《Traitor| Deku x reader》•14•


Kurogiri looked toward me, not exactly happy.

"Now continue. What pros are teachers?"

I transformed back into my regular form and stood up.

Kurogiri came around the side of the bar and handed me a broom.

I knew that he wanted me to sweep up the cat hair and clean the mess we had made. So I began sweeping as I told him all the teachers names. Along with a few other details of the day.

When I finished, he was satisfied with the information I gathered.

He sent me back to the UA campus using a warp. He said I needed to be rested for the next day.

I got to my dorm and swung open the door.

The walls were a bluish gray. They had a white trim.

When you first entered the door it was a short hallway. It was only big enough to hold a tiny closet. I pulled open the white, closet door and revealed cleaning supplies.

I closed the door and walked to the beginning of the actual room.

It was fairly large. On the wall with the bent hallway, there was a much larger closet.

The white doors slid apart. It revealed two layers of white racks. Underneath the racks were bars that held clothing hangers of fabric.

On the top rack were four sets of button up shirts. Two short sleeved and two long sleeved. Across the top rack was a couple of UA gym uniform shirts. A couple uniform jackets and gym jackets.

At the bottom rack were a couple uniform skirts, sweatpants, and black leggings.

On the wire racks, a few pairs of socks were folded. A couple of red ties were laid out. A pair of slippers were laid out too.

I slid the doors back together.

I placed my back against the closet doors and took in the surroundings of my dorm.


A large window was in place of some of the wall on my left. It had sheer blue curtains. Along with white blinds.

Underneath the window was a fairly large, dark, oak desk. It was complete with a swivel chair. A gray rug beneath it. A lamp at one corner, a cup of pencils and pens, a stack of lined paper, a code of conduct, and a three year plan book.

A few feet from the desk was a full sized bed. It had a thin, metal frame and a thick mattress. Thin, grey sheets wrapped the bed. At the bottom, a few blankets were folded up. There were two pillows with grey cases.

I walked around the edge of the bed to the other side of the room.

The was an open door. It led to a small bathroom. Very small. There was a sink and mirror, along with a toilet and small, standing shower.

I walked back out of the bathroom. Not paying attention, I ran into a night stand. It was as tall as the bed and held an alarm clock.

The time shown 2:01.

I decided it was time to go to sleep, after all I have school in the morning.

I got to the bed and slung the pillows and covers off the edge of the bed.

I jumped into the air over the bed. By the time I made contact with the sheets I was in my feline form.

I curled up and laid down to rest.

Errr! Errrr! Errr! Errrr!

I rolled over my back, paring at the alarm clock and successfully disabling it.

I purred into the sheets.


I rose from my bed and left to the bathroom.

I had three hours till time to go to class. But I didn't have any type of training equipment to fiddle with before the day's events. Which is how I normally spend my mornings.


I looked in the mirror, it flared back at me. It told me to take a shower. Not disagreeing, I striped myself of my clothes.

I reached my hand in the box shower and turned the knob for the water.

Once the temperature was to my liking, I stepped into the glass prison.

Water rolled over my back. The pellets stung, digging into my flesh.

After getting dressed in my uniform, I brushed through my hair. Then braided it back.

I placed my books into my black bag. Throwing it on my back, I walked out of my room.

I paced the halls of the school. I learned which way all the hallways went. Where all the classes were and offices. Until I wound up at the door to class 1-A.

I checked a clock on the wall and read 6:48.

There was a little over an hour till class would begin.

I sucked it up and entered the room.

The room was mostly void. No students were present. I looked around the room, the only thing that stood out was the bright yellow caterpillar.

My tail flickered curiously. I walked to my desk in the back, by the window and sat my bag down.

I looked back at the yellow lump from my desk.

I slowly began to weave between desk. My boots clicked quietly against the tile. My tail flickered. My ears pointed attentively.

Once I got to the yellow lump I stopped. I was cautious about approaching it all the way.

It began to shift silently. As it did so, I approached it closer.

It rolled over completely.

I was face with a hole in the lump. Two tired eyes peered out at me, surrounded by a black mop of stringy hair.

I stayed, squatted down beside the creature for a moment before reeling back.

I pushed backwards, landing harshly on the tiled floor.

"EraserHead!" I hissed, questionably.

"Do you need something?" He asked. Glaring holes through my skull.

"Yea...What in Hades are you doing?"

He huffed, clearly annoyed that I bothered him.


"Why?" I sat in front of him on the ground. My legs were crossed and I rested my elbow on my thigh. My head sat in my palm.

My tail curled and uncurled on the floor.

He took notice of my tail as it swung and kept his focus on it.

"Because I'm tired."

Makes sense that he's tired. He saved me last night, but that shouldn't have taken that much out of him.

"What all did you do last night?"

He was still focused on my tail. His eyes looked heavy.

Within a few seconds, he was lulled back to sleep.


Was this man before me really the man who scared those men away last night. The one who intimidated me so much that I ran.

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