《The Alphas Secret Mate》Chapter Eleven:


Hadley's POV

"So after I make the kill will the shift be instant?" I asked Devin.

We had spent the whole day hanging out and training. She had quickly become one of my best friends. I adored her fiery personality. We were currently hanging out in my room in my pajamas snacking on all the best junk food.

"Supposedly. I've never actually seen or known anyone that had to actually activate their shift. Normally when you're around twelve it just happens," Devin answered.

"What was your shift like?" I asked.

"Honestly the first couple times you shift are going to be brutal. Your body will need to adjust to the change. Every bone in your body breaks,".

I shivered at the thought.

"Once you've shifted though it will be unlike anything you've ever experienced. Your wolf half takes over and it's just this overwhelming sense of freedom. You realize this whole time you've been leashed and now you get to set yourself free,"

"Sounds poetic," I said.

"You'll understand once you feel it," she said smiling at me. "I can not wait for you to be a wolf. We need more women in the pack house. You and I are going to have so much fun" she said, giving me a wicked smile.

I laughed at all the thought only imagining all of the things Devin would get me into. Devin raised her arms above her head in a deep stretch. When her shirt rose I caught a glimpse at all the horrible scars that lined her stomach.

After catching my face Devin pulled her shirt down, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Devin how did you get those?" I asked carefully. "I thought wolves were able to heal,"

She continued staring at the bed, her eyes still lowered. Looking sadder than I had ever seen her. She sighed before talking.

"My father... Well he was a sadistic bastard to say the least. Before Tate took over the alpha position when wolves misbehaved, particularly the women of our pack, they were poked with these burning silver dipped rods. The silver prevents us from fully healing so we are constantly reminded of the consequences of our actions,"


"Oh my god Devin that's horrible I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say," I said, reaching out grabbing her hand.

"The worst of the scars was after I found out Scott was my mate. Right after I turned eighteen my father had taken me to almost all of the packs trying to marry me off to other betas and alphas. He wanted to further his line of power. The moment we got back I saw Scott. Scott was just a member of the pack at the time so you can imagine how furious my father was," she went on. "He took me away immediately and locked me up away from Scott. I was chained and branded repeatedly for days... Anyways Tate found out and that's when he challenged Alpha Silas for alpha," her eyes searched my face trying to read what I was thinking.

"Did Tate kill your father too?" I asked.

"No. The coward ran the second Tate won the challenge and was titled alpha," She said the fear still shining from her eyes.

"Well if he ever steps foot near you again he will have a line of people ready to end him, and I will be one of those people," I said giving her hand a squeeze. She mouthed thank you not being able to get the words out. We just sat there for a while in the silence.

"Does West have a mate?" I asked, trying to shift the conversation.

"Ha! No. But that certainly hasn't stopped him from mating with most girls in the pack," Devin laughed.

"Oh," I said, looking down the heat rising in my cheeks.

"Most of us choose to wait till we find our mate. But a lot of girls have been known to give in to the West. Especially if they think he can help raise their title in the pack," Devin explained.

"What happens when he eventually does find his mate?" I asked.


"Goddess above I hope she's understanding and doesn't go after all those wolves," She laughed, shaking her head.

We both looked at eachother and started cracking up again.

"So you've met all the other alphas and betas. What is Darren and his beta like?" I asked.

"Darren and Braxton are both stupidly hot. Never repeat this to Scott he would get so jealous," She laughed. "Braxton has rich dark skin, curly hair, and practically liquid gold eyes. They are to die for. Then Darren has these deep grey eyes and this tousled light brown hair. His wolf is the exact same. Picture tall, brooding, stern, stubborn, typical alpha wolf,"

"Tate's not like that and he's an alpha," I said.

"Tate is not anything like the other alpha's. Don't get me wrong Darren is a great guy but I can't imagine belonging to any other pack. Tate is innately good and would die for any member of the pack. He genuinely wants everyone to be happy. He makes us all better. Don't tell him I said that though it'll get to his big head," She said with a light smile.

"Your secret is safe with me," I smiled.

"We need some wine with all these snacks. It isn't a girls night without one," Devin said, pulling me to the doorway.

We made our way downstairs laughing. I couldn't remember the last time I had had this much fun with another person. My face hurt from smiling. We turned the corner to the kitchen.

"West what the hell! We eat here!" Devin shouted.

Sure enough West had a girl I didn't recognize propped up on the kitchen counter. They had been full on making out. West pulled away from the girl to glare at Devin. She had curly ink black hair and amber eyes. Her skin was so pale it was almost translucent. She was stunning.

"Devin. Hadley." West said, looking smug. "Jillian, this is the newest member of our pack. Hadley.... What is your last name anyway?" West asked.

"Conall. It's nice to meet you Jillian," I said watching the woman as she hopped off of the counter.

"Sorry you had to witness that. We'll head upstairs," She batted her eyelashes at West. "It was nice to meet you Hadley Conall. I've heard a lot about you," she said, giving me a playful smile as she pulled West up to his bedroom. He followed her leaving us with a wink.

Once they had left Devin looked at me shaking her head. "That would be Jillian, she's a tracker. Must have just gotten back. Her and West have been hooking up for years. It's worse now that she lives here too but she's gone a lot. She is really nice though. You'll like her," Devin explained.

"She is certainly very friendly," I said, pouring us each a large glass of wine.

"This is why we are friends," Devin said, taking the glass and cheersing me.

We started sipping our wine and chatting in the kitchen when we heard heavy footsteps making their way around the corner.

"West whatever you forgot it is not worth the shit i'm going to give you if you come back in here," Devin said laughing.

Our laughing stopped when the heavy footsteps made their way around the corner.

"Ladies having a nice night are we?"

"Hale," I said, meeting his bottomless black eyes.

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