《The Fallen Council》XXIV


Face to face standing the two sisters. The pumpkin haired female stared at the older.

"Et olisi tullut," The older smirked.

"I came anyways," The younger gritted her teeth. "This is going to end today!" She spat.

"Enpä usko! Aina voi olla ylimääräisiä kortteja hihoissa," The older giggled.

The younger froze. She was trying to figure out what the another had meant by that.

"There is a server that means a lot to you and one of your friends~" The older giggled.

"YOU BITCH!" The younger exclaimed before attacking.

The dirty blonde stared into the black haired male Watcher purple eyes.

"We're here to end this!" He groaned to the Watcher.

"Interesting, interesting! We'll see about that!" The Watcher chuckled.

Behind the Watcher was standing another Watcher, Ezohr, Xelqua could easily recognize him.

Xelqua moved his glare to Mao, who lipsynced him 'I'll take care of Ezohr'. Xelqua nodded and turned to look at black haired Watcher.

Xavier's voice rang through Xelqua's mind.

'For what?' Xelqua was confused.

Xavier answered.

'What-' Xelqua was cut off by a horrible pain in his head.

He let out a scream and his hands flew to his head. Mao looked shocked, he had no idea what was happening. Oneus looked a bit unsure, he didn't know if this was good or bad.

" ̇/ᒷꖎ?" Mao called out his name, but Xelqua couldn't hear it.

He felt like his head was going to explode. The pain was horrible. He started screaming his lungs out, which made Mao panic even more. Oneus looked horrified too, he didn't like where it was going. Ezohr just looked confused.

Then Xelqua felt them. He had horns in his head. The pain was gone, replaced with anger. He raised his glare and stared straight into Oneuses eyes. Oneus looked horrified.

Mao looked first a little shocked, but let it slide and pulled out his blade. He had to take of Ezohr.

Xelqua-, no, Xelvier looked at Oneus.

He spat.

"What the fuck did you do!" Oneus exclaimed.

Xelvier just smirked. He summoned Peacekeeper and Silencer and attacked.

Oneus dodged the attack and summoned a black magic blasting it towards Xelvier. Xelvier easily dodged and summoned a large reddish purple blast sending it towards Oneus.

On the other side of the room Mao and Ezohr were fighting together. It was mostly just Ezohr trying to hit Mao and Mao just easily dodging the attacks.

"Why wouldn't you join us? Look at your friend, he's a monster now!" Ezorh exclaimed.

"No, ̇/ᒷꖎ isn't a monster! I don't care what he is! He is and always will be my brother!" Mao spat dodging another attack.


Xelvier dodged Oneuses attack. The another was weak, Xelvier had wanted a stronger opponent.

He groaned to the other.

"You're the one who's going to die!" Oneus exclaimed.

Xelvier rolled his eyes and summoned a huge reddish purple blast. Oneuses eyes went wide open as the blast flied straight towards him.

Then everything exploded.

Sherenidy glared at the witch. They were both exhausted, but no one wanted to give up. The fight had lasted already a long time and both of them were injured.

"Etkö vois jo luovuttaa?" The witch groaned and coughed out some more blood.

"Enpä taia. Sä tuut olemaa se joka kuolee!" Sherenidy exclaimed.

Zanax grinned at her sisters Finnish. She didn't like the way she spoke the language and left out a lot of letters from words.

"We should change to English, it sounds better than Finnish in stories, doesn't it?" Sherenidy smirked making Zanax confused.

"Alright, would you like to admit that you've lo-" The witch was cut off by a huge explosion.

"Looks like we've won!" Sherenidy smirked.

Zanax looked shocked but it turned to a smug smile soon, "Hermitcraft might be in danger then~" She giggled.

"NO!" Sherenidy screamed but Zanax had already teleported away.

The female let out a couple of swear words before flying towards the bigger fight in the distance.

Mao opened his eyes blinking a couple of times before starting to cough. The whole hall has blown up. He let his eyes wander around. Looked like Ezohr and Oneus were both dead.

Xelvier stood up from the ground and looked at his brother.

He asked helping his brother up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?" Mao asked dusting his cloak.

Xelvier answered.

"Did you make a deal with a fallen?" Mao asked carefully.

Xelvier answered.

"I see. Should we keep this as a secret from the others?" The brunette asked tilting his head.

Xelvier nodded.

Xelvier closed his eyes and the horns disappeared. Xelqua was now in full control of the body.

"We should go find the others," The brunette said and Xelqua nodded.

They made their way out of the room and started heading towards the others, or at least where they thought the others would be.

Upton looked at the unconscious Watchers in front of them. Chet and Meadow were sitting on the ground next to Edita and Techno. Yenny was floating with her wings above everyone.

