《Traitor| Deku x reader》•2•


"Alright, kid. Looks like you really are gonna come in handy." Tomura said, sitting across the table from the girl. She looked at him with the same scowl from when they first met. Her green eyes pierced his soul.

"You will be attending the UA enrollment whatever."

He made circle motions with his hand.

Showing how much he really didn't care to have this conversation.

"When?" Is all that she asked.

"Tomorrow. So I suggest you go train some more, brat." He growled at her.

She huffed and stood up from her chair. The wood pegs scrapped the floor. She walked a case of stairs to a room. There was a broken bed in the corner. A bag of rice hung from the ceiling in the middle. Different types of weights scattered the room. A bar of iron stretched one of the walls. Rubber straps were also present. The room was filled with all the sorts of exercise and workout equipment.

Without a seconds hesitation, Pandora grabbed two pairs of ankle weights and fastened them to her ankles and wrist. Making sure they wouldn't come off, she began attacking the hanging rice bag. With each hit the bag swung backwards. She countered this by shuffling in a circle around it.

Left, left, right, kick.

Left, left, right, kick.

Left, right, kick, kick.

Right, right, left, kick.

Right, right, left, kick.

Right, left, kick, kick.

An hour of this passed. She was dripping in sweat. But she wasn't to stop. Next she stood under the bar.

She gripped the bar, readying herself. In one swift movement she pushed her chest above the bar, he arms were extended and her body was in a straight line. She then bent her arms at 90 degree angles. Then extending them again. She repeated this several times.


After several hours of training, Pandora was called by Kurogiri for lunch. She raced on the set of stairs to reach the abandoned bar. Kurogiri was behind the bar. He was slowly carrying a large plate of food towards the chair she normally sat in.

"So, what's on the menu today?" She ask indifferently.

"The usual: meat and greens." He smiled.

She knew that was going to be his answer. It was the same everyday. She didn't hate it because it wasn't good. She loved the taste of any kind of meat. She hated it because in the first week of being there Tomura told her it would be the only thing she would eat for the rest of the time she was alive.

There had also been many times that Tomura had purposely tried to poison her meal. He would put a deadly dose of poison in it before she would sit down to eat. This always resulted in her puking up the poison and not having the needed nutrients for training.

That wasn't the case today. Tomura knew she needed all the help she could get from food in order to make it into UA.

"Hey Kurogiri?" Pandora asked carefully, "What happens if I don't make it into the school?"

Kurogiri was about to begin but he was cut off.

"We'll kill you then." Tomura said in a deadly tone. As he entered the bar.

Pandora looked at him, slightly fearful. Kurogiri noticed the look on her face and made her redirect her attention to him.

"You are aiming to make the hero course at UA. If you fail to do so, you will enter the general studies course. When you get in to general studies, during the sports festival, you will win and get transferred to the hero course."


Pandora thought it out as she continued to eat her food.

"What's the point of me joining UA?"

"To provide us with information. That way we can kill all the heroes."

She made an 'oh' face as everything began to make sense. She would have access to quite the bit of information if she were to be a student at UA. The only thing would be getting into the prestigious school.

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