《Killua X Reader [An Endless Bond]》[13] Solace


A week or so has passed since you started fighting at Heavens Arena.

Sitting on the couch at Wing's house, one could tell you were not happy. You let your face rest on your hand for support, as a sullenly irritated pout made its way to your face. Frowning blankly at the wall, you weren't able to notice that someone had plopped down on the couch next to you.

"Onee-chan?" Alluka calls you curiously, poking your cheek.

You jump in your seat, snapping out of your daze. You slowly turned your head to Alluka, letting your frown disappear from your face. "Hey Alluka, what's up?"

"Onee-chan, why are you mad?" she asks, her big, sky blue eyes were filled with worry. You only sigh despondently. "I just couldn't get past the 90s..." you mumble.

"In Heavens Arena?" She tilts her head curiously. You nod sadly.

Alluka only giggles at this, hugging you reassuringly. "It's okay Onee-chan, I'm sure you'll get through it!" She cheers you up. You smile at her efforts, leaning onto her. "Thanks, Alluka."

You look around the room, looking for a familiar set of vividly pale blue eyes, "Where's Killua?"

"He went out. I don't know where..." she trails off sadly, looking down at her feet. You chuckle at her.

"Aww, do you miss him?"

She nods, while you smile warmly at her. "I'm sure he'll be back in no time!" You say reassuringly, patting her on the head.

"So, Alluka, how's your training?" you ask, finishing your head pats. She jumps excitedly at your question. "I opened all of my aura nodes! Look!!" As she said that, you see her aura slowly begin to appear and shroud her.

Gasping in awe, you began to clap softly. "That's a nice Ten. You're already making so much progress in just over a week, good job!"

She laughs sheepishly. "Well, I still haven't mastered it yet, so I still need more training!" she declares with a cheerily determined tone.

_ _ _

After a few more moments of talking, Wing called you in for training.

Ever since you've mastered your Ten, he showed you Zetsu, which you mastered on your first try due to your experiences tailing and hunting down prey in the forest. So for the past few days, including today, he showed you how to project your aura outwards, otherwise known as Ren.

Standing in a defensive stance with your eyes closed, you focused everything on your aura all the while heeding to Wing's teachings.


"Visualize the energy building in your body," you hear him say. "Power gathers in each cell and grows... Then you force that power out!"

As soon as he said the word 'out', you shot your eyes open, letting the buildup of aura from inside you burst forth like water from a broken dam.

Wing felt enormous, yet bearable pressure from you. 'She's a quick learner. She'll catch up to Killua in no time,' he notes to himself, watching your Ren.

After maintaining Ren for a few seconds, you quickly shrouded your aura with Ten, though you struggled to get the hang of it for a bit. As soon as that was done, you let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Well done, (Y/N)-chan. Just practice more and you'll get used to shrouding your Ren with Ten in no time," Wing smiles his usual kind smile. You nod at him in understanding, a determined look on your face.

After Wing dismissed you, you decided to head out to hopefully take your mind off of your frustrations from the Arena.

_ _ _

It was still mid-afternoon when you found yourself strolling around the familiar shopping district. You let your eyes scan through the various shops and restaurants until your eyes landed on a small, quaint bakery. It didn't stand out from the rest of the shops, but its subtle, yet elegant exterior made you curious.

Pushing open the door, warm, sweet scents from the pastries wafted over to you. You smile contentedly at the cozy aura the bakery seemed to give off. Looking around, your eyes widened in shock when you spotted a boy with hair a familiar shade of silver. He seemed to be busy checking out the cakes and other sweets.

'Is that... Killua?' You asked yourself, wondering why he was in a place like this.

You slowly approach him. Soon enough, he noticed and whipped his head towards you. "(Y/N)?" he calls your name, as if in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

You scratch the back of your head sheepishly. "Well, I was just strolling around. I thought this bakery looked cool so I decided to check it out."

Killua hums in understanding. You look over at what he was checking out. He seemed to be looking at a specific box of chocolates.

"ChocoRobos? What's that?" You ask, pointing to it.

Killua casually picks up the box. "My favorite snack," he says nonchalantly as a small, childish smile rests on his face. "I didn't know they sold it here... In fact, I don't remember this place being here before," he mumbles happily while examining the box.


