《Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}》𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦


I walk up seeing Spencer on top of my chest, half naked asleep.

Oh fuck. Shit shit shit. I slept with her and it was fucking amazing but this is really bad, not to mention illegal.

My heart starts beating really fast and I start panicking, fuck how could I let this happen, I'm such a idiot oh my lord.

"Mmm." I heard a low voice come from Spencer. My heart started to slow down and I couldn't help but smile at her asleep.

I have to stop this before it goes any further, I have to let her go. She's going through so much and I took advantage of her feelings, she's probably confused about this and I'm just gonna upset her more. I carefully slip my hands around her waist and slide her off of me.

I'll just get dressed, make breakfast and when she comes out act normal, like it never happened.

I put on a grey hoodie and black cargo pants, it was getting closer to halloween so the weather was get colder.

I go out to the kitchen and pick up joeys bowel and go over to the cabinet and get out his food. I open the tin of food and pour it into the bowel. Joey starts barking and jumping.

"Shush." I tell him not wanting to wake Spencer.

He starts barking louder.

"Joey stop your gonna wake Spencer." I put his food down.

"Too late for that." I hear a quiet voice say. I look up and Spencer was rubbing one of her eyes in one of my hoodies. My heart quickens and I turn away.

"My head is pounding." She yawns.

I grab the box of lucky charms and two bowels and pour a bowl each, I get out the milk and pour it in. I get two spoons and go over to the kitchen table and put them down.


Spencer goes and sits down and I go and pour two glasses of water and get a ibuprofen for her headache.

I hand her the glass of water and the tablet and she doesn't say anything but take them. Guess she's not a morning person.

I sit down and start eating my lucky charms not talking to her, I look over to her and she's looking at me with a frown.

I slowly move the spoon of lucky charms away from my mouth and back in the bowl looking at her.

"What?" I ask her.

"You regret last night." She says still looking at me.

"Look Spencer it ne-"

"Never should of happened, I know what your gonna say. Always fucking happens!" She kicks up off the chair and throws the hoodie off and walks to my bedroom shutting the door.

I stand up and walk over, I knock on the door.


"I'm getting changed don't come in, it might affect the fact that you regret seeing me naked last night." She says.

"I don't regret it Spencer, you know why I can't do this. I'm your teacher."

She doesn't reply but I hear her moving. I go to knock again but she opens the door, she was in her skirt and top from last night but she wasn't wearing her fishnets.

"I called a cab, I'm going home." She looks at me and walks away over to the door.

I leaned back against the door frame in my room full with guilt.

She opens the door and walks out and slams it, I couldn't go after her. If I did it only make things worse.

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