《Traitor| Deku x reader》•28•


I spent the rest of the day at the shop with Nariko. Then we went to her house and watched movies, she taught me about her work. But all good things must come to an end.

I returned to UA and prepared to take classes again.

"UA's sports festival is a huge event, viewed by everyone. It is one of the best ways for heroeing agencies across all of Japan to scout up and coming heroes. At the end of the festival, it is likely you will be offered internships by professional agencies. Everyone will be attending an internship after the sports festival. It is wise you start contemplating hero names, but we will have a day for that..." Azawia gave a brief explanation of everything that would be happening. On top of that, we were told we would be required to wear our gym uniform. It was because our hero costumes could limit our abilities.

It was time to go out for a break. I pulled my phone from a hidden pocket in the school uniform skirt.

Pandora Bokkusu:

Want to go get a coffee?

Nariko Maato:

Sounds better than staying at the library alone. Meet you there in 10?

Pandora Bokkusu:

Ok, see you there.

I clicked my phone off, turning the screen dark, reflecting my face. I was grinning like a fool. I quickly wiped the look from my face and stood up. I made my way over to the door. I clearly wasn't paying attention, I ran into someone.

"Watch it, fleabag!" The ash-blonde kid turned around and spat in my face.

I growled, flashing my teeth at him. "Don't stop in my way then."

"It's not my fault." He stuck his finger out, pointing at the large crowd that had gathered at the door.


They began making declarations of war. Someone mentioned that they were scoping out the competition. They stayed there for a while. I didn't have time for this. I was already going to be crunched for time getting to the Cafe we were meeting at.

"Move it Extras!" Bakugo yelled as he began plowing through the crowd of people.

I took the advantage and tried closely behind him, escaping the crowd. After I was out, I high tailed It towards the cafe I and Nariko first went together. I didn't bother putting my stuff away in my dorm or changing clothes.

I didn't realize it either until I arrived at the small establishment.

I calmed down and entered the building. I found Nariko at the same booth, she had a pad and pencil, working on something. I slid into the seat across from her. I laid my head in my arms on the table. I peaked at the contents of the book. She noticed me and pulled the book out of my sight. She looked at me with her piercing red gaze. My eyes got lost in hers. She smiled playfully at me.

I gave her a questioning gaze.

"I'm working on a few things wholly based off of you and what I think would look amazing on you. Your just so unique and inspiring." She grinned.

I turned away and blushed at her comment. In all my life, I would've never expected anything like this ever happening.

"Hello, Misses. What can I get for you today?" The waitress came up to us.

We ordered coffees and returned to each other. We talked for a short while before being sadly interrupted.

"Hey, Bokkusu!" A loud voice filled my ears. I tried to ignore the voice of the loud, red-haired male. My plan to pretend they didn't exist was foiled.


"Aww, Pandora. Are these some of your classmates? You are wearing the same adorable uniforms." She waved them over to our table.

Kirishima quickly made his way over to us, behind him hid a very distant looking Bakugo.

"Hey Bokkusu, I didn't know you liked to come here." He attempted to make conversation with me. I simply smiled, squeezing my eyes shut to hide the annoyance I felt by their presence.

"Hi, I'm Nariko Maato!" Nariko quickly interjected and introduced herself. "Please sit down and join us."

"Alright, thanks." Kirishima accepted Nariko's invitation, setting himself down beside her and pushing Bakugo into the seat next to me. I scooted over, making more room for him so he wouldn't be smushed against me.

"So, are you, two boys, in the same class as Pandora?" I heard Nariko ask them, I had my head faced away, towards the window.

"Yeah! We're all three in the hero course at UA." He boasted, confidently.

"Wow, that's cool." She replied.

"What about you? Are you and Bokkusu related?" He asked.

I turned toward them discreetly. To be honest, I didn't even know what kind of relationship Nariko and I had.

"I'm actually in college. And Pandora and I are just friends."

Just friends. Why is that so confusing to me.

"You see, idiot. They don't even have the same last name." Bakugo said at Kirishima.

Kirishima looked meekly and rubbed the back of his neck.

I buried my face in my sleeve. Bakugo's temper got on my nerves, but I had quite the temper myself.

The waitress brought our coffees around which caused me to lift my previously hidden face. I held the warm cup in my hands and stared deeply into the cup. The blackish liquid rippled ever so often. I saw my reflection stare back at me.

"Hey, Bokkusu. You excited about the sports festival, we also got to come up with a hero name?"

I tore my vision away from the cup and looked at Kirishima, who was sitting next to Nariko.

"Quite." Was all I relied, sarcastically answering his ponder of my own excitement levels.

"Oh my gods! Pandora, you need to come up with a really cute hero name!" Nariko exclaimed, clearly excited.

I looked from Kirishima to her. She looked so...beautiful. The way the excitement brightened her face, her smile, the shine in her ruby eyes.

Her own joy made my expression of distance soften. I smiled.


The explosive male I so persistently followed around looked at the two beautiful females agape. Almost an expression of shock and disappointment.

"You good, dude?"

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