《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》Not just any 'Wednesday night'.


Dinner soon turned into Kevin moving in and becoming my boyfriend, and Abby visiting us often, so for a long while, there were 4 of us living under one small, damp, little roof.

Kev still had no idea about the obsession of David Bowie, he knew I listened to him, but that was about it.

Abby still keeps in touch but adventures all around London, she's probably in North London now, secretly, I just don't think she liked the fact David Bowie used to live where I was now living.

"Ros, can I speak to you?" Ellen asks me one morning, Kev was still fast asleep, it was his day off from work.

"Sure, ask away." I smile.

"I'm going to visit my mum in York for a few days, I can leave a bit of extra money if you want for rent or I can-" I stop her.

"Honestly El, if Kevin's living here he can put a bit of money in too, after all he is a banker. Don't worry." I smile "Plus, he's older and wiser then I am, he can look after me!" It was true - Kevin was slightly older than me, 7 years older. But who cares? David Bowie is 9 years ahead of me!

"Oh I'm glad you two finally got together, took you long enough!" She winks playfully.

"When do you leave?" I ask quietly.

"This evening, if that's ok?" She asks cautiously.

"Of course it is, you're taking the train then?" She nods. "I can walk you to the station if you like?" She then nods again more excited now.

I sigh and half smile, I felt deflated by my University work and even though Kevin was a darling to me, he could be a pain sometimes.

"Is everything ok Ros?" Eleanor snaps me back into reality.

"Just thinking about David Bowie - as always!" I lie.

"Don't lie. What's going on?" She asks again.

I sigh again and let the words just drop from my mouth carelessly. "Uni sent me a letter in the post yesterday, saying I'm on my last warning for slacking in class... They said they'll kick me out if I don't fix things."

"Oh Ros, I'm so sorry... You have time to fix things though, hey, I'll call you once I'm at my mum's, I'll keep an eye on you! And Kevin won't let you lose your place at Uni!"

"That's the thing though El, he just might. How many women do you see these days working? Let alone being a pianist for a band... He'll want me to marry him in a blink of an eye and start a family soon after. He won't support me, that's why I haven't told him." I whimper.

"Come help me pack, we'll have a drink before the station, things will be alright, I promise." She pulls me into a tight hug and I feel a salty, big, fat tear pool up my eye and slowly drip out down onto my pink cheek.


That evening, the bright orange street lights beam down to lead me and Eleanor to our favourite pub in all of London.


"Alright Larry - the usual for us please." I say tiredly.

He places our two drinks in front of us and I pass the hot coins that were in my hand over. "Cheers!" Eleanor says happily and I smile and clink my big glass with hers.

We sat there, just in each other's company, barely speaking, but it was a pleasant silence. The pub had a few more of the locals in but not as many as usual. Ellen looks at her watch and sighs heavily.

"I should be off." She says sadly.

Thanking Larry, both Eleanor and I walk to the station and I give her a hug goodbye. "Call often, look after yourself, see you in a few days." I say quickly as I see her train pull into the station, the platform seemed crowded which was slightly odd for a Wednesday night.

"Look after yourself, don't have too much fun without me!" She calls running off out of my sight.

"Doubtful..." I whisper to myself.

Once I saw the train leave I suddenly felt cold, I pull my denim jacket forward trying to keep my body heat in, I had no wishes to go home to Kev just yet. I started kicking a stone down the pavement with my little dolly shoes, bored, hopelessly lost in thoughts and David Bowie lyrics buzzing round my brain, I headed back to the pub.

"Hello again lass," Larry says already pulling me a pint.

"Where is everyone?" I ask looking round the pub to see no one but me and Larry. "I was only gone 30 minutes." I sit at my favourite bar stool, still slightly warm and fluff my hair out of the pony tail, my blonde hair falls just over my shoulders and the natural curly waves frame my face.

"It's a Wednesday night, everyone's gone home to catch the weekly episode of Coronation Street."

"Thank God, Kev will be watching it, at least he won't be out looking for me." I sigh sorrowfully.

Larry passes over the beer and just as I'm taking out my change he says: "On the house lass." And winks at me.

"What's bugging you lass?" He says once I say thank you.

The charts were playing quietly in the back ground as I waited to answer his question and I hoped to hear a David Bowie track come on at some point, I take a big gulp of my drink, wipe my mouth with my denim sleeve and finally reply.

"Teenage troubles." I mutter slurping my beer.

I pull my denim jacket closer to my chest again, feeling the cold run down my back - even the beer wasn't warming me up. I look deep into my golden coloured drink, sigh and hear the squeaking door of the pub open slightly. A man stands next to me, I haven't even looked up from my drink. From the corner of my eye, this man was tall, he had honey coloured blonde hair but that's all I had noticed.

"I'll have whatever this little darling's having please."

That gorgeous British accent, it couldn't be... I gasp in shock, my heart began to beat madly.


