《Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}》𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑒


I park in my driveway and get out and lock my car.

I walk up to the front door and unlock it and open it, once I walked in I could hear the tv in the living room.

"Spencer,is that you!?" I heard my mom shout.

"No it's the boogeyman." I walk into the living room and Jim is on the couch next to my mom. God he's still here.

"Does he like live here now?" I ask.

"Spencer stop being rude he's apart of this family now." My mom says.

"That's what you said about the one before him, and the one before that." I smile and walk out.

"Spencer!" I hear my mom shout as I walk out and I smile again and walk up the stairs to my room.

I change into shorts and a shirt and lay down in my bed exhausted. Ugh I have detention again tomorrow and I'm gonna have to rush to get to the restaurant after, how great. I felt something weird in my stomach when saying goodbye to Miss Levine, I don't know what it was but the feeling was strange.

Shit, I forget to check my messages from a while ago. I turn on my phone and see some messages from Maddie.

What the fuck. She knows I don't like going to party's yet she told everyone I was going to one. Kill me now.


"Shut up!" I groan as I wake up to the sound of the blender. I yawn and check the time. 7:05 am. I roll out of bed and go over to my closet to find and outfit.

I hate school but at least I'm half way through the week. I move away from my closet and open my curtains and it was sunny outside. I go back to my closet and picked out a matching long sleeved grey belly top and grey leggings.


It's a good outfit since I have p.e today. I go to my bathroom and tie my hair back in a ponytail and spray some perfume and stuff. I looked in the mirror and my boobs looked good in this outfit. Whatever.

I run down the stairs and go to the kitchen where my mom and Jim are sitting.

"Wow honey your dressed like a girl for once." My mom says and she laughs, Jim joining in.

"Oh your hilarious mom." I roll my eyes filling a glass with water. I lean back against the counter and drink it and look over at Jim who's staring at my boobs. Fucking asshole.

"Was it on your schedule to make me feel uncomfortable today?" I ask him and he looks up to my eyes and my mom looks confused.

"What-I wasn't looking." He stutters.

"Sure buddy keep telling yourself that." I put the glass down on the table and walk out and grab my bag and keys and walk out to my car.

I was driving to school when I got a message from Camila asking to pick her up and I said yes.

I drove to her house and she was waiting outside and she ran over and hopped in.

"Hey spence." She smiles and I smile back and drive away from her house.

"Hey." I say.

"Are you wearing a push up bra?" She asks.

"Well ya I thought it would look better with my outfit."

"Ya your boobs are popping girl." She smiles and I do too rolling my eyes.

"So how are you and miss popular?"

"Uh...We're fine." I smile.

"What's up?" She asks.


"You are such a bad liar."

"I'm not lying."

"Just tell me spence."

"She's just...we're just not supposed to be together I think and I don't know what to do, I mean I like her, I really do."

"Idiot." She laughs.


"Shes probably gonna make your life hell if you break up with her."

"I know."

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