《Traitor| Deku x reader》•16•


This worked out beautifully. Midoryia has some sort of relation to All Might. If I get him to trust me then I can learn his weaknesses. Then we can kill him and I can finally be rid of this school.

"Up first: Team A, as the heroes and Team D, as the villains." The large pro announced.

"Now its simple, villains are protecting a nuclear weapon somewhere in the building. It's the hero's job to foil their plans. Heroes' will have to either capture the villains with this capture tape," he held up a roll of tape, "or find and secure the weapon."

Funny, I'll be on the hero side.

"Hey! Midoryia." I called for the green haired boy, in a fake sweet tone.

He nervously turned around to face me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hey." He said nervously, almost questioning himself.

"Hey! I think we got off on the wrong foot. Let's start over." I gave him a closed eye smile and pushed my mask off my face, over my ears.

"So, hi. My name is Pandora Bokkusu. Nice to meet you." I said, bowing slightly.

His face flushed red. "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoryia." He stuttered out.

"So," I looped my arm with his and dragged him towards the training ground. "What's the plan?"

We got inside to building and we were all in position.

Me and Midoryia began patrolling the floors.

"So?" I questioned.

He jumped, startled slightly.

"Well, Kaachan's quirk allows him to create explosions from his hands, and Iida's is speed. Kaachan will probably come after me, leaving Iida to guard the weapon."

"So, you can occupy him while I..."

"While you sneak up on Iida and secure the bomb."

We decided on our plan and headed in separated directions.


By the time I got to another hallway, I could hear grumbling and stomping. It was heading down the hallway I was walking through.

It was Bakugo, he was heading directly to wear Midoryia was.

At least I know I'm heading in the right direction.

Although it wasn't planned for me to go into combat with Bakugo.

Thinking quick, I ran from one wall of the hallway into the other. I used the wall to jump off of and latch onto a hanging light panel. I pulled myself on top of it and crouched between it and the roof.

Not long after Bakugo came storming through the hallway beneath me. He was muttering to himself.

"I could've sworn I heard that flea-bag's loud feet." He looked at the sides of the walls and continued forward.

As he passed beneath me I stumbled off my perch.


My shoes clicked against the floor beneath me.

Bakugo quickly turned to face me, explosions set off from his palms.

Wide-eyed, I took off into the direction he just came from. He was in pursuit of me but it was short lived.

His foot steps came to a halt as I heard Midoryia call out after him.

Midoryia was right because soon after I heard his foot steps advance on Midoryia.

At the end of the hall, I saw Midoryia looking scared. As if he had just soiled his pants.

Thinking fast, I pulled the gun from my holster and loaded three rounds.

I rose it at head level and aimed at the spikey haired male.

Two of the three rounds of rubber bullets hit him. One in the back and one in the neck. The other bounced off the wall.

They may've been rubber but they packed on the force. It was enough to send him to his knees, gargling on spit. It was like getting shot with a real gun while wearing a bullet proof vest. All the pain without the blood. It was definitely going to leave bruises.


I didn't have much time, so I holstered my new favorite toy and took off down the hallway and up a set of stairs.

The floor was mostly empty. A giant concrete room with pillars everywhere.

I took one step into the room and my step clicked.

It echoed from all directions.

"Where are you?" Iida shouted.

He was standing guard, directly in front of the bomb.

I stepped out into the room further. A pillar blocked me from his view. I decided to use the echo to my advantage.

In a dark blur, I sprinted around the room, hiding behind pillars as Iida turned in circles attempting to pin point my location.

Once I was directly behind the 'villain' I rushed toward the bomb.

I got a few meters from the bomb and Iida came quickly around the side and swung a kick to my abdomen.

I was sent hurtling back into a pillar. Groaning, I raced to my feet and ran off.

My shoes created a fury of various clicks. It managed to throw him off again and I raced back toward the bomb.

He intercepted my advances. He swung another kick in my direction, to avoid being hit I jumped backwards into the air.

Realizing I was about to fall on my head, I extended my arms out and pushed off them. I did a few acrobatic tricks to retreat away from the armored male.

I attempted to capture the bomb once again with the same out come.

This time I raced directly toward my opponent. I was a short ways away when, the building shook and a large hole opened up from the ground. The air was forced up harshly, Iida was knocked from his feet.

The whole was between me and the objective I was racing towards. Unable to change directions, I was at the ledge of the hole.

By instinct, I pushed myself off the ledge. The adrenaline rush triggered me into transforming as I lifted off the ground.

My painter form hurtled towards the bomb. Gracefully, I latched onto the top of the bomb, my claws dug into the metal.

When I realized where I landed a loud voice came over the com.

"Hero team A wins!"

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