《Eres Academy :School of The Royal and The Rich》17


1 question: BLAKE OR KILE? comment your choice.

{plz don't forget to vote and comment, they feed my motivation}

Kile's eyes widened at what Blake said.

He picked up a glass of whatever drink it was and drank from it. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I know you do." Blake crossed his arms and tried to catch eyes which avoided his.

When he finally caught it Kile looked at him.

"No, I don't."

"Don't lie to me." Blake restrained himself from raising his voice.

Kile kept the emotions on his face blank. "Is that all?" Kile dusted himself and stood up from the couch. "I'll be off then."

"Damn it Kile!" Blake stood up and faced him with anger in his eyes. "You may fool every single person in this entire campus with your emotions and cold hard face but you can't fool me."

Kile crossed his arms. "Are you done?"

"You're unbelievable." Blake said.

Without another word, Kile headed towards the door, he was about to leave when Blake spoke.

"If you like her, you've got to tell me. As much as a jerk I am, I need to know if I me and my best friend have our eyes for the same girl."

Kile shook his head. "You're the only one." He closed the door and heaved a sigh.


"You came!" Shari squealed when she saw Aicko and I enter the balcony of Khrysie's dorm room. After Aicko and I ran across the street, we raced towards the back of the building where Shari lowered a metal ladder which led to Khrysie's dorm room balcony and now here we are emerging from the balcony.

"Hi Girls!" Aicko greeted. "What did we miss?"

"Aicko!" Russian doll's high pitched voice filled the room. "I'm so glad you came." She clung to Aicko's arm and pulled her deeper inside the room.

I subconsciously rolled my eyes.

"Hi." Eloise managed a smile.

I smiled back. "Hello!"

I followed her deeper inside Khrysie's dorm room. It was huge, even bigger than me and Aicko's. It had two rooms, a kitchen which looks hardly used, 3 bathrooms and a living room, with a dining area. The whole place has gorgeous interior with fluffy carpets and furniture. Obviously a place where Royals would stay.

We entered a room, from the looks of it, it's Khrysie's room since it had her pictures on the wall and some of the girly features. There were a group of girls in a circle on Khrysie's carpeted floor. I spotted Nile, Diana, Isabel, Shari, some other girls from our year level that I'm not that familiar with and Lucy. Aicko was right when she said that they've invited all the girls in our year level.

Khrysie sat beside Nile and Eloise took a seat between Diana and Isabel. I sat beside Aicko. My eyes went to Lucy who seemed really shy, the look in her eyes made her look as if she didn't know what she's doing here. She seemed as if she's lost.

"It's a good thing the Knights didn't catch you." Shari said.

Aicko chuckled. "Escaping is just a piece of cake nowadays."

"They're really serious about this huh." I said.

"Of course they're serious." Khrysie rolled her eyes as if I should've known it. "They just don't want the incident before to happen again."

Suddenly everyone turned silent. From the looks of it, everyone got goosebumps at the memory of the incident.


"Wh-what incident?" I broke the silence.

"You don't know?" An Asian girl said.

The Filipino girl beside her swatted her head. "Of course she doesn't know, she wasn't here when it happened."

"Oh God, I wouldn't want to remember that." Diana hugged her knees.

The conversion keeps on making me more and more curious. "What happened?"

All the girls looked at eachother, as if asking who's gonna say it."

Aicko sighed. "A rebel got inside the campus."

I raised my eyebrow. "Just like now?"

"No." Eloise almost said in a whisper. "He got in undetected, and went to school with us."

"What?!" I gasped.

Everyone else just nodded.

How could a rebel get inside and go to school with them without getting caught by the Knights?

"How did that happen?"

"They say he got to hack the system, that's how he got to survive two weeks of classes with us." Aicko said.

"Wait, he got to go to class with you and non of you knew what he was?"

They all nodded.

Diana recalled. "He was actually really nice and friendly."

"And he was totally handsome." Khrysie sighed. "His jet black hair and midnight blue eyes are still fresh in my mind." She continued. "If he only wasn't a rebel, then I'd most certainly pursue him."

"But the Knights shot him on sight when they detected him." Isabel crossed her arms and leaned on the wall behind her. "That was 2 weeks later."

"That's why the school is trying their very best not to let that happen again." Aicko said.

"But I must say, if all rebels are that hot then please make me a rebel." She laughed.

"Seriously Khrysie?" I recognized a voice coming from the door.

All of our eyes went to the door and there stood Bellona. She was in her night dress and she had her wavy brown hair down. I can't deny it, she looks so beautiful.

"Lonnie!" Khrysie called her. "You should join us, not stay cramped in your room memorizing the laws of Rome."

Looks like these two are roommates.

Without a word, Bellona elegantly walked towards Khrysie's couch by our side holding a large book in her hand. She crossed her legs and lay the book on her lap and continued reading.

"Fine! I'll take that as a no." Khrysie went back to us. "Nile? What's with the face hun?"

We all turned to Nile. She had a frown on her face while she was looking at something on her phone.

"Ugh!" Nile complained. "Ram left again! The Knights just informed me."

