《Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}》𝑆𝑖𝑥


-Next morning-

"Spencer wake up quick! We're so fucking late!" Maddie shakes me.

"Hm?" I rub my eyes waking up.

"Get up we're late!" I roll over and Maddie is running into her closet. Um okay.

I sit up and yawn and get up and pick up my bag.

I change into a white top and throw a black hoodie over it and put on my jeans.

I go to her bathroom because she's still getting changed, I brushed my hair then brushed my teeth.

I went back out to her room and put my stuff in my bag.

Maddie walks out of her closet and a tight blue belly top and a white tennis skirt, she had her hair curled and makeup done. How the fuck?

"Come on." She rushes me and I pick up my bag.

"Let's drive separately I have my car." I tell her and she looks at me for a moment then nods.

We walk out her door and she locks it as I walk to my car and get in.

I drive to school knowing i am so late and I'm gonna be in trouble, I check my phone and my English class has just started so it's not that bad.

I park in the school parking lot and run inside the building and to my English class room.

I open the door breathing heavily from the running and miss Levine looks over her eyebrows furrowed.

"Are you okay?" She she asks slowly.

"...Yeah...just..ran." I give her a thumbs up and walk down to the back desk and she nods still confused.

Everyone else was writing so I looked up at her and she leans off the desk and walks down to my table and hands me a piece of paper.


"So I want you to write an essay about yourself, I know it's childish or whatever but I want to get to know you all. I want at least five lines. So write about you what you like to do what you don't like to do, and all that." She whispers and looks at me and I nod.

It was only then when she was looking at me I noticed her eyes were a light greenish blue colour, she had light freckles on her face too, she is really beautiful.

She walks away from my desk and I take out a pen and start writing.

A few minutes later I walk up to her desk and put it in the little basket on her desk. She looks up from her laptop and smiles. I smile back then walk back to my seat. I only wrote two lines and it was just how old I was and that I like photography and reading.

The class ends and everyone gets up and leaves, as I walk past Miss Levines desk she stops me.

"Can I talk to you for a second Spencer?" She asks.

"Yeah sure..."

She picks up the papers with all the pages about people, she flicks through them and pulls out mine and hands it to me.

"I said at least five lines, does this look like five lines to you?" She asks.

"Ehh well..." I tilt my head trying to think of what to say I look at her and she purses her lips, she was trying not to smile.

"Seriously, I want you to write more." She starts smiling and looks away.

"Aye aye captain" I salute and she smiles rolling her eyes.

I decided not to eat lunch today and instead go to the library and work on this 'all about me' essay.


I take a seat in the library at a table and take out my pen.

A few minutes later I had nothing down and Miss Levine came in with a stack of books in her hand.

She didn't notice me as she set the books down on the table were the librarian sat.

"What are all these Juliet?" The librarian Jane asked her.

"I'm not sure, they were left in my classroom from Im guessing the old teacher so I just brought them here." She sighs and puts her curly blonde hair behind her ears.

She looks around and notices me at a table, she starts walking over and smiles.

"Can I sit?" She asks.

"Go ahead." I nod.

She sits down beside me and looks at the paper.

"Your finding this difficult?" She looks at me as she rests her chin on her knuckles.

"I suppose, I mean I don't know what to write and you want at least five lines." I huff and sit back in my chair, she nods and takes my pen out of my hand.

"Well...You could start by saying you like sitting in the park by night to ease your stress, or something like that."

I shrug and drop my head back.

"Come on, sit up." She pokes me and I groan annoyed and sit up.

"Write about you, it can be anything. About your friends, family things you hate or love or even people like that girlfriend you were telling me about."

"Hm." She hands me the pen and I start writing and she watches.

"Babe, you said you would eat lunch with me today. Why are you in here it's depressing." Maddie walks up to the table staring at me then to Miss Levine.

"Who are you?" Maddie gives her a dirty look.

"Miss Levine." She smiles.

"Hm great for you I'm Maddie St.James Spencer's girlfriend." She smirks at Miss Levine like she was showing off.

"Yeah I figured, I heard a lot about you."

"All good I hope."

"Hmm." Miss Levine chuckles and stands up.

"Please hand that up by the end of the day, five lines." Miss Levine smiles and I nod and she walks away waving at Jane.

"What a bitch." Maddie says looking over her shoulder watching Miss Levine walk out.

"She's nice Maddie." I sigh packing up my things and walk to my next class as the bell goes.

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