"Looks like they succeeded," Upton said glaring into the Academy's direction.

"Is that ᓭ⍑ᒷリ coming to our direction?" Meadow asked as she noticed a figure coming towards them.

"Looks like her," Techno nodded.


"Definitely her," Yenny nodded.

Sherenidy quickly made her way to the group.


"WHAT?!" Everyone else exclaimed in sync.

"We have to go to Hermitcraft! Oneus got killed and now Zan is really mad! We can't let her destroy Hermitcraft!" The pumpkin haired female quickly explained.

"What about ̇/ᒷꖎ and ᒲᔑ𝙹?" Yenny asked.

"They're there!" Upton pointed out after seeing two figures in the distance.

"When they get here we have to go!" Sherenidy said.

"ᓭ⍑ᒷリ, you're injured!" Meadow pointed out with a worried tone.

"Doesn't matter, so is Zanax!" Sherenidy mentioned.

Mao and Xelqua landed behind Sherenidy. The female turned around and quickly explained the situation. And then the group was already making their way to Hermitcraft's barrier.

We finally made it to Hermitcraft's barrier. Zanax was trying to make through it, but hadn't succeeded yet. She noticed us and turned around.

"Look at that! You decided to come and try to save your precious server!" Zanax giggled.

"Can't you just already go and burn in The Nether?" I heard Sherenidy groan.

"Keep your pretty mouth shut," Zanax whispered pressing her finger on her lips.

"What about no?" The pumpkin haired female groaned.

"Zanax Blackwood, you're under arrest," Mao jumped in.

"I don't think so~" The witch giggled.

"Don't try to resist! You're now arrested and you can't escape the truth!" Mao spoke out coldly.

"Give up Zanax! You can't escape, otherwise we'll hunt you down!" Sherenidy hissed.

"Now you follow us and we won't hurt you," Mao continued with the cold tone.

"What if I don't?" Zanax asked coldly.

"Then they'll come," Mao answered.

Zanax groaned but then smirked, "I still managed to download a virus to Hermitcraft's system~" She giggled.

I felt my eyes go wide open. I knew that there was nothing to do about the virus if we didn't know what kind of virus it was. I knew that Zanax wasn't stupid, she has chosen a virus that was going to be hard to find.

"You bitch!" Sherenidy groaned.

"You can't do anything about it though," Zanax smirked.

"We'll definitely remember this in your crimes, the list was already pretty long," Mao reminded coldly. Zanax just rolled her eyes.

"Let's leave and go to the HQ," I said as Chet chained up the witch with purple Watcher magic chains.

"WE HAD THE FUCKING MEETING!" Sherenidy quickly shouted.

Everyone froze. We had totally forgotten about the meeting and our siblings as we had gotten an idea to go and destroy Oneus. We hadn't told them anything. We had gotten so caught up in the plan that we literally had forgotten about the rest of us.

"Well, looks like we got some, no, a lot of explaining to do," Yenny spoke out.

"I'm not going to get involved in your meetings. I was here just for violence," Techno reminded.

"Don't worry, you don't have to get involved, you've already helped us enough," Edita gave a smile to the another Nether-born.

"ᒷ↸↸╎ᒷ is right, you've already done enough," Sherenidy nodded in agreement.

"Definitely," Mao nodded too.

"Now let's go back to the HQ, I don't trust that thing this close to Hermitcraft," I grinned as I looked at Zanax.

"Yeah, me neither. Let's go to the HQ," Mao nodded in agreement.

Soon we were all back on the Main HQ, where the others were waiting. We had a lot of explaining to do. We quickly managed to explain the whole situation and the others luckily understood. Then me and Yenny explained everything we knew about the female we had seen and the clues we had found about her.

We all came to an agreement that she is probably a lost soul and the wing belongs to her. The voice had also been her, but that made us all confused. Looked like she wanted to meet us, we didn't know why. Was there something she wanted from us?

We decided that we should start looking for more information about lost souls and who this female might be. The situation was really interested because I was starting to feel like I had met this female before somewhere. The more I thought about her, she started to sound more familiar. I felt like I had met her before, but where? And what had been our relationship? Friends? Strangers? Just seen each other once? I didn't know and it was making me really stressed.

Also the virus in Hermitcraft was stressing me out. I had spent a lot of time in Hermitcraft, but hadn't found anything strange. Also none of the Hermits had complained about something strange in the chat. There was nothing strange at all! Someone would probably think that it's good if nothing is wrong, but I know that Zanax has done something bad and if I'm not prepared, it might back stab me badly.

I was sitting on my bed reading through my communicator messages as I heard a familiar giggle, it made me froze.

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