《Killua X Reader [An Endless Bond]》[28] Questions


You could never forget the way he grumbled as he dragged you outside.

Chuckling to yourself, you faced him with a smile. "If it makes you feel better, Killua, I can use my Nen ability to pinpoint her location," you say, raising a finger.

Killua stopped in his tracks, whirling around to face you. "You have a Nen ability?!"

"Yeah! The one I use to look for living things, remember?" you sigh, placing your hands on your hips.

'Oh, that's right, (Y/N)'s odd ability where her aura is almost in a Zetsu state,' he thought, putting a hand to his chin in thought.

Slowly, he started to remember bits and pieces of your ability. How faint your presence was no matter how close you were, and how quickly and precisely you could locate living beings.

"–But wait, doesn't your hair float around when you do that?"

Your eyes widened at Killua's question, as if you just remembered. "Well... yeah, it does."

"Then, it's not worth risking. It's going to attract way too much attention..." he sighs. "I'll just text Alluka. That should be enough for now," he says, pulling out his phone and rapidly typing a message.

You step closer, taking a quick look at what Killua typed.

Oi, where are you?

"...Hey, isn't she going to get mad if you ask her that?" you sweatdrop, pointing at the phone screen.

"It won't matter. I just need a reply," was all Killua said before pressing send.

Both of you stood there in silence. In just a few seconds, you saw a new message pop up on his screen.

Your face lit up. "Ah! She replied! That was fast..."

With no time to waste, Killua immediately opened the message.


You sigh once more. "See? I told you she'd be mad."

"Idiot! I'm telling you, that's fine! At least we know she's safe!" he exclaims, grumbling in annoyance as he pockets his phone aggressively.

'Well, someone's in a bad mood today,' you thought to yourself, smiling unknowingly at his grumpy frown and slightly puffed-out cheeks.

Killua makes eye contact with you for a split-second, before averting his eyes just as quickly. "A-Anyways, we should probably look around. It's weird if we're just gonna stand here until it's time to go."


"Oh, right! We should!" you snap out of your daze as your mouth formed an 'o' shape. "Well then, where do you wanna go?"

"Beats me. I didn't wanna go out in the first place," he sighs, looking back at the plushie store where Alluka probably was.

Noticing where his gaze landed, you shook your head as you smiled to yourself. "Admit it, you knew this was coming." You stepped closer to Killua, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He raised an eyebrow at you. "Knew what was coming?"

"You knew Alluka was gonna do something like this. She always wanted to do things on her own." With a gentle tone, you gave him a knowing smile.

He only stared at your smile, before looking down at the floor. "Yeah, I knew. It's just... I was ready to spend the rest of my life protecting her, you know?" he mumbles.

"But you gotta let Alluka protect herself sooner or later."

He sighs deeply, slumping his shoulders in defeat. "Yeah, yeah. I get it already," he groans, before grabbing your hand and dragging you away.

"W-Wha– Where are we going?" you ask, nearly stumbling from his sudden movements.

"I dunno. Let's just walk around or something," he shrugs, gazing at you from the corner of his eye.

_ _ _

Meanwhile, in the plushie store...

"Yes! I finally got Onii-chan to let me go!" Alluka squealed, a bright smile illuminating her face as she jumped up and spread her arms wide.

'Ah oops... Was I too loud?' She quickly covered her mouth with her hands, noticing the stares of a few curious people. 'Hehe, if I get in danger, there's no way Onii-chan will let me out of his sight, so I gotta be careful!'

Running to the window of the store, she spots Killua dragging you away.

'Yes! Go Onee-chan! You can do this!' she smiles mischievously. 'Well then, I better go and explore as much as I can while I still have the time!

_ _ _


Killua raised an eyebrow, seeing you stopped walking. "What's wrong?"

"That bakery..." you pointed to the one nearby. "Doesn't it look familiar?"


With a confused frown, he gazed at the bakery you were pointing to, only to arrive at the same expression you had.


"It's the same one, isn't it? From the shopping district near Heavens Arena?" you ask, as an excited smile tugged on your lips.

Just like before, your eyes landed on a small, quaint bakery. It didn't stand out from the rest of the shops lining the street, but its subtle, yet elegant exterior drew you in once more. Not only you but Killua as well.

"Yea– Wait, how do you remember that? You're not even into sweets or anything!" he exclaimed, looking oddly flustered.

You tilt your head. "Hmm... I guess it's because that's when I discovered you were into chocolate! ChocoRobos, wasn't it?" You gave him a knowing smile.

A bright red blush started creeping to his cheeks. "S-Stop giving me that look! So what if I like C-ChocoRobos, huh?!"

"Nothing, nothing!" you wave your hands around, giving him a close-eyed smile. "I was just thinking that maybe we should go inside...?"

He paused for a moment, glancing at the bakery, then at you, then back at the bakery. Finally, he let out a deep sigh. "Yeah, yeah, sure," he says, walking ahead to the bakery.

You sweatdrop, following right behind him. 'You can pretend to be annoyed, Killua, but I know you wanna check it out more than I do,' you thought, smiling to yourself.

_ _ _

"Woah, this place is pretty crowded," you mumble, entering the bakery. Familiar scents of bread and pastries wafted over, tickling your nostrils. Meanwhile, your eyes scanned the almost-crowded bakery.

"This is good, there's no one suspicious here, and it's the perfect place to blend in," he replies, looking around for an empty table. "Oh! Let's sit over there by the corner, (Y/N)." He points to the table in the far back.

You follow him to the table. "Huh, they have a menu, but we can also check out our options in the display by the front," you say, picking up the menu and checking its contents.

"You have to place your order by the register, too." He points to the register behind him with his thumb. "Is there anything you want?"

"Hmm..." You look through the menu. "I'll just have whatever you're having." you smile sheepishly, placing the menu down and taking a seat.

"Really?" A small smile tugged at his lips as he watched you nod. "Ok, chocolate cake, then," he says, giving you a thumbs-up as he walks forward to order your cakes.

'Of course, it's chocolate cake.' You sigh.

Soon after, Killua returned with the treats.

"Woah! This looks really good!" you gaze at the cake in awe, feeling your mouth start to water.

"Right? Of course it is," he says smugly, taking the seat in front of you.

"I bet this tastes just as good," you smile, slicing a piece off with your fork and taking a bite. "It does! Now I understand why you're so into chocolate, Killua!" you beam at him, giving him the brightest smile of the day.

He stared at your smile. "Y-Yeah..." he managed to say, ignoring the heat rising to his cheeks.

_ _ _

Just a few moments have passed, and you were almost done with your cake.

'Oh, that's right!' your eyes widened slightly as you were taking one more bite. 'This is the perfect time to ask him,' you thought to yourself, looking up at him. "Hey, Killua?"

"Hmm?" he replied, finishing the last bits of his cake with a satisfied smile.

"I... uh..." you paused, clearing your throat nervously. "I... was just wondering... about you."

"H-Huh?!" he exclaimed, taken aback. "What do you mean 'about me'?"

"Well I mean..." you paused, averting eye contact from him. "I have a lot of questions. Like, what's your relationship with Illumi, aside from him being your brother? Why are your footsteps always so silent? Why is your Nen ability electricity? Isn't that super painful? And... a lot more," you trail off.

He gave you a look that was somewhere between uncertainty and sadness. As he put down his fork, he quickly scanned the crowd just in case anyone would listen in, before turning to you.

"It's... a pretty long story, but I think it's about time you should know... who I am."

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