I slowly lift my big brown eyes away from the drink and see the bone structure strike out like a beautiful statue. His lips, perfectly plump but slightly thin, barely a single line creased his pale pink skin. His hair, yes, honey blonde, in a fluffy point just in front of his forehead, all swept forward... He was so much sexier up close and my lips parted at this thought.

He notices me looking and smiles a crooked smile showing his teeth.

"You-" I whisper standing up and slightly lose my balance.

His arms suddenly wrap round my waist to catch me from falling. "You alright darling?" He asks moving his hands away once I hold onto the side of the bar, the accent made my knees go weak and I fall again. He picks me up again and chuckles, his hands back onto my waist.

"David Bowie?" I ask in shock, I hold onto his wrist that was on my waist still... I had touched the skin of my idol...

He smiles again, more humbly now. "Was I really that obvious? I haven't a scrap of make up on today." He jokes which makes me smile wide and then turn a scarlet red colour as I blush for the first time in his company.

"Here you are David!" Larry smiles to the rockstar passing over the beer. "On the house."

"Thank you," he says in his sexy way.

I was still in shock. David Bowie was stood right in front of me. "Is it always this quiet? I'm not complaining at all, it's lovely not to get a fan club crowding round me but-"

"It's normally really busy!" I blurt excitedly, I clear my throat and try to calm myself down. "Yeah I'm a local here."

"Really? I used to come here all the time when I lived here. My favourite pub this was." I smile at his comment, I was so in love with this man...

"I'm Rosalind by the way, but everyone calls me Ros." I say with a small smile and take a polite sip of my beer and he soon follows my action and drinks a little of his.

"Well it's lovely to meet you Rosalind, I love your dress by the way, and, is that an Aladdin Sane bandana I notice?" His eyes widen pleasantly and I touch it and blush again.

"Yes, I'm - uh - I'm a huge fan of yours, I actually can't believe I'm in your presence!"

"Well thank you, I'm just as honoured to meet !" He says blushing back.

"Oh give over, I'm just a little nobody... You'll forget me by this time next week!" I almost hope he doesn't agree.

"No, no, the unique ones I remember. I'm sure I'll remember you."

"Oh don't say I look unique or anything, my hair is alright I suppose, but that's only because of the bandana, my make up is all over the place, a mess my friends say, and my dress is... Well... Torn..." David then laughs at my end comment.

"You're a bit of a rebel you are then!" He grins.

"Barely." I smirk. "No ones ever called me a rebel."

"Darling it's a compliment," he winks and takes another sip of the beer. "So what brings you to Brixton? Born here?"

"I wish." I tell him. "No I'm at Uni here." I prayed that no one would come into the pub now... This was just perfect.

"Oh wonderful!" David says happily. "Studying what may I ask?"

"Music, I want to be a pianist for a band." I smile. "So what brings you home?"

"Wanted to see the place again without being recognised."

"Is it working?" I ask him as he takes another sip of the beer.

"Uh -" he thinks for a moment. "Yes and no, you're the first person to notice me."

"How could I not! I'm in love with you-" I then heard my heart stop for a moment out of embarrassment that I told him I was in love with him... I had met David 5 minutes ago... "Your music and your uniqueness!"

Bowie laughed. "I like you Rosalind." My heart burst open with joy.

"Where are you staying?" I ask him.

"My parents old house, they never sold it so it's great for me, you know? Who knows how long I'll stay here!"

"Stay as long as you like, we don't close till 2!" Larry says jokingly.

"You've made my day David Bowie... Actually, you've made my entire life." I tell him looking into to his different coloured eyes longingly.

They looked even more to-die-for in person. This couldn't be real...

"I'm flattered Rosalind, truly, I'm so glad I inspire you! You have seemed to inspire me too on this lovely night. I might just stay in Brixton longer than I planned, I feel like another song coming on." He winks to me,

"Good man," he says to Larry which makes me laugh. "Could you do me and my friend Ros here a favour?" Flattered once again by the star, I blush.

"Of course!" He says excitedly.

"Could you close this pub a little earlier than planned Friday evening?" Larry nods.

"Anything for you Sir!"

"Good man, good man, now, Rosalind, could you meet me here on Friday evening at say, oh - 10 p.m.?" David says leaning casually against the bar.

I nod happily. "You want to see me again?"

"I want to let you into a secret, you've impacted me, inspired me to create once more!" He finishes his drink, pulls a napkin from the side and takes a pen out of his pocket and scribbled some figures on it. "My number, if you ever need reassurance this meeting did happen, lovely meeting you Miss Rosalind, see you Friday." He passes it to me, winks once more and walks out.

The door makes a squeak and me and Larry are in shock.

"My god," I whisper "what on earth just happened to me...?" I say with a grin on my face and I brush my finger over the ink on the softly folded napkin.

I just met the God of my world.

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