《Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}》𝑆𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛


The bell rings and I head to my last class, I walk in a sit down.

"Alright could you all take out the homework I had emailed you yesterday." Mrs Pearl says.

Shit. Of course she would have to be the one to give us homework on the first day back, and through a email and not mention anything in class.

"Spencer where is your homework?" She asks.

"I didn't see it in my emails."

"So you do not have your homework completed?"


"Detention after school so I'm afraid Spencer."

"What? This is bullshit, you are the only teacher that would email us homework on the first day back and not mention anything during class."

"Spencer! Watch your mouth young lady!" She screams.

"I'm saying the truth tho this is complete bullshit."

"Get out of my classroom!" She screams right into my face.

I get up and grab my bag and walk out of the classroom. I walk down to the principals office and Mrs Murphy looks up from her laptop.

"Hello Spencer, can I help you?" She asks.

"Mrs Pearl told me get out of her classroom so I guessed that I'm supposed to come here." I huff.

"Alright sit down and I'll talk to mr Davis."

I nod and go sit down on a chair in the corner of the room.

Mrs Murphy comes out and nods for me to go in.

I walk into the office with Mr Davis and sit down in front of his desk.

"Hello Spencer, I'm quite disappointed with you. Talking back to the teachers now? You've always been polite, what's gotten into you."

"I'm sorry I just lost my temper it won't happen again." He looks at me and nods.


"Alright well, I would let it slide but Mrs Pearl has given you a weeks detention-"

"A week?!" Fucking bitch.

"Yes, you can go wait in the library till school is over then head to Miss Levines classroom she will be supervising detention for the next few weeks."

I stand up and walk out, I go to the library and sit down and go on my phone.

I put my phone down on the table and take out the all about me sheet. I write a little more about my job, I worked at a waitress at the restaurant Michaels. After detention I'm gonna have to go straight to the restaurant and I'll probably still be late.

The bell goes and I put away the sheet and pick up my bag and phone and walk to Miss Levines classroom.

I wait for her class to leave and I walk in and she looks up from her laptop.

"Well misses did you finish the essay?" She smiles and looks at me.

"I did indeed." I open my bag and hand the sheet to her.

"Great, you c an head home and I'll let you know what I think tomorrow." She sits back reading the paper.

"I'm here for detention. All week actually." I say standing there awkwardly as she looks up from the paper and meets my eye.

"Oh. I need to check actually who else is supposed to be here. Go sit down and do your homework or something." She sets the paper down and starts typing on her laptop.

I go and sit down at a desk at the back. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I take it out to see a message from Maddie.

I put my phone in my pocket and I look up and Miss Levine is watching me.


"Your so obvious, you know that right?" She sits up with a chuckle and I roll my eyes.

She turns the chair and stands up and walks down to my table. She takes a seat on the other side of the table.

"Only you for detention today. So let's talk." She puts her hands on the table tapping with her nails but stops.

"About?" I ask.

"That girlfriend of yours, she's quite bright isn't she? Cheer captain, popular girl, party animal but you. Your different, you said that to me, you had perfect grades last year Spencer, you are an amazing writer but your struggling this year and not just in my class."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, somethings wrong. Somethings distracting you. It's completely fine if you don't want to talk but if you need to I'm here." She smiles and gets up.

I close my eyes and breathe in for a second, she's right. Maddie is completely different to me. I mean what am I doing?

I take out my notebook and a pencil.

When my dad died I used to write little quotes about my feelings or things on my mind. It helped, but I stopped when I met Maddie because anytime she caught me writing she would tell me stop that it's 'weird'. I know, makes no sense.

I don't know what it means, but it came to mind so I just wrote it. I set down my pencil and huff.

I sit back and stare at the wall for...I don't know how long but Miss Levine speaks up.

"Detentions over you can go." She smiles and stands up packing her things.

I put everything in to my bag and Miss Levine is waiting for me. I put my bag over my shoulder and walk up to her.

"Come on I'll walk you out." We walk outside the classroom and she locks the door and we walk down the hall to the exit.

We walk down the steps and I stop as I see the only vehicles left in the car park is my car and a motorcycle. No fucking way.

"Are you walking home?" I ask her.

"No, my bikes right over there." She points to the motorcycle and she takes gloves out.

"Your joking." I say, she does not seem like a motorcycle girl.

"What? I only ride it sometimes I have a car as well. Motorcycles are much more freeing you should get one, I have a feeling you would like one. I'll see you tomorrow Spencer." She smiles and walks away over to her motorcycle.

I shake my head and walk over to my own car, quickly speeding to the restaurant.

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