《Eres Academy :School of The Royal and The Rich》11


"What?" I blinked twice.

"I said I'm going to take you home."

"D-do you really need to?"

"Just cooperate Puppy." He said impatiently. "I wanna get this over with as much as you do."

I don't need him to take me back to the dorm, I wanna go home with Aicko Ugh!

"I'm not going to the dorm, I have something else to do." I lied.

"Where are you going then?"

What is his problem?! Why does he even care about where I'm going? I tried to think. "I'm going to eat dinner."

"By yourself?" He chuckled. "Loner."

"Hey I'm not a loner you Jerk!" I frowned.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. " I'll just take you to wherever place you're going to eat. But I'm not eating with you, I don't want to be seen you."

This asshole. "What makes you think that I wanna be with you either?!" My phone suddenly rang. I picked it up while Blake stood there watching me.

[Hey Peggy!] Aiden's said.

The call wasn't on speaker but I could tell that Blake heard Aiden's voice. He crossed his arms and kept watching me.


[I've finished my training wanna have some dinner? We could bring Aicko and Shari.]

I tried to hide my smile. Perfect timing Aiden!

"Sure I'd love to have dinner with you!" I exaggerated.

Blake's eyes widened and he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah I'm totally free!" I said to Aiden even if he didn't ask anything.

[What are you talking about?] he seemed confused. I'll explain to him later.

"Yeah you could pick me up right now, I'm near the parking lot." I made sure that Blake could hear me.

[Have you gone nuts? Whatever Ima pick you up either way just wai-]

I got shocked when Blake grabbed my phone out of my hands and ended the call.

"What the heck?! That was rude!" I glared at him.

He placed my phone in his pocket and pulled my hand. "Lets have dinner."

My eyes widened. "You said you don't want to be seen with me."

"I changed my mind." He dragged me closer to the parking lot.

Why can't he just let me go?! "But my friends are expecting me!"

"Then tell them that you're not coming."

I was about to protest again when I saw the guidance councilor eyeing us from the side of the parking lot. What the heck! Does she really have to follow us to make sure that we abide to the punishment?

Blake smirked at me when he realized why I became quiet. "Just cooperate puppy."

I had no choice but to follow him around the parking lot to get to his car. I expected to see him approach any of the cars. My eyes widened when he approached a black motorcycle.

It was shiny and looked like the latest model, it had cool gears and design but then it hit me. "Wait! Were riding that?!" I took a step back.

Blake looked at his motorcycle. "Obviously."

"I don't want to." I crossed my arms. "What if we loose balance and I crack my head, Oh God!"

His motorcycle looked really cool I'll give it that. But I am not getting on!

"Why are you so choosy?!" He seemed angry now. "Just get on."

"You can't force me to ride that thing." I said firmly. "What if we fall off and my head breaks?"


He thought for a second then shook his head. He pressed a button on his motor and it suddenly opened a small compartment. He placed his hand in and took out a black cool looking helmet. He grunted then threw it at me.

I caught it afraid that it would break if I didn't. I expected it to be quite heavy but it appeared to be light.

"Wear it and get on." Blake said and sat on his motor.

I looked at the helmet. "But what about you?" Damn it Paige! This is not the time to be concerned for him.

"Don't mind me."

I slowly sat down behind him and carefully wore the helmet.

[Hi there] a female voice inside the helmet said. [Biometrics scan] it beeped. [Intruder, will dial the knights immediately.]

I almost jumped on my seat. I didn't expect this.

Blake suddenly took his helmet away from my head and pressed some buttons. Blake tilted his head a bit to me. "Don't be too surprised, that's just the A.I."

"Oh." Of course there's an artificial intelligence stupid Paige. The second there I thought that this helmet's haunted.

He handed me back the helmet. "Just talk to it." I nodded and wore it over my head again.

[Hello there Blake's puppy] the helmet spoke again.

My eyes widened. What did it just call me?! "No I'm not his puppy."

[Then I guess you're already a dog?]

I faced Blake and glared. Blake started the engine and looked back at me. "You gotta hold on."

"I don't need to."

He faced back at the front and started to drive. "Suit yourself." I kept my poker face on but deep inside I was scared.

[By the way I am the SpeedX4037 latest model. Screech]

So that's the A.I.'s name. "Hi screech."

[I would like to ask for your destination?]

'T-the square." Blake accelerated making me tighten my grip on his leather seat.

[The square is approximately 2 kilometers away.] the helmet showed me a screen vision and showed me the busy streets of the square.

"T-thanks." Blake sped faster.

[Would you want me to activate SpeedX4037 map?]

"No thanks."

[Would you want me to deactivate, Blake's puppy?]

"Y-yes please." Suddenly the A.I.'s voice dissapered and the visions cleared away. Suddenly Blake accelerated again. I closed my eyes. I'm telling you Blake Carlisle, if I fall of, I really am going to break your neck!

My eyes widened when I found myself hugging his back. I tried to move away but he went even faster. How much longer till we get to the square?!

Soon the busy streets and colorful lights of the square came into sight. Finally. I kept my eyes closed incase he'd speed off again.

When Blake stopped the engine, I slowly opened my eyes and found us infront of a restaurant. Blake eyed my arms wrapped around his back. I immediately took it off and hit him.

"You went too fast!"

He turned around. I thought he was going to make even but he took the helmet off my head and inserted it again in it's compartment. I rolled my eyes and followed him inside a random restaurant. We both took our seats across each other. I slumped in my seat and folded my arms. I never imagined myself in this scenario with this Jerk.

A waiter approached us. "Hi Mr. Carlisle!" the waiter gave Blake a wide smile and the googly eyes. She then turned to me and lost the smile. "And you." I rolled my eyes and allowed Blake to order, the sooner I finish eating the faster I can get home and get away from this Asshole.


"Any drinks ma'am?" the waiter asked me.

"Maybe some softdri-

"She'll take water without ice." Blake answered for me.

The waiter seemed confused but nodded and left back to the counter.

I glared at Blake. "Why can't I have softdrinks?!"

"Because I said so." He crossed his arms. "Such a child, you just got sick and now you want softdrinks." He muttered.

"Excuse me!?" I frowned. "You're the reason why I got sick in the first place."

He scoffed and went silent. Wow he doesn't even regret it, of course he wouldn't he's a big ugly monster.

"Anyway." I called his attention. "We need to talk about this punishment."

"I'm listening."

The waiter came back and brought our drinks. Blake had a glass of soda and I'm left with my plain water.

"There should be rules." I continued. "You can't just drag me along when I've got plans of my own."

He raised his eyebrow. "Then are you saying that if I take you, then I should bring your friends?"

I blinked. "That's not what I meant."

"Look Puppy." Blake sipped on his soda. "That's the only option, do you think we can run away from this punishment?

I sighed. "Then what are we going to do?"

"This is going to be hard coz I can't stand being with you." He complained.

I scoffed. "I can't stand being with you either."

He thought. "Then we should come up with a plan."


"We could pretend."

I scrunched my forehead. "Pretend to what?"

"Get along." He rolled his eyes. "We could pretend that were getting along for 2 weeks."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"Easy." He leaned closer to me." All you have to do is join me and my boys, I'll fetch you after our training and we'd always eat together, and on weekends we'd hang out, for sure the Knight's hologram would get to catch that and we'd be free off punishment in 2 weeks time."

My eyebrows furrowed. "Are you crazy?! I can't with you and your friends! I've got friends of my own, you're unfair" I crossed my arms. "If I'm going to have to hang out with you and your boys then you're also going to have to hang out with me and my friends."

He frowned at the idea. If he expects me to be the only one to adjust, well not happening!

I sipped on my water. "That's the only way."

"Do you seriously think that I wanna be seen with a bunch of girls?"

"Well do you seriously think that I wanna be seen with a bunch of boys?" I fired back.

"Ugh!" He rubbed the sides of his head. "Fine! God I hope this ends quickly."

I rolled my eyes. "We're going to pretend that we're getting along but afterwards leave me be and mind your own business."

He sipped again on his soda. How I wished I had my own. "Whatever you say puppy."


Suddenly the waiter arriver with our food and we ate. I couldn't eat much since I was with Blake, He always makes me restless when he's around. So I just took a few bites. He didn't seem to eat much either.


We turned to the loud voice.

Ram approached us laughing. "Since when did you two start dating?" He acted so shocked and turned to Blake. " Oh thank the Gods, I'm so proud my son's not gay." He rubbed his eyes as if he had tears of joy.

"Idiot." Blake whispered.

Ram gasped and held his chest pretending he was hurt. "Ouch!"

He turned to me "Hi Paige!" He sat down beside me and took a sip of Blake's soda without asking permission.

Blake smacked his head. "Buy your own."

Ram rubbed his head and rolled his eyes. "Waiter!" he called.

I laughed a bit. They looked funny when they're together.

"What are you doing here?" Blake asked Ram.

"What does it look like?" Ram smiled. "We just want to eat dinner."

"We?" I asked.

Kile suddenly entered the restaurant and his eyes got shocked again to see me. He faced Blake. "I thought you couldn't eat dinner with us?"

"Plans changed." Blake said as if it was obvious. "Take a seat."

Kile nodded and sat beside Blake. Good thing he didn't ask why Blake and I are together but I could see his eyes questioning.

The waiter came and took Ram and Kile's orders. "Soo..." Ram faced me. "Why are you two together again?"

