《Traitor| Deku x reader》•24•


I tried on a few other outfits. My favorite being a navy blue one piece. It was fitted. The shorts reached slightly below by bottom. The navy fabric ended in a sleeveless type of way. It connected to a long, puff sleeve mesh. The mesh traveled up from the navy, forming a neck like a tee shirt. On the navy part, there were two rows of buttons. Four on the top, and two larger buttons at the top of the bottoms.

Once I picked out the ones I wanted I exited the dressing room.

The woman came up to me when I exited.

She pressed herself against me once again. Her tattooed hands drifted to the back of my thighs. She held me close and dipped her head down to my ear.

Her being so close made me nervous.

"It not every day we get someone as cute as you in here." She whispered.

Her voice tickled my ear. It was like velvet yet childish.

She released me and I stumbled a bit.

"Shall I ring those up for you?" She asked, taking the outfits from my arms.

She walked with them to a counter that sat in the middle of the store.

She began clicking away on the register buttons.

I slowly made my way toward the desk. I peaked around at several different accessories. I found a cat choker.

Tomura keeps me in his bed pretty often, I might as well get something out of it. I thought as I picked up the necklace.

I placed it on the counter and looked at a bin that was directly beside it.

My heart stopped. In the bin was:

A pair of socks that had ears that poked up the top and whiskers below it. They were simple, but they were absolutely purfect.


I quickly snatched them up and sat them on the counter.

The dark-haired lady looked down at them on the counter and smiled.

Her eyes traveled up to me, sending shivers up and down my spine. My face turned 50 shades of red.

"That'll be *** yen." She said, before leaning back down and saying, "And you get a free date with me for being so cute today."

My face was even redder if that was possible.

"Sure, how about lunch?" I asked, trying to be confident.

She chuckled again, it was almost intoxicating.

"I get off in 20 minutes if you want to stick around. Here's my number." She slid my receipt over to me and flipped it over, where her number was written on the back.

I smiled and took the receipt along with my bag.

Now I need to go buy a phone.

"I'll meet you back here in 20 then." I smiled over at her and walked out of the store.

The clothes I bought surprisingly didn't cost much. I had plenty of money left.

I walked down the street and found an electronics store. I had never had a phone or a computer. It was a completely foreign idea to me. The only device I was ever given or allowed to have was an old game boy. Master is the one who gave it to me.

"You've done very well in your training, young child." Master praised.

"Thank you, Master." I acknowledge.

"Because you've been doing so well, I decided to reward you." He brought his arm from behind his back and brought it out to me. He opened his hand and revealed a grey device.

"Now this is a reward, a privilege, not a right. If you slip up it will be taken. And you are not allowed to spend more than one hour a day on it unless I say otherwise." He explained.


I took the game in my hands and looked at it in awe.

Thinking about it, I still have that game in my draw. I kept everything that Master gave me. He raised me as his own, it was the least I could do. I had everything he gave me from the game boy to the wrappers of the candy he gave me. The only thing I no longer have that he's given me is that hoodie.

I entered the technology store, glancing around at the different devices. Unknowing of the different devices, I asked a worker.

I purchased a phone and got the people at the store to set it up. As soon as I left, I put the woman's contact in. I was about to press save until I realized, I never got her name. That's probably something I should find out.

I checked the remaining amount of cash I had left. It wasn't very much.

I quickly checked my surroundings. There was a variety of different people. One particular group caught my eye. A group of men in suits. They looked wealthy, a perfect target. I got closer to them. The smell of alcohol radiated from them. They would be sluggish, that is if they realized what I will have done.

I got up on their group of three. I passed through two of them, reaching my hands in their pockets. They both stumbled but one of them fell to the ground. I turned around after stuffing the wallet I managed from one of the men.

"Oh my! I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

I rushed around the other men and in front of them. I attempted to help him up but it was futile, seeing as he was much larger than me. Once he was off the ground, I quickly began apologizing and brushing invisible dust off his suit. As I ran my hands over his suit I felt the faint outline of a wallet. I distracted him by complimenting him. If I wasn't dressed like an absolute hobo I probably could've just asked him for his wallet and he would've given it to me. He was buying every word that left my lips. I tucked my hand under his suit jacket, smoothing his button-up shirt, and ceasing his wallet.

Once I had his money I left and rushed back to the store where my date was.

Each of the two men I pickpocketed had about 20,000 yen each.

Whatever I had leftover from this afternoon I could sneak back into Tomura's room. Maybe doing that wouldn't make him as angry as if I just didn't return it.

Now time to find out her name.

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