'I didn't know he had a sweet tooth,' you thought, openly smiling back at him.

A light blush started to taint his cheeks as Killua notices your unusually warm smile. "Oi, what's with that look?" He asks in a slightly flustered tone.

"Nothing, nothing," you wave your hands in front of him. "I just find it adorable that you have a sweet tooth. That's all," you smile at him tenderly.

'Wh- What the hell?!' Killua thought, as his eyes widened, and his light blush quickly turned into a deep shade of red.

Slowly, an unusual feeling settled in the pit of his stomach, almost as if little butterflies were fluttering inside it. "Stupid. Stop saying things like that, it's embarrassing!" He briskly utters and turns his back on you. He then walks to the cashier to quickly purchase the chocolates.

"Why? It's true!" You argue, following him out of the bakery. He continues to avoid eye contact from you as he briskly walks through the streets with his hands buried deep in his pockets.

Keeping up with his pace, you managed to glance at his face, it was still tinged red and he still looked embarrassed. You smile and giggle to yourself before saying. "Fine, fine. I'll stop, so quit avoiding me!"

"Ugh, I-- I wasn't avoiding you," he reasons, finally making eye contact with you. "Anyways, don't you have any fights today?" he asks, trying desperately to shift the conversation.

You sigh deeply as your smile from earlier started fading away. "No..." You mumbled sadly, remembering your situation in Heavens Arena. Killua seemed to notice your sudden change in behavior, as he stopped by a fountain and invited you to sit next to it together with him.

"What's wrong?" He asks, the slightest hint of worry on his voice. You hesitate for a bit, breaking eye contact with him.

A few seconds passed before you finally spoke. "Remember when I told you... I couldn't get past the 90s?"

Killua nods, "Yeah."

You look down despondently. "I still can't get past it."

Killua frowns. 'But that's impossible. Her current power should be enough to get her to the 150s...'

You let your face rest on your hands. "I don't know... just... every time I lose... I feel like I'm letting you down in a way..." you trail off.

Killua listened intently, looking directly at you with worry, even though you can't see it.

"So when I fight, I always tell myself that I must win, I have to win... but it just doesn't work... I always mess up at some point..." you trail off.

Killua's eyes widen in realization. "I see," he mumbles. 'The pressure of winning must be getting to her,' he thought.

"You're being too hard on yourself," he says casually, trying to cover up how worried he really is. You gaze directly at him, looking slightly offended. "What do you mean? Of course, I have to be hard on myself."

Killua sighs. "But it's to the point that it's affecting you negatively." he continues in that nonchalant tone, but you can feel his worry as he said that.

'Damn, you could have been nicer about it... but you're so right,' you thought, finally realizing what he meant.

You look down at the floor for a while, reflecting on Killua's words. You didn't notice him pull out the box of ChocoRobos from earlier as he pokes your shoulder to get your attention.

"Hmm?" you hum, looking at him. Your eyes widened when he handed you a piece of chocolate. "You can have one," he states briskly.

You stayed silent for a while, staring back and forth at Killua and the chocolate. Eventually, a tiny smile makes its way to your face. "Are you sure it's okay?"

"Just take it already!" He insists, taking your hand and placing the chocolate on your palm.

You look at your palm, then at Killua, who was busy eating chocolate himself. You smiled at him tenderly, realizing his efforts to comfort you.

'Thanks, Killua,' You smiled to yourself, before eating the chocolate ball as well.

_ _ _

You and Killua began walking back to Wing's house together.

"Hey, Killua?"


"I feel like talking to you has made me feel lighter in a way... like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders," you say, looking ahead of you. "The same thing happened last time you tried to comfort me too... how do you do it?" You ask, turning your head to meet his gaze.

Killua simply smiles, resting his hands behind his head. "I dunno."

You chuckle, as you two walk back together in comfortable silence.

_ _ _

Before your next match in Heavens Arena, you felt oddly light and confident. Excitement bubbles up inside you, not knowing it's been a week since you felt like this. Realizing your thoughts plaguing you from before seemed to lessen, you smiled to yourself, remembering how Killua offered you his chocolate that day.

By the time you retired for the day, you made it to the 100s.

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