《The Unknown》The end


It's been a few days and India still got an attitude with me but I mean that's cool I ain't expect nothing less.

"Where are the kids". She asked walking down the stairs.

"They at my cousin house". I said looking away from my phone.

"Did I say they could go". She asked causing me to look over at her.

"Look don't start that shit". I said mugging her.

Feeling my phone vibrate I look down and see it's one of my boys calling me.

"Say man we got that Ciara chick you been talking about". He said as soon as the call connected.

"Where y'all holding her at". I ask standing up from the couch.

"She I'm the basement". He said as I grabbed my keys.

"Alright I'll be by there". I said before hanging up.

"Where you going". India asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"I got something to handle I'll be back". I said giving her a kiss as she stared at me.

Walking out of the kitchen I walk out of the house and get in the car. Starting it up I back out and drive off.


Finally making it to his house I cut the car off and get out jogging towards the door.

Knocking I stand back and wait until the door is swung open.

"Wassup man". He said dapping me up.

"Wassup". I said making my way inside and down the hall towards the basement.

Going down the stairs of the basement I see she was already beat up bleeding.

"Well ain't this a sight to see". I said chuckling as I stood in front of her.

"Please let me go". She begged looking up at me and I shook my head.

"I can't do that cause you see when I asked you to leave me the fuck alone you decided to pop up at my crib where my girl was" . I said taking my gun from out of my pocket.


"I won't do it again". She cried but I shook my head.

"I don't do second chances". I said cocking the gun back.

Pulling the trigger I step back and look at what I did before turning and walking back up the steps.

"You good man". One of the guys asked as I walked past the living room.

"Yea I'm cool but y'all need to handle that in the basement".I said and they nodded before looking back at the tv.

"Thanks for finding her man". I said to the one that called me.

"No problem man I'll see you around". He said opening the door for me.

Walking out I get back in the car driving off towards the house.


Walking inside I could hear the tv playing spongebob.

"I know you not in here watching that kid shit". I said walking into the living room and I see India and the kids sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Why you go get them". I ask walking over taking a seat.

"Because I wanted to chill with my kids where did you go". She said looking over at me.

"I went to do something that'll put us both at ease". I said leaning back into the couch.

"You know I love you right". I ask looking over at her.

"Yes and I love you too". She said looking over at me before leaning into me.

This how it needs to stay...




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