《Eres Academy :School of The Royal and The Rich》18


{So sorry for the late update, I had some emergencies to attend to anyway here it is:)}

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"What's going on?" Aicko entered the student's council office.

It was the middle of the night and the whole student's council was called by the Dean for something urgent.

"Good evening Ms. Yoshida." The Dean greeted. "Please take a seat."

The council's meeting room contains a long conference table with seats for each council member and the Dean. The Dean is seated in one corner waiting for the other members to arrive. Aicko, as the Treasurer of the council sat beside Bellona, the Vice President. The both of them are the only girls in the council. Aicko sat properly and straightened her posture. She knew for sure that something was wrong.

All the seats in the table were already occupied except one.

The Dean crossed her arms. "Let's just wait for the President to arrive."

Suddenly the door opened. "Sorry I'm late." Kile apologized and took his seat.

"It's alright Mr. Astley." The Dean nodded and sat up straight. "I've called you all here to discuss this urgent matter."

"Which is?" Greg, the Secretary asked.

"The Rebels." The Dean sighed. "They've successfully kidnapped one of our students."

Aicko's eyes widened. The rest of the council started to exchange worried looks and murmurs.

"How is that possible?" Bellona frowned. "The school's done all the security measures."

The Dean shook her head. "I'm afraid they've still found a way."

"Are the Knight's doing everything they can to find them?" Aicko asked.

"Yes they are working night and day to get rid of them but I'm afraid they might take their kidnap into hostage." The Dean said and opened her folder.

Kile wondered. "Who did they kidnap?"

"She's a commoner." The Dean folded her arms. "Lucy White."


"Who was the first King of the United States?" Eloise asked Shari.

Shari scratched her head. "George Washington?"

"No." Eloise shook her head. "George Washington's the first President, not King."

"Ugh! How should I know that? I'm not even from this country." Shari complained.

Eloise chuckled. "Neither am I."

The rest of the week is examination days, meaning all of us students have to study full time. Eloise and Shari decided to spend the night here in our dorm, to join us study. We all woke up 5 am to have more time to study since the exams would go on for the whole day.

"I really wish I'm smart like you Eloise." Shari sighed and continued studying her history book.

Eloise shook her head. "I'd rather be wise."

Aicko suddenly came out from her room. She was the only one who didn't wake up as early as us since she was called for a meeting last night. She came back to us with bad news about the rebels kidnapping Lucy, which gave us goosebumps. I was never that close with Lucy, I never even knew that she was a commoner just like me, she had a habit of being invisible infact I never saw her go with anyone, but there was a time when I saw her with Blake. I just wish that she gets found and our lives would go back to normal.

After a while, the 4 of us stood up and started getting ready for school. After a quick breakfast, we headed to Aicko's car and went to school.


I rushed to my first period and entered the classroom. No one noticed that I've arrived because they all had their attentions focused to their books or reviewers. I walked towards my seat and noticed that Blake wasn't there behind me, I spotted Kile in his seat studying.

I sat down on my seat and opened my book. Trying to stop wondering where Blake is.

The teacher came in and gave us our exam sheets. Blake still didn't show up. Is he not going to take his exam?!

While the teacher wasn't looking, I pulled out my phone and texted him.

To: Jerk

Where are you?!

I frowned when He didn't reply.

To: Jerk

The exam's about to start.

Still no reply.

I hurriedly hid my phone when the teacher faced us once again. I sighed and started answering.


"How was the first exam?" Aicko asked the second I got out of the room.

"It's ok." I smiled. It really was ok but what bothered me was that Blake didn't get to take it. Where could he be?

I spent the rest of the day studying and taking exams but my mind stayed preoccupied by Blake's whereabouts. I kept flooding him with text messages but he didn't reply even once.

I was about to get inside Aicko's car so that we could go back to the dorm when I spotted Ram. I ran to him before he could enter his gold car.

"Hey!" I panted.

He seemed surprised to see me. "Hi Paige!" He smiled.

"Do you have any idea where Blake is?" I asked. "He hasn't took any of the exams today."

"Really?" Ram's eyebrows furrowed. "I guess he just has an emergency to attend to."

I raised my eyebrow. "Is that so."

"Don't worry, he'll come around soon when he's fixed the emergency." Ram gave me a small smile.

"Oh ok." I said and left. Although Ram sounded relaxed, I'm still not convinced by his answer, but if he says that nothing's wrong with Blake, then maybe there really isn't.

I headed back to the dorm and started studying again. Since Eloise already mastered all the subjects, she takes time to help us study. While she asked Aicko and Shari some questions, I pulled out my phone just to check if Blake replied. The Jerk still didn't.

I took a deep breathe and texted him again.

To: Jerk

We've got 5 exams tomorrow make sure you show up.

As usual, it went straight to his inbox.

I rolled my eyes and typed.

To: Jerk

Answer me! I called him for a few times. He didn't pick up.

God I sound demanding, but I'm doing this for his own good.

The next days went on in a flash. We all took exams and Blake was still nowhere to be seen. And just like that, it was Friday again, the last day of exams.

"Ok pass your papers." The teacher said.

I passed my paper to the front and starched my back. I feel stiff since I've been sitting for like the whole day.

"Ok, that's all for today, you're all dismissed." The teacher gathered the papers. "Happy weekend students."

Everyone stood up from their chairs and started to stretch, others were still comparing answer. I stood up and gathered my things inside my bag. I eyed Blake's empty chair behind me and rolled my eyes. He didn't reply to any of my texts, He hasn't taken any of the exams and He never showed up.


I walked towards the door to be greeted by Aicko and Eloise.

"Hell week's over!" She exclaimed. I chuckled at how she described our examination week. We started walking towards Shari's classroom.

Eloise turned to me. "How'd it go?"

"It was fine." I smiled.

We reached the front of Shari's room and waited for her to come out.

"But do you know what's a better news?" Aicko smiled excitedly.

"What?" Shari just came out from her classroom door.

"The rebels are gone!" Aicko exclaimed happily. "The Dean announced it a while ago at the student council meeting, and they've found Lucy.

My eyes widened at the news.

Eloise held her chest. "Oh thank God."

"Finally those nasty rebels are gone for good and we can go back to our normal lives." Shari said.

"But you know what's better?" Aicko asked. "The square's back to life meaning, Friday shopping and dinner out!"

We all like the idea.

Aicko and I went straight to our dorm to change and so did Shari and Eloise.

I changed into my yellow, loose tshirt and tucked it in my bleached denim shorts. I wore my hair in a bun and I placed on my yellow sandals that matched my shirt.

I walked outside and found Shari and Eloise already waiting for us in the living room.

"You guys take so long to get ready." Shari frowned. She was already in her shopping clothes.

Eloise gave me a smile. She looked so lady like in her cute casual peach dress that ended above her knees.

I took a seat beside them. "Who are we waiting for?"

"Who else?" Shari asked. "Aicko of course, no one takes longer to get ready than her."

The door from Aicko's room suddenly burst open and out came Aicko rushing towards us. "Girls!" She squealed.

"What?" The three of us said in unison.

"Since the rebels are gone, our batch is holding an out of the campus Beach outing tomorrow!" She jumped excitedly. "That marks the end of exams."

I got shocked when Shari and Eloise started to squeal aswell from the excitement.

"Wait, wait, wait." My eyebrows furrowed. "Out of the campus outing?"

"Yes!" The three of them chorused.

"Meaning?" I wondered.

"Oh Paige." Shari sat down beside me. "That means, we get to go out of the campus and have an outing with our whole year level to celebrate the end of exams."

My mouth formed an O. Now I get it.

"And the student council said that we'll spend the whole weekend in a resort." Aicko's excitement didn't die down.

Eloise nodded. "Every one's excited since we'll get to travel somewhere away from the campus."

I smiled as the excitement filled me in aswell. I'll finally get to leave the campus! Not that I don't like the campus or anything but. It's been a while since I've seen the world outside, And boy I miss it!

"Ok, ok, ok." Aicko calmed herself. "We've got to shop for beach clothes and bathing suits."

