《Triplets (girlxgirl)》38- This is It (Part 2)


The spear had been meant for Kelly. It was coming straight for her so why was she lying on the floor without a whole in her stomach? Something had pushed her out of the way. Kelly looked up to where she was once standing to see she had been replace by her daughter.

Jimhaya was nailed to a tree by a ten foot long spear running through her chest. Her head was down and eyes barely opened. Her legs couldn’t holder her up so the spear did all the work. Her arms were hanging by her side.

A shaking hand came to Kelly’s mouth as she stared at Jimhaya’s limp figure.

“JAMIE” Kelly cried as she stood up from the ground and ran to her daughters side. “No, no, no, Jamie”

Because she couldn’t access her power, Kelly had to break the shaft. With as much force as she could muster, Kelly managed to break part of the spear but it sent a shock through Jimmy’s body and blood splattered out of her mouth. Kelly then carefully grabbed Jamie and slowly pulled her body out of the rest of the way leaving a trail of blood behind her.

Jimmy cried as pain exploded in her body. The girl fell limply into her mother’s arms and they drop to the ground.

“Oh god Jamie” Kelly cried as she held her daughter tightly to her body. She put her hands on the wound to try to stop the bleeding and used her chest to cover the one in the back.

“Jamie, I need you to open your eyes” Kelly sobbed. She gently slapped Jimmy on the cheeks to get her attention. Her daughter was pale. Colour had escaped her features and her body started to shake. Her lips were dry and her mouth full of blood. It was getting harder to breathe. Jamie had no energy left and her life was painfully slipping away.

“Please, please sweetie, open your eyes” Kelly looked around to see if anybody was there to help her “Aalyiah” she screamed her sister’s name. Her sister would know what to do.

Jimmy’s eyes opened just a slit. They had returned to her original blue. “Mommy… are you.. disa- disappointed” she stuttered almost incomprehensible. Jimmy tried to swallow the blood that kept accumulating in her mouth because she was not able to spit it out. Her eyes were staring at nothing and darkness was creeping in her vision.

“No. Never disappointed. I have always been so proud” Kelly sobbed as she started rocking her daughter back and forth. Where was her sister when she needed her?

“Oh goody” Jimmy smiled a little. Kelly sobbed harder. Why was her daughter smiling? The smile faded away and Kelly tightened her grip and her rocking sped.

“Honey? Baby, I need you to stay with me. You have to keep your eyes open for a little longer okay?” Kelly stroked Jimmy’s hair out of her face and kissed her temple. She shut her eyes tightly as the tears kept falling down and she held her dying daughter in her arms.


“ Siana is going to be there when you wake up okay sweetie, just keep holding on for a little longer”

Oh god this was not happening. Kelly kept rocking her daughter and begged her to stay awake but Jimmy’s eyes turned glassy and her body had stopped moving.

“Jamie? Jimhaya?” Kelly shook her daughter but there was no response “No, no, no Jimhaya please open your eyes, stay with me” she wept. “Open your eyes, please”

“My lady” a soldier ran to her and kneeled before her.


“Where’s Aaliyah? I need her now” Kelly asked him pleadingly. The soldier was silent for a moment.

“The queen has fallen My Lady” he said solemnly “You are the Acting Queen now”

Kelly’s face fell. She shut her eyes and pinched the bridge pf her nose ignoring the blood on her hands.

“Can you teleport?” she asked him and he nodded “Good. Take this girl to the Freezer and have the healers work on her”

“But My Lady, she is dea-

“Now soldier” Kelly screamed with authority. The soldier flinched before bowing to her and grabbing the girl’s body off Kelly’s lap and teleported away.

Kelly stood up ignoring and jogged to the nearest mage. She demanded an amplifier and the mage gave a crystal to her without question. Kelly had a mass amount of blood dripping from her shirt and splattered everywhere on her face and hands. She didn’t care though.

“Listen up” Kelly yelled into the amplifier so that her voice was carried across the battle field. “I want every injured brought to a hospital. I don’t care if they are Alliance or Undergrounders, everyone gets treated. I want every dead soldier buried on these soils and by all Fucking Gods; I want every fucking demon dead” With that, Kelly walked back into the clearing. She saw her other children sitting on the ground comforting each other.

“Are you girls okay?” She asked them. Even though they were far away from each other, she knew they heard her.

Yes mom they answered in union

Go find dad, we’re fine here Jess told her mother.

“I love you” Kelly said aloud. She turned around and sprinted into the woods where portals were being set up. Each portal was a doorway to a hospital from any city possible. She asked every one where her husband was and someone pointed her in a direction. Raymond had been brought to the Central Hospital in Annwn.

Kelly passed the portal and was met by the scent of hospital. Doctors and nurses were running around tending to the patients that were overflowing the ER. Kelly looked around for Raymond but she couldn’t find him. She finally managed to stop a nurse.

“Where is my husband?” she asked. The nurse recognized her instantly and pointed down the hall where they could hear screaming. Kelly ran down the hallway and found the room where her husband was being treated.

Raymond was howling in pain and tried to fight the doctors off. There were six doctors and nurses keeping him on the bed but they were having a hard time. Part of Raymond’s face and body was burnt.

“Raymond” Kelly said as she walked to him. She grabbed his shoulder and pushed him back down on the bed.

“Kelly? Kelly where’s Jamie? I can’t feel her. Where is she?” Raymond asked desperately. Kelly put two fingers on his mouth to shush him.

“She’s being taken care of” she answered and turned to the doctor closest to her “Sedate him” she ordered.

“My Lady” a soldier said from the doorway.

“Not now” Kelly barked. She didn’t remove her gaze from her husband’s and she was having trouble keeping him steady.

“We have a problem” the soldier persisted.

“Not Now” Kelly yelled at him as she glared at him. Raymond grabbed her head in his hands and ignored the pain from his movements.

“I missed you” he whispered. Kelly sobbed once and crushed her lips on his in a desperate kiss. It was short but long enough for the doctor to come back and sedate him. Raymond stopped struggling. His closed and his breathing evened out.


“A quarter of his body has been burnt by Wizard’s Fire. I will do everything I can to heal him as much as possible” the doctor said to Kelly who nodded in return. She grabbed the doctor’s hand to say something but the words wouldn’t come out. The doctor nodded in comprehension and pushed Raