《Triplets (girlxgirl)》40- Epilogue


"Hurry up girls or we are going to be late" Kelly yelled from the dining hall.

It had been three years exactly since the war and things were starting to get normal again. Well, as normal as it could be. Today, the supernatural world celebrated the victory of the 'One Day War' or the 'Battle of Allies'. The war had been a historical phenomenon because it had brought enemies and rivals together into an alliance of peace and safety.

I was standing in the middle of the kitchen finishing mixing the salad. I was having super at the Hundale's house so that we can go directly to the festival afterwards. Jessica and Raymond were laying the table on the backyard porch while Kelly and I prepared the food. I walked past the girl that was sitting on the kitchen island with a frown on her face.

"I don't like festivals" she grumbled. I chuckled and grabbed a salad bowl and placed in her opened arms.

"Stop whining Jimmy" I said and pecked her lips. "You missed two years of parties; it's time you integrate again. In the meantime, put the bowl on the table"

With a grunt, Jimmy left the kitchen to the backdoor. I watched her walk away with a grin. It felt good to have her grumpy self around again. I shook my head and brought the last of the food outside.

We were in the middle of February but with a magic shield we were able to eat as if we were in summer. Stars covered the sky and lightened up the ground. Candles lit the table and there was so much food on the table, we were running out of free place.

We all sat at the table: Raymond at the head with Kelly and Red on each side of him, Jimmy between Red and I and Jessica between me and her mom.

"Where's Xavier" Jess asked.

"He's hanging on from the chandelier" Jimmy said nonchalantly as she was putting food on her plate.

"What?" Jess growled. "You hung my son to a chandelier; what is wrong with you?"

"I got it" Raymond said as he stood up from his seat not wanting to be in any part of his daughters' raillery while Kelly sighed with exasperation.

After the war, Raymond had fallen into the legends as the Burnt Wolf: the wolf that killed the Hound. Everyone recognized him because a quarter of his body, along with half of his face was scarred. Everywhere he went, people cheered for him and looked at him in awe. Unfortunately, he was stuck on painkillers for the rest of his life. He and Kelly were doing great now barely left each other's side.

"He's a pain in my ass and had to learn a lesson" Jimmy responded.

"He's two years old, Jamie. You don't hang a kid to a chandelier because he annoys you"

"By his feet" Red added to make things worse. I shook my head trying to supress a smile. Suddenly, Jess got up from her chair and charged at her sister but Jimmy yelped and got out of the way just in time. We were laughing as the sisters were running around the backyard like children. The only difference was their speed which was a little too blurry to follow.

"I'm going to kill you" Jess yelled and Jimmy laughed aloud. "Jazzy, help me out here" With a wave of the hand, Jess went flying into a snow bank only in shorts and t-shirt. She groaned and sat up glaring at the table.

"Sorry, wrong sister" Red laughed sheepishly but we all knew there were no mistakes.


Even though Red was blind, she could see better than any of us. She looked through her 'Second Sight' and identified us by our auras and emotions. Her range was greater than any of us so she knew things were about to happen before it happened or that people will appear before we even knew they were there. It was almost impossible to lie to her anymore and her hearing had gotten sharper along with her magic. Red had matured more than she already was. She also gained self-respect and sense of calmness. She was more quiet and reserved but her smiles still lit the room along with her good nature.

"Wrong sister my ass" Jess grumbled and walked back to the table to see Raymond running around with a little boy over his head. The boy's arms were wide open and he giggled while making a plane noise.

After Ren's death, Jessica went into depression but decided to keep the baby in her mate's memory. It was actually the baby that saved her life. As much as we tried to help with her depression, and the fact that Jimhaya was still in a coma was not helping, Jess was not getting better but once the baby was born she had returned to life. She named her son Xavier because that was Ren's favorite name.

Xavier was a cute little boy with black hair from his mom and green eyes from his dad. He had a button nose and had a huge smile plastered on his face. He had a coat on and a pom-pom hat that covered his curly hair and cute ears. He was simply adorable.

Raymond dropped him on his mother's lap but he soon got off and crawled under the table. He was a curious boy and wandered off as soon as her knew how to crawl. Once he arrived at a certain pair of legs, Xavier grabbed the pants and climbed up on his aunt's lap. His popped back up and he glanced up with a giggle.

"Ihwawa" he said and raised his arms over his head trying to catch her hair. Nobody understood why, but ever since Jimmy woke up, Xavier had fallen in love with her and always asked for her attention.

"Oh hell no" Jimmy growled and grabbed the back of his shirt. She lifted him up without effort and dropped him on my lap. I jumped in surprise as Xavier made himself comfortable. Why did she have to give him to me?

