《Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}》𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒


About thirty minutes into the French class I wanted to text Maddie but I left my phone in my locker.

The door opens and Maddie walks in, still in her belly top and skirt. She smiled at miss Martin and miss Martin crosses her arms.

"Miss St. James. I told you to go to the principals office." Miss Martin says, her face going red from her getting angry.

"Yeah and I did, he had no problem with my outfit although....my dad had a problem with you commenting on it and actually, the principal wants you in his office now." Maddie shrugs and smiles and walks back towards our desk.

"Yo what happened." I turn to her as she sat down in the seat beside me. She turned to me with a weird look.

"Do not 'yo' me, it's weird, and nothing happened my dad is gonna get that bitch fired because she was rude to me." She shrugs again taking out her phone.

I looked up at miss Martins desk and her face was still red but she looked worried, she was packing up her laptop and stuff and she walked out the door.

Um ok.


My next class was geography which flew because I was just doodling since none of my friends had the class with me.

Next I had English, I walked down the hall and get stopped by a girl called Abby,Annie or something and her other friends, we don't talk so it was odd.

"No way you're dating Maddie St.James." She says.

"I am? Not that big of a deal." I move from foot to foot awkwardly looking at the floor.

"God what has gotten into Maddie, you must be really good in bed because I wouldn't want to be caught dead dating you." She looks me up and down.


"Good thing your not then Annie and keep away from my girlfriend before I tell everyone what you said to connor during the summer, that could really make your life a living hell you buffoon. Now run along." Maddie comes up behind me.

Annie looks at me then quickly walks away, her friends running behind her.

"You alright babe?" She leans down behind me to my ear.

"Mmhm." I nod.

"Alright I'll see you at lunch." She kisses the side of my head before running down the hall to Kenzie.

I walk to the English class and I was a little bit late, I walked in and everyone was sitting down talking but there was no teacher. Great.

The table down the back was empty so I went down there and dropped my bag next to the table and sat down.

Shit my phone. I'm such a idiot, I forget to go to my locker to get it. I roll my eyes and drop my head in the table.

"Spencer right?" I heard a voice say and I lifted my head.

It was a boy in the table in front of mine, I recognised him from some of my classes but I didn't know his name. There was a girl beside him looking at me.


"Are you seriously dating Maddie or is it some big prank." He whispers loudly.

"Oh it's a massive joke, just decided to prank the whole school about dating someone. Bro it's not that deep so just leave me alone." I smile and drop my head back down.

"Alright, hello class. I'm Miss Levine your new English teacher, sadly Mr Donovan had to leave to school." I heard a voice say but I kept my head down because I really did not give a shit.


"You down the back, wake up. Actually come up to the front, introduce yourself so I can get to know you all."

No way was she talking to me. I lift my head and look up and felt my heart twist as I say the curly blonde haired woman from last night. She pursed her lips and her eyes widened a bit.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes you, come up." She waved her hand for me to come up, she was smiling showing her dimples again.

"I'd rather not." I smile.

"Well I didn't give you an option now come up and introduce yourself and one things about you." She leans back against the desk with her arms crossed,staring at me and smiling.

I roll my eyes and get up and walk to the front of the class. What even is the point of this.

"I'm Spencer and I like photography." I turn on my heels to Miss Levine and smile and turn back and walk to my desk.

"Well done Spencer, that wasn't so difficult was it?" She smiled.

"No actually, it was nearly impossible." I say.

She smiles slightly and the rest of the class goes up one by one introducing themselves.

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