Everyone laughed. I eyed Shari's expression at the mere mention of Ram's name. I giggled when I saw her blush.

"He's escaped again?!" Isabel said in a shocking tone.

"Obviously." Nile rolled her eyes. "Till now I still have no idea where he's been going to."

"Maybe he's part of a gang?" Isabel thought.

Diana added. "Maybe he's out in casinos having the time of his life."

"Or maybe." Khrysie giggled at what she was thinking. "Maybe he has a girl!"

Everyone burst out laughing again.

"Impossible!" Nile crossed her arms. "I've been with him since the womb, and I know for a fact that that playboy doesn't do girlfriends."

"Yeah we all know that, one day he's with this fling and the next day he's with another." Isabel said. "Classic Ram."


I didn't miss the sadness in Shari's expression.

"Hmm good thing my Andi isn't like that." Diana proudly said.

I tried to hold my laugh at how she described Aiden.

"Oh My Gosh! I have an idea!" Khrysie exclaimed. "Lets play truth or dare."

All the girls including Aicko squealed. Bellona kept her eyes on her book without minding us. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

"Alright alright." Khrysie called our attention. "Isabel get the food, Nile turn off the lights, Diana get the spin-bottle, Eloise we'll need blankets and Lonnie." She turned to Bellona who looked up from her book looking irritated. "Uh fine just continue reading, I'll get some flashlights now hurry up ladies!"

Aicko joined Isabel to get the food in the fridge. And after a few minutes they were all back. Isabel and Aicko placed all the food in the side table. There were cookies of different kinds, marshmellows that Aicko brought, churros, and other ideal sleepover foods and drinks one can think of. Eloise handed us each a blanket and Nile turned of the lights. All the light left in the room was a lamp. We all fixed our circle and Khrysie positioned the spin bottle in the middle of us.

"So here are the mechanics." Khrysie started. "If the bottle points to you then we're going to give you a question, if you answer it truthfully then you get to spin the bottle for the next round but if you don't want to answer it, then you choose dare and we get to decide what dare to give you." Khrysie smirked.

This Russian doll and all her games, she doesn't even win. I chuckled recalling the game she made back at Blake's villa at the billiards table. She looked stupid that time.

"Let's start., Eloise, you go first." Khrysie handed the bottle to Eloise.

Eloise spinned the bottle. It spun around in circles.

The bottle stopped infront of Nile.

"What!? Why me?" She wined.

"Hmmm what should I ask you." Eloise thought. "Are you still text mates with the prince of Italy?" She eyed her questioningly.

"I pick truth." Nile excitingly said. "Yes were text mates nothing more nothing less."

"Oh my gosh you're still text mates till now?!" Khrysie squealed.

"Whatever it's my turn." Nile took the bottle and spun it. Our eyes watched it till it stopped infront of Shari.

"Shit!" Shari smacked her face.

Aicko and I chuckled seeing our friend on the hotspot.

"Hmm what should I ask you?"

I took a sip on my mug of milk while waiting for the question.

Nile tapped her finger on her lips while she was thinking. "Oh here's a basic question, Who's your crush?"

I chocked on my drink upon hearing the question. Aicko was straining herself to not laugh out loud. Poor Shari being asked by her crush's twin sister.

Shari turned pale. "I-uh." She stuttered.

"Just say it." Nile reassured her. 'We won't tell."

"I pick dare." Shari said.

"Ok, I dare you to text my brother hello and lets see if he replies."

Shari turned paler. She wanted to hesitate but Nile was waiting. She took out her phone and texted the message. After a few minutes he hasn't replied.

"Ugh! Why isn't he replying?!" She said angrily.

This time, Shari got the bottle and spinned it landing infront of Khrysie. She asked Khrysie how many boys does she like. And of course Khrysie answered truth and said the one and only Blake Carlisle.

It was Khrysie's turn, she started spinning the bottle.

Please don't pick me.

Please don't pick me.

Please don't pick me.

I prayed.

I exhaled when the bottle stopped infront of Lucy.

"Oh Lou, I forgot you were here." Khrysie said. "Now what to ask you, Oh I know! Since you're the girl who hardly talks, I have the best question for you." She straightened her posture and eyed her. "Do you like someone?"

I don't know if the others could see it but I surely saw how Lucy's cheeks blushed beneath her thick rimmed glasses.

"I-I'm so-sorry but I prefer not to answer that." Lucy stuttered even worse than Shari. "I-I'll take d-dare."

"Seriously? Why is everyone so kill joy!" Khrysie complained. "Fine, your dare is to." Khrysie immediately stood up and went to her drawers, she pulled out a gift box and handed it to Lucy.

"I dare you to give that to my Blake and afterwards come back to me and tell me his reaction."

"O-ok." Was all Lucy said.

"Now." Khrysie handed her the bottle. "Make a spin."

"Uh-uhm can somebody else do it?"

"Ugh!" Khrysie rolled her eyes. "Diana, here you spin."

"Oooh I'd love to." Diana cheered and got to bottle. She eyed me before she started to spin it.

Oh boy.

My eyes widened when it stopped infront of me. I looked back at Diana who seemed overjoyed to get me.