Before I could say anything else, the three of them pulled me outside the building and into Aicko's car and we drove to the mall.

I smiled as I see the square, back with it's lights and with many students walking around everywhere. This is the square I know.

When we entered the mall, It seemed like the beach outing news spread across our whole year level since I spotted most of our batch mates walking around the mall buying stuff for tomorrows outing.

Aicko immediately lead us towards the bathing suit section. Shari and Eloise started looking at the clothes.

My eyes widened when Aicko handed me a blue two piece bathing suit with a cross strap on the bottom.

"I'm not wearing that." I said firmly.

She gave me an evil smile. "Oh yes you are." She laughed.

"No, seriously." I frowned. "I don't wear stuff like that."

Eloise faced me, she had two hangered bathing suits in her hand ready for fitting. "There's a first time for everything."

Shari nodded.

Aicko looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Ugh!" I grunted. "Fine!"

"Yey!" They laughed and we all went inside the fitting room. After I fitted the bathing suit, we went out to look for more stuff.

We ended up buying, baiting suits, summer dresses, summer clothes, summer hats, shades and many more. I frowned at all my shopping bags. I never thought that I'd ever purchase this much in a shopping mall. But now here I am.

I faced the bags Aicko, Shari and Eloise had. I laughed at how many stuff they've got. These Royal and Rich people really love to shop.

After shopping for clothes, we went to the grocery and bought some food we'd like to take on our outing. Afterwards we went to a restaurant for dinner.

My eyes widened when Khrysie and her group of girls entered the restaurant. I saw how Khrysie's eyes went to our table. I expected her to glare at us but I saw sadness in her eyes when she spotted Eloise sitting with us.

She sighed and took a seat with her girls. They too had a lot of shopping bags.

"Don't mind them." Eloise said and took a sip on her drink.

I admire Eloise in many ways, but most importantly I admire how she doesn't mind how other people thinks of her. She knows what she wants and when she sees something wrong, she does something to make it right. I wish my attitude was like hers. Unswayable and Concrete.

After we ate, we left back to each of our dorms and Aicko and I started packing since we'll be leaving early tomorrow.

"I got a gallon of sunblock." Aicko said as she placed it inside her suitcase.

I frowned. "Ain't that too much?"

She laughed and got a smaller bottle. "Better?" She asked.

I nodded.

After we packed, we decided to get to sleep early. I jumped in my bed after I washed up and snuggled inside my blanket. I wanted to feel relaxed and excited but something kept on bugging me. I picked up my phone from my side table and opened it. I scrunched my forehead when I saw a text message.

From: The Guidance office

You haven't been seen with Mr. Carlisle for the past few days which means, your punishment shall be extended for another week. I'm sorry Ms. Bennet but rules are rules, I hope you understand.

Shit! I pulled the strands of my hair with frustration. This is all Blake's fault! He hasn't shown up ever since the exams started and now our punishments extended.

I felt my head boil up with anger, and surprisingly, that anger brought me to sleep.


"We didn't forget anything have we?" Aicko asked before she started the car.

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"Ok!" She started the engine and we started to head out the campus. It was just 7:30 AM. Eloise sat in the back listening to music with Shari who's fast asleep.

Everyone in our year level agreed to take each one's cars to get to the resort instead of hiring a bus.

I smiled as I watched the car leave the campus main gates and the road ways of California came into view.

Aicko said that the beach resort is a 3 hour car ride so I snuggled and tried to fall asleep. I suggested that we stop by a fast food drive thru for some breakfast. Obviously, the three of them weren't used to fast foods since they were all used to five star restaurant food but the agreed anyway. Since the ride was long, Aicko and Shari would switch places from time to time so that the driver could rest.


"We're here!" Aicko exclaimed making all of us wake up.

I opened my eyes and found out that we were infront of the resort.

"I'm still sleepy." Shari complained.

We got out of the car. My eyes widened when some boys in hotel staff uniforms came and took our bags and led us to the hotel lobby. By the looks of it, there wasn't that much people in the resort. I spotted some of our year level mates but no other guests.

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