"That's none of your business." Blake immediately said.

I gave Ram an apologetic smile.

"Hmmp. It's a good thing you're here Paige, when it's just the three of us, those two are so quiet and serious." He pointed to Blake and Kile who sat across us. "They bore me to death."

Blake and Kile both scoffed.

"You know." Ram continued his chit chat. "They weren't always this quiet, Blake was a big chubby crybaby when we were younger and Kile used to be so joll- Ouch!"

Blake and Kile both kicked Ram from under the table.

"That hurts! Two kicks at a time?!" Ram checked his foot. "What kind of friends are you?"

Blake rolled his eyes and Kile chuckled. I giggled a bit. Is this how they always are, I've got to admit it. They looked cute.

The waiter brought Kile and Ram's food and they started to eat as well. Ram kept on chatting with me while Kile and Blake talked softly to each other.

I realized that among the three of them, Blake was the only one who wasn't royal. I could see the difference of Kile's actions to his. Kile had the elegance and aura of a prince while Blake moved like an ordinary person. Ram on the other hand is definitely Royal, his gold watch and designer shoes showed it all, but he definitely doesn't act like one. His aura seemed freer.

After Kile and Ram finished their food, Blake stood up to leave for the restroom and Ram followed. I was left with Kile who played with his phone.

He looked up to me when he noticed that we were alone. "Why are you two together?"

Wow his way of talking seems to improve.

"It's coincidental." I lied and took a sip on my water.

"Are you two dating?"

I suddenly choked on my water. Kile's eyes widened and immediately moved beside me patting my back. "Are you ok."

I tried hitting my chest. "Y-yeah."

When Blake started walking back to us, Kile stood up and went back to his seat. Blake eyed us but didn't question anything.

Ram came afterwards. "Lets go I still have to teach Nile, you know how bad she is at math."

Hmm... Nile's probably Ram's girlfriend. I thought

"Lets go." Kile stood up and we all followed. I recognized Kile's car parked outside. Ram started to sit in the shotgun seat and Kile proceeded to the wheel.

"You guys comin?" Ram asked. Kile waited for us to answer.

"No, I'm gona take her home." Blake took my hand and pulled me going to the motor.

I looked back and Waved at Ram, he looked surprised to see us ride on Blake's motor.

I wore the helmet again and Screech the A.I. started to speak again.

Blake started the engine. "You're not gonna hold on?"

I didn't answer and he drove away, I ended up hugging his back again. Even if it's against my will, I don't have any plans to die yet.

I got surprised when he brought me to my dormitory. How did he know?

I went down and took off the helmet. "Thanks." I quickly said and walked away.

I heard him drive away and I entered the dorm building. It was already 9 o'clock in the evening. I found Aicko in the dining table with her nose glued to a book.

"Where were you? Why didn't you join us for dinner?" she looked up from her book.

"That Blake Carlisle is giving me a migraine." I complained and threw myself onto the sofa.

She sat beside me and gave me a glass of water.

"Oh please." I complained. "Why is everyone giving me water?"

"Huh?" Aicko looked confused. "Who else gives you water?"

"Blake!" I pressed my face on one of the couch pillows. "He's been offering me water all day."

"Really?" She laughed. "Is that why you two got called to the office?"

"You know about that?"

She nodded. "Word spread across school."

"He's so annoying." I rubbed my head. "He seems so desperate in making me drink water."

"Why do you think he does that?"

"Well what else do you think." I sat up straight. "He obviously wants to poison me or something."

"Hmm... It could also mean another thing."

I raised my eyebrow. "What?"

"That he cares." Aicko teased.

I got a pillow and threw it at her.


I entered the classroom the next day. Blake, Kile and Ram weren't there, they're probably having a whole day training since the Sports tournament is getting closer and closer.

I sat in my seat and noticed Khrysie and her group of girls whispering to eachother. Bellona and Eloise weren't there. When they noticed me Khrysie nudged Isabel and Isabel approached me.

"Hey!" She sat beside me.

"Yes?" I raised my eyebrow. What do these Royals want this time?

"Are you and Blake dating?"

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Well I'll take that as a no?" she asked.

"Of course not!" That would never happen, Blake and Me? Ugh! I can't imagine it.

A smile formed on Isabel's face and she returned to her group.

What is everyone thinking?! It's a good thing that he's got whole day training, I won't need to eat with him at break and lunch, Phew!


"Lets get Blake." Aicko led the way to the football field.

I already told her and Shari about me and Blake's punishment coz their going to suspect when Blake joins us for dinners and on weekends, but I made them swear to not tell Aiden, he's not gonna like this punishment.

Today Blake will be having dinner with me and my friends since I had dinner with him and his friends yesterday. Of course that's counted.

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