"Oh Paige." She smiled. "This will be fun."

"Just get on with the question." I clutched on my blanket. The way Diana looks at me makes me feel goosebumps.

"My question is." She raised her eyebrow, even in the dark her rosy cheeks are evident. "Do you like Andi?" there was a mixed emotion of bitterness and assurance in her voice.

"You mean Aiden?" I asked.

"Yes, Andi." She sounded as if she really wanted an answer.

Everyone turned to me, I got surprised to see Bellona look up from her book to hear me answer.

I thought about it. If I say Yes then that would be a complete lie, but if I say No, it's as if I gave her assurance that my best friend's free, If I say No then that'll please her, not that I'm selfish but I somehow want to keep whatever I have with my bestfriend private. I thought for a while. I know what to do.

I leaned on the wall behind me and crossed my arms. "I pick dare."

Diana's jaw dropped and her eyebrows scrunched. "Wait you should answer my-"

"She said dare Diana." Khrysie said. "I can help you with that." Khrysie beckoned Diana to come closer, when Diana went close, Khrysie whispered something into Diana's ear making a smile form on Diana's lips.

Oh God, what did I get myself into?!

Diana stood up and went inside Khrysie's bathroom, later coming out with a bottle with some black liquid inside. "I dare you to dye your hair black."

"What?!" I gasped.

"You picked dare." Khrysie said plainly. "Now you have a dare."

"Uhm Khrysie isn't that a bit over the-"

"She picked dare Nile." Khrysie cut her off.

Aicko frowned. "Does she really have to?"

"Yes she does." Khrysie said.

Diana nodded.

This is my fault. I chose this, now I have no choice.

Although I felt on the verge of tears by the thought of dying my blonde hair black. I still had to look unaffected. "Fine, I'll do it."

Khrysie smirked. "Good girl." She handed me the flask and led me to the bathroom.

"Are you seriously making her do that?" Bellona asked.

"You heard her Lonnie, she says she'll do it." Khrysie pointed.

I entered the bathroom as the other girls followed, guess all of them are going to watch. Aicko and Shari gave me worried looks. I gave them a small smile and uncapped the bottle, I took a deep breathe.

Here goes nothing.


"Stop looking at the mirror." Aicko continued to comb my hair.

Today's another day of school and we're all precautious of our surroundings and very sleepy. We all slept around 3am and up by 6. Now our eyebags are definitely heavy.

"I look horrible." I covered my face with my hands. Everytime I look at the mirror I keep tearing up. Gone was my blonde hair, now it's jet black and I feel like I'm an entirely different person.

"No you don't, you're just not used to it." She tied my hair into a loose bun.

"What did I get myself into!" I blinked back my tears.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Aicko scolded. "Enough crying, You're still beautiful." She smiled.

I smiled back. She boosted my self esteem by her simple words. Amazing at how words can affect a person.

She checked her watch. "Lets go, we're gonna be late."

I nodded and ran to my room. I got my school things and got my dark blue blazer and wore it over my blouse. I stopped before I could step out of the room. I ran towards my closet and picked up a beret hat that Aicko made me buy. It could cover my hair but one thing's the problem. It's color is hot red. Which doesn't match the uniform.

Well what option do I have?

I wore it on top of my head and hide my bun inside it.

Aicko gasped when she saw me. "It doesn't match."

"It's fine." I waved her off.

We rode her car going to school. My heart kept beating faster and faster as we approached school. One thing I'm sure if that, I'm afraid of judgement. That was my weakness.

I hate being the center of attention and with my beret hat, maybe It'll attract all the attention it can get.

And when he walked into school. I was right. Everyone eyed my hat and started whispering.

"I told you to not bring it." Aicko said.

I didn't mind her and just continued walking.

The whispers became more and more heard, suddenly people started pointing at my head and started making fun of it.

My eyes widened when I spotted Blake at the other end of the hall. It looked weird because he was walking alone. Shit! He can't see me in this state. Before he could turn my way I made a run for it.

"Paige!" Aicko called.

But I didn't have time to answer because tears were dripping from my eyes. I ran towards the balcony of the school. There wasn't any students hanging out so it was the best place.

I ran towards it and held onto the railing. I sighed as I saw the green landscapes, not so far away, I caught sight of the city of California. I felt my eyes tear up again.

I miss my normal life, where no Royals would look down on you, where no rich people would torture you, a life free of judgement. The life I once had.

I gasped when I felt my beret pulled of my head making my black hair fall out of it's bun and down my shoulders.

"What the hell?!" I turned around.

"Why are you wearing this?" Kile's eyebrows furrowed a he held my beret in one hand.

My eyes instantly widened. "Give it back!" I tried to grab my beret back from him.

"You're catching people's attention because of this."

"But I'll catch more attention because of this!" I pointed to my hair. I felt so angry now.

He raised his eyebrow. "What's wrong with it?"

"I don't want it." I started crying again. God I sound like a baby.

"It doesn't look bad to me." He said in a serious voice. Something about his voice reassured me, maybe because of it's sincerity.

I chuckled. "You think?"

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