, that's why I'm asking to see you tomorrow for your help."

"My help? How can I help someone as amazing as you...?"

"You'll see tomorrow - anyway, the day is still ours so I must go, I'll see you soon Ros, have a good day!"

"You too, David." I croak and then I hang up.

There's a moment of silence before the excitement spills from my body...

"GOOD LORD I JUST SPOKE TO DAVID BOWIE ON THE PHONE!" I shout and then scream whilst running round the house.

I hadn't felt like a proper teenager in months, and suddenly it jumped out of nowhere... It was a wonderful feeling for me.


The day went slowly, I spent most of the time dancing round the house putting David's music at full volume and a little of the time doing some of my work for uni.

I began to make me and Kev some dinner, I felt quite distant from him for awhile, so spending some time alone with him was good for us both.

I hear the door open and I'm just serving up the food. "Good timing Kev! Dinners ready!" I tell him happily.

"Smells delicious." He says and kisses me lightly.

"Good day?" I ask putting the plates on the table.

"Wonderful day, yes, how was yours?" He says putting his coat on the chair behind him.

"Oh, rather boring. Not much happened, did some work..." I trail off, it was only a white lie, but inside I was screaming with excitement - I was seeing my hero again tomorrow.

"Oh well, maybe we could go out for dinner tomorrow night once I'm back from work?" He says tucking into his dinner whereas I hold back slightly.

"Re- Really? But- But won't you be tired?" I say worried I'll miss my date with David.

I wasn't cheating on Kev, I was meeting up with a pop star... He wasn't going to fall in love with an 18 year old girl.

"No, no. I'll be fine. Unless you want to cook me something?"

"I'll cook - let's save the money up a little." I say making up excuses. "Oh, I've been called to a meeting tomorrow night anyways, it's about my uni course."

"On a Friday night? How long will you be?" He asks suspiciously.

"Yes, but I don't know how long I'll be - it sounds important." I tell him and that seemed to end the entire conversation.


"Fancy a walk?" Kevin asks me. "You've been cooped up here all day, it's not good for you." He grabs my coat and he smoothly puts his on. I didn't really have a choice whether I wanted a walk or not. Sometimes it felt like I was a child to Kev, yes he was 7 years older than me, but I was still an adult... Just not always in his eyes.


"Kev can you grab an umbrella? It's raining out here!" I say, this time prepared for the heavy rain.

We linked arms, both mine wrapped round his one, his other arm holding the umbrella sheltering us from the cold rain. "Typical March this is." Kevin spits.

"It'll be April tomorrow." I mutter quietly.

"Mm," he mumbles.

We walk in silence for awhile and then we pass Kev's favourite pub - The Windmill. "Oh look, the boys are in there!" He says seeing his friends and getting rather giddy.

"Go see them, I'll take a walk round town then go home, have fun." I smile sadly.

"Well, if you're sure, see you at home, darling." He kisses my head and runs into the pub.

My tummy turned... David was the one who calls me darling, not Kev. But that's wrong isn't it... It should be my partner to call me his 'darling'... But I was David's little rebel too.

Drifting deep in thought about it all, I held the umbrella lazily on my shoulder and walked past over a hundred puddles dodging all of them. By now, I was closer to my local then I was to Kev's. It was odd that we, as a couple, didn't like the same things... It was rare when we did agree on something. Mum told me many times on the phone "opposites attract." But I wasn't convinced yet...

Even in the horrid rain, the image of David that was splattered across the wall still looked heavenly. Now that I saw it again, I noticed it didn't do David enough justice. I stand there for a long while before someone taps my arm elegantly.

"Does it capture my eyes?" The accent rings like a bell and I turn around with a grin smacked across my face. David had a cigarette in his mouth and he smirks at me.

"No, it doesn't, you're much more handsome in real life David Bowie." I mutter cooly.

He puffs out some smoke and looks to me. "You're a gem you are, a terrible liar however." How could he not believe he was a handsome man...?!

"To be truthful, you're actually the only person I've never lied to." I tell him stepping forward to see him better, the orange street lamp creates a spotlight for the pair of us.

"You've only known me a day, you haven't had an awful lot of time to lie, though I am grateful for the honesty you show me. Not many fans do." He sighs and looks down. He puts the cigarette to his mouth again, sucks in then breathes out a relaxed puff of smoke.

"So what are you doing out tonight?" I ask him changing the subject.

"I wanted a wander, and yourself?" He asks me back.

"The same. When I can't sleep I come here and-" I stop myself and laugh a little.

"And what Ros?" He asks puzzled.

"I talk to you." I look up to him and see his puzzle. "Well," I smile and look back at the art on the wall. "I talk to the wall, and the painting of you. Somehow it helps, to know you're the one that helps me out of bad times."

"How do I help you then darling?" He smirks and flings the dead cigarette behind him.

He moves a step closer to me, we were so close to each other I could feel the warmth from his body, and I could quite easily just lean on him if I wanted to.

He was tall, but I was only 5'6, he also carried an umbrella and he wore a trench coat and a shirt and tie under it. He still looked gorgeous, and I craved to be touched by him again, like I had the previous evening.

"You help by your lyrics, your voice gives me shivers... You take me away from it all, and that, that fact, I'll forever be grateful for." I say smoothly, with that, he blushes and smiles his crooked smile I had grown to love.

"Good lord," he says through his breath. "I have much effect on you?" He asks honoured.

I nod and smile widely showing my teeth. It was getting dark, and even colder, all I wanted to do was lean on him... Hold his hand, but that was wrong. He was famous, I had just met him and to him I was probably still an obsessed fan.

"You know when you leave Brixton you'll make me a very sad person." I tell him with a hint of sadness.

"I can't stay here forever Ros, everyone will begin realising soon that I'm here and then I'll never get a minutes free to even think..."

"The problems of being so popular." I mutter kind of bitterly.

"You'll have my music, this wall, the fact you met me, and of course, you have my number." He winks.

"Actually your P.A.'s number." I wink to him back and he slightly chuckles.

"Ros I know I'm-" he stops himself.

"Yes. You're famous. You'll have to start liking the word, you'll be known throughout the 70's and most likely the 80's and 90's. Fame is apart of you now. Fame, fame, fame... Blah blah blah" I say with utter sadness.

"Where were you in 1969 huh?" He asks sexily and puts his arm around my waist. "You would've handled the fame so easily." He smirks down to me.

I feel then that it's necessary to rest my head on his shoulder. "I was 13, that's where." I giggle but he doesn't.

"You're 18?" He sounds shocked and takes his arm away.

"What do you mean?" I ask worried.

"Nothing," he sighs. "So, are you married? You can't be at 18, surely not?"

"No, not married." He stands in front of me now with a relaxed face, and I feel safe and protected. Our umbrellas were both leaning on our shoulders still and the rain eased a touch. "I don't plan to be either until-"


"Until the right man asks." I smile up at him which seems to make him blush, he puts his hand on my cheek and strokes it once before he puts his hand back in his coat pocket.

"I better be getting back," David says looking deeply into my eyes.

I wanted to break it off, it seemed too intense for a rockstar to look at me this way.

"Yes, me too... Goodnight." I mutter.

"Goodnight my darling rebel, see you at The White Horse tomorrow." He says, pecks my cheek, pulls out another cigarette and lights it and gracefully walks down the pavement until I lose sight of him.

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