《The Alphas Secret Mate》Chapter Twenty Three:


Hadley's POV

My blood had run cold as his icy grip was still holding on firmly to me. I met his dark stare and let the carefree smile bloom on my face.

"I am so glad I got to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you with your pack being so close," I made the smile reach my eyes.

"All good things I hope," he sneered.

"Of course. Everyone talks about how large and strong your pack is. I grew up just next to it actually. Before I learned I was a wolf," I continued to smile.

"Yes I heard about you all the way from my pack. A mortal turned wolf. I'm sorry to hear about the tragic events that lead to you uncovering that little secret. Your poor boyfriend being the innocent bystander," Nolan said watching me closely.

Cam. I was no longer acting as my eyes dimmed and the smile dulled. My eyes stung as I willed the tears to not fall.

"How interesting that a random wolf is related to the alpha of the Blood Bane. I was quite surprised to see that you are staying here in Atlas when what's left of your family is there," he said. He knew exactly what he was doing. Trying to throw me off and reveal myself.

"Tate's pack rescued me the night of the rogue attack. I've made friends here all though eventually I plan to make my way over to Blood Bane," I said letting the smile return.

"I would love for you to come see Fenris Moon Pack. Our territory is superior in its beauty. Our land covers a great deal of the mountain range. Your wolf could run for miles in pristine conditions," he said getting closer to me with each word till there was only a small space left between us. I had to tilt my head up to meet his eyes.


"That sounds incredible. As long as you'd be the one showing me the territory," I forced my voice to pur as the bile rose in my throat. I prayed I was convincing.

"I see you've met our new pack member. Isn't she something?" West said, stepping beside me. Nolan took a step back.

"She is exquisite. I see why your pack is trying so hard to hold on to her," He said with that wicked grin.

"Hadley, Devin's looking for you. Here I'll take you to her," West said, guiding me away from Nolan who was watching me too closely.

West led me to the other side of the bonfire in Devin's general direction, before stopping.

"Sorry. I just didn't like the way he was looking at you like you were his next meal. That guy creeps me out," West said.

"Thank you. I didn't know how much longer I had in me talking to him like that," I said shivering. "Are you still planning on leaving?" I asked.

"I don't think I should. With everything going on... I'm the beta. My responsibility is here, protecting the pack," He said.

"Good you shouldn't have thought of leaving in the first place," I said. West raised his head up in surprise, waiting for an explanation. "We need you. Who else is going to pull me away from creeps like that," I said with a smile. West returned it.

"Hadley I am sorry about everything. I should have been honest with you...." his voice grew quieter and he made sure no one was listening. "I don't know what's wrong with me. My whole life women have always wanted me for one thing. Power and status. At first I played into it. But with you.... You didn't care about that stuff. You know me. The real me. I guess I never had that before except with Jillian and it made me say and do stupid things," he nervously glanced between me and the ground. "I guess what I'm trying to say is if you can forgive me for being a dumb asshole I want to be your friend. Just your friend," he said.


I looked him over and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "I would like that very much," I said, pulling back grinning at him. I gave him a playful punch in the shoulder "Now stop sleeping around so much that the first time someone actually gives a shit about you don't just go assuming its love," I laughed.

"You're killing me Hads. Now that Jillian's mated to my options are limited," he said with that sassy smirk.

"Maybe waiting for your mate and being celibate for awhile is exactly what you need," I laughed. West put his hand on his chest as being dramatic.

Tate was eyeing me from across the field. I gave him a reassuring smile and looked back at West. "I'll find you later the alpha is summoning me," I gave him a wink heading over to Tate.

"Looks like you guys solved your issue," he said, being careful not to touch me.

"You'll be happy to know that we indeed did and that West will be staying,"

"That is very good news," he said. From the corner of my eye I could see that Nolan was watching us.

Tate mind linked with me. Go have fun. I'll keep watch. You're safe. I'll come visit you tonight. He winked at me and made his way over to West. Within a matter of moments they were both laughing. I smiled and headed over to Devin and Jillian. Braxton, Darren, and Scott were nearby. With my wolf hearing I picked up how they were talking about training. Typical male wolves. Never let loose and relax.

"Hadley!" Jillian shouted, stretching her arms out as I approached.

"Our friend is being very observant of you. Drink up and have some fun," Devin whispered in my ear as she handed me another cup.

I took the cup and slammed down the liquid as it burnt my throat.

"Bring it on." I said.

"Mind if I join you," Nolan had approached us.

"The alpha wants to drink with us," Jillian said, exaggerating her words. "The honor is all mine," she batted her lashes at him.

Nolan's wicked smirk grew into a full grin. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. Devin and Jillian were pretending to have a full conversation but I could tell they were watching and listening.

"It's a shame you know. A part of me was hoping that you would be my mate," Nolan said.

"You're the alpha though. Your mate should be someone who can keep up with you," I said meeting his stare.

"You're the daughter of an Alpha. I can practically feel the power radiating from your skin," He said. His hand was grazing my arm. I couldn't help the goosebumps that rose on my arm as he did it. His smile grew at the sight of it.

"So responsive to my touch little wolf," he whispered in my ear. "Maybe we can have some fun still after all,".

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