"Relax Jamie, he's just a kid" Jess muttered.

"He's not just a kid" Jimmy complained "he's a pest. Look" Jmhaya bent down to his eye level and released and enormous amount of power into the air. Her eyes turned blood red and her sharp teeth grew. We all froze and prepared ourselves for any outcome.

Jimmy woke up nineteen months after the war. It took her a long time of physical and psychological rehabilitation before she could come back home but we were allowed to visit anytime. Coming back from the dead is not easy and it had its consequences. Sometimes she forgot who she was and her beast would come out. She would forget who we were and tried to attack anything that was alive. It happened mostly in the morning when she woke up from a nightmare and she had almost killed me twice if it weren't for her sisters. The only thing any of us could do was to secure her and remind her of who we were and more specifically: who she was.

We all got ready to protect Xavier from Jimmy if she were to attack but the boy's big eyes stared at her in wonder and his little mouth formed an 'O'. He was not afraid at all of the creature in front of him: a creature that could kill an entire city on her own and squish her nephew like a bug if she wanted to. Xavier cocked his head to the side before letting a wide grin form on his cute face. He giggled at Jimmy and stretched up with his tiny hand. He grabbed her nose with his fingers and made the cutest sound a baby could do.


"Ihwawa" he said happily. Jimmy scoffed and removed the dark power that surrounded her and tapped the little boy's hand off her nose.

"See?" she told us "He's an abnormally" We were all stunned by Xavier's lack of fear towards his Aunt. He was two going on thirty already and will probably be the world's salvation if he kept it up.

"So Jasmine, is Cameron coming tonight?" Kelly asked her daughter to change the subject.

"No, I told you he and aren't talking right now and that I was seeing someone else"

"Right, how is that doctor of yours? Raina was it?" Kelly said.

"Her name is Rain and she is doing well thank you"

"You know sis, I always admired your non monogamous tendencies. I just hope Cameron is okay with you sleeping with someone else" Jess said.

"I doubt Camron will mind having two women by his side" Raymond butt in.

"Excuse me" Red scoffed "but Cameron is not my boyfriend nor does he own me therefore I can see whomever I want"

"I don't think that's true what with the way you two go at it like rabbits" I said enjoying the teamwork for ganging up on my friend. This was just another day at the Hundale's.

"What's with you and older lovers anyway?" Jimmy asked while Red groaned.

Nobody liked to be the subject of conversation when it came to the Hundale's but at least they all get an even turn to it and they even include me in their scheme once in a while. I loved it when they did so because it meant they had accepted me in their family although pride refused to let me show it.

"That is so true. How old is that Rain again?" Jess grinned. Rain was a doctor Red met when she was learning to use her 'Second Sight' and they had taken interest in each other except none of us had seen her yet so we loved to bug Red about it especially because she and Cameron had a very complicated relationship.

"She's fifty" Red muttered with embarrassment. "But she looks like she's fifteen"

"That does not help at all but at least it's better than a millennium" Jess laughed and Red put her head in her hands.

"First of all, fifty is quite young for our kinds and second" Red took a second to think "They have more experience so the sex is much better"

We all whooped and cheered at her statement. Red's face turned even redder and hid her face in Jimmy's shoulder as we all laughed.

"Well at least I'm not competing with an incubus" Red's words were directed to her father desperately trying to change the subject. Raymond's chest puffed up in pride and grinned.

"Let me remind you dear Jasmine that I bested an incubus and won your mother's heart"

"Honey, nobody can best an incubus in the sex department" Kelly said half-heartedly as she patted his hand in comfort. Her husband's face fell at the comment.

"You won my heart mostly because of your personality but also because my ex was too much of a nymphomaniac"

"So you're telling me that you chose dad because he made love to you less often and less intensity?" Jess laughed. Raymond groaned.

"Something like that" Kelly smiled sweetly.

"Dear, you're killing me here" Raymond whined "You know there are things you can't say to a man like his sex capacity"

We all laughed and the banter continued throughout the evening. I loved their family as if they were my own and they never got boring. I looked at all of them and serenity drifted around us. To see them smile and laugh together as a family warmed my heart.

They have gone through so much and lived moments after moments of suffering and sorrow too finally to arrive here: a time of happiness and comfort. They never gave up even when they couldn't go further. They never stopped trying to get out of their pain and when they finally found a way out they did everything in their power to get there. And they did it.

The Hundale's were my idols. They taught me that you can do anything for your loved ones if you give it your all. They taught me that family and friends was a bond stronger than anything and to never hesitate to lean on them when you are hurt. That no matter how deep the wound is, they will be there to support you and help if you let them. The Hundale's were not my family by blood but they adopted me just as I adopted them.


