《1974 - A David Bowie Fanfic.》1974


Some people you fall in love with have something about them. Maybe because of the way they look or act or how they are with you and how they make you feel... Me, I fell in love with the music and the characters and the man of all of this creativity. Aladdin Sane, Ziggy Stardust...

...David Bowie.

He lives in his world of song, fame and daydreams whereas I lived in a small house in London with my parents and brother and me with a small job but a big ambition to be a musician... A pianist.

I was just another fan of Bowie's, one of those fans that dreamed of meeting him. But in reality, and the sad truth is, he'd never know I existed.

"Ros get up," My mother taps on my door.

I open my big brown eyes slowly and see a dull light coming from my window, the clock read 9:32 a.m. "Mum, it's New Year's Day... Why wake me so early...?" I grumble.

"I wouldn't complain young lady, a certain someone is on the radio if you must know!" She calls but her voice was from down the stairs.

By then I fling my covers from me and bolt downstairs hitting my foot on the table coming into the kitchen making me say ouch loudly. My father and brother are already sitting at the table, slightly laughing at me and tucking into some toast mum had prepared.

I turn up the volume and begin listening to an interview with Bowie.

"Pass the butter dad!" Henry, my brother calls with his mouth open and soggy bread hanging out of it.

"Learn some manors hey Henry? You're 11! Not 7!" My mother shouts at him slapping his head lightly with a tea towel.

"Shh!" I hush them waving my hands frantically.

"So David," the interviewer clears his throat and continues. "you'll be celebrating your 27th birthday in a few days, any plans for it?"

"Not really, I plan a lot of new things for the year though - uh - all surprises though of course." He mutters in his gorgeous British accent, his voice was so unique, nothing I had ever heard before yet I could listen to him all day, talk about absolutely anything - including a catalogue...!

"Oh, David, I must congratulate you on being so brave about being a bisexual!" The interviewer says kind of harshly which makes me frown.


"He likes men!" Henry shouts laughing and I through him a glare.

"Well thank you," David says proudly which makes me smile again. "it's helped me in my career and in my lifestyle, I have all my fans to thank for too, for supporting me and my choices." I then felt proud.

"And you're going to the Netherlands in February is that right?"

"Uh yes, yes I'll be there next month, doing a concert and-"

"Mum could we go to the-" I try to ask hopefully.

"Absolutely not Rosalind." My dad stops me. "You only went to see him the other month! Why would you need to see him again? And think of the expense of going to a different country." He shakes his head in disbelief.

"I'm 18, I shouldn't have to ask to see him..." I breathe and hear the interviewer wish David the best for the year.

I head upstairs, turn my radio on and begin to get changed, I placed my hair in a messy bun and put a bandana round the front of my blonde mess, the bandana had lighting strikes through it and was bought for me when Aladdin Sane became my new favourite album.

There was nothing to do on the first day of the year, I began wondering, gazing into the many posters I had of David's unique eyes and beautiful bone structure that constructed his face. The posters were covering every inch of my peach pink wallpaper. I half smiled, wondering what I would say to him if I ever met the bloke.

Was he as polite as he was when I heard him on the radio? Was he as gorgeous up close as he is from a distance while he's on stage?

"Ros," my mother creeps into my room and my smile drops along with my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I say straightening my bandana.

She sits on the bed next to me and strokes my cheek. "Oh Ros, aren't you a bit old for that bandana now? Or at least take all these posters down?"

"No." I say sharply to her. "Anyway, what was it you wanted?"

"Why don't you go out with your friends tonight? Go to the pub? Meet some people." She smiles to me.

Mum was desperate for me to meet a man, she thought I was obsessing too hard over David Bowie and that it was getting in the way of my social life. I agreed that I would marry once I find a man who loved Bowie as much as me. The problem was, I hadn't found a single man who had lived up to my expectations.


"Mum, I went out last night. I'll just borrow the car and go and see Abs or something later." I tell her knowing drinking is not what I need right now.

"Abigail was only here the other night though. Won't you be bored with her? You won't have anything to talk about!" She argues with me.

"It's fine, I'll be home by 11."

Abigail was my age, we were very similar in all ways expect one thing. She couldn't bare my favourite rockstar and cursed every time his name was mentioned. To me, it felt like she was insulting a God, a religion.

David's music is my religion, the thing I worship. And David Bowie being the God of my world.

"What about that nice boy? Kevin? He always said he'd take you out for dinner! He's so polite to me and your father, he must be keen for you!" Mum hints to me.

"We're friends, besides, I think he's always had a crush on Abby, not me. He is nice mum, and yes he is polite, but polite to everyone. I won't disagree, but we're just... Different. He's always out of town anyway."

"He's becoming a banker," she states. "next time he's in town, take him up on that offer of dinner won't you?" She grins and I nod just to please her. I did like Kev, but we were both young, we had no thoughts of settling down yet. We weren't even a thing, just very good friends but he had no idea about my obsession.

I was happy with my life, I didn't need a man to make it all better yet, unless there was the off chance. If I felt down David's music made me feel better, it understood me, it healed me. His lyrics spoke truth and the excitement of the unknown and what character he'd bring to the table next made things even more interesting for me. David kept his cards close to his chest which made me love him more. Whereas boys in London all looked the same, acted the same... Were the same. That's why I loved David Bowie so much... He was the different one.

Once mum had left me alone, I counted my recent wages and tips and put them safely in my purse just in case I needed to top the car up with petrol.

"See you in a bit, don't wait up, bye guys." I tell my parents and Henry who were sat around our little box TV.

"Drive safe sweetheart!" Mum calls as I close the door.

I sat in the car, put Ziggy Stardust on and cruised gingerly through town to Abby's apartment she rented out with her long term boyfriend, I could've easily walked, but it would've been too late to walk home in the dark alone.

Humming the tunes pulling up, I knew I had to snap out of it before Abs realised who the artist was. I knocked on the door and waited.

"Hey Ros, c'mon in!" Abby said with a big smile letting me in "Happy New Year!" She says and hugs me.

"To you and Jerry too, speaking of which where is he?"

"At work." She smiles and offers me a seat.

"He'll be popping the big question next!" I wink to her and she rolls her eyes. "He'll be daft not to ask you to marry him!"

"So how've you been?" She quickly changes the subject.

"I've actually come up with some resolutions." I tell her clearing my throat.

"Ros, 90% of them fail. But go on, do tell me... Let me guess, 'item number one, meet David Bowie.' ?"

"No actually, I've decided I want to move out of mum and dads." I tell her as she passes me a cup of tea.

"Oh really?" She sounds a little shocked. "Where will you go?" Abs asks me with a hint of worry.

"I hear Brixton has a good little university where they do great music courses..." I say quietly with a small smirk on my face.

"Of course... The home town of the one and only David Bowie."

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