Once we had cleared the table and prepared ourselves to go to the festival we heard the doorbell ring from the front door. Ren's sister Lynda and his nephew Kenny walked in. The ten year old boy ran through the house straight to his cousin. Xavier let a happy cry when he saw Kenny and stretched his arms for a hug which was happily given to him.

Jess greeted Lynda with kisses and a hug. In the three years, the two ladies had gotten closer to each other pining for Ren in their own way. Lynda helped Jess with Xavier and they agreed to raise both boys close to each other.

"Okay guys, it's time to go" Kelly clapped her hands. We all gathered in the living room and grabbed hold of each other. Kelly chanted and we teleported into the city of Annwn where the festival was held. We landed on the side of a street and were immediately swarmed with bodies. Parents and children, men and women of all mystical races were walking and laughing around the city stopping at stalls.

There were different activities and games in the middle of the pedestrian roads that went all the way to the main square where shows were being held. Colourful lights and decorations covered the buildings and trees. Beautiful music could be heard above our heads and everyone was wearing all different types of clothes: robes, kimonos, twelfth hundred suits and fantastic clothes that human could never even imagine.

I grabbed Jimmy's hand and we made our way to the city square where the main event would occur. We were already late and we didn't want to miss anything. In the middle of the square was a small river that passes through the city. The square also consisted of a park where people could enjoy a beautiful evening or run to stay in shape.

The square was packed with people but we managed to find a quiet spot where there we less bodies. Jimhaya was silently standing beside Jessica as the latter and Red talked animatedly with Lynda. Xavier was perched on his mother's shoulders and Kenny was sitting on Raymond's shoulders as he wrapped an arm around his wife. Kelly leaned into Raymond and they quietly enjoyed their presence. They weren't bothered with Kenny who was too busy looking around and staring at the sky.

At midnight fireworks erupted into the sky and a chorus of 'aw' and 'oh' could be heard from the ground. I stepped behind Jimmy and wrapped my arms around her and drew her closer to me. Jimmy sighed and leaned into me while resting her head on my shoulder. Never taking her eyes off the sky, she relaxed in my arms and entwined our fingers together.

I was too occupied staring at Jimmy to see the fireworks. It didn't matter if I missed the show because I had all the fireworks I wanted here in my arms. Jimmy and I had lost each other after the war but we had found each other again. We got lost in the process of healing but we found ourselves again and became stronger beings for each other.

I had lost Jimmy and I never wanted to live through that again. I was ready to keep and protect this girl with every bit of strength I had because she was my fireworks. She made everything look beautiful and never doubted me. She taught me a way of life that I refuse to let go and she makes me think about what life is since I have to show her the beauty of it.

"You're staring" Jimmy said. I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. I turned my eyes from the beautiful creatures in my arms: Her long silk brown hair and her dark blue eyes. Her lustful lips and toned body. Together we kept on watching the fireworks above our heads until the last dynamite was lit. Everybody clapped and cheered.

"I love you" I told Jimmy.

"Yeah, yeah, I know" she replied and I dramatically sucked in a breath. I tightened my hold on her and started kissing her cheeks furiously.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" I chanted in between kisses. Jimmy laughed and squirmed in my arms trying to get out but I wouldn't let her. Her laughter was not at all dark but a soft and joyful one that made my heart beat faster and my skin shiver.

"Okay, I get it. You love me" Jimmy said while laughing "Please stop"

"Only if you say it back" I grinned at her. Jimmy groaned and shook her head.

"I love you" she said and pocked my nose. I tried to bite her finger but she removed it before I could catch it. Jimmy grinned, twisted her body and managed to get out of my hold.

"No kisses?" I pouted and my lover shook her head. She turned around and started walking down the road.

"You kissed enough for the both of us" she told me over her shoulder. Like a lost puppy, I quickly followed her. I ran in front of her and walked backwards.

"How about a bet" I asked. "If I beat you at 'Shoot the Star' then you owe me a kiss and if you win then you won't have to"

"That's not fair. You know I can't shoot a gun" she complained.

"Ah. That's life" I tsk.

"Fine. It's about time we made out" Jimmy grumbled as we made our way to the game stall. I whooped and threw my hands in the air in vicotry.

It is funny how, as beings, we are prone to evolve into better people than we once were but at the same time, there are things that don't change. We simply wish that those things are worth keeping and hope they never change because they determined who we are.

I looked at my love and watched her swear at the object in her hands. Her fake bullet completely missed the target. I laughed and she scowled at me with her adorable frown though I would never have the guts to call her adorable. I turned my attention to the target and aimed my plastic gun.' Deep breath and pull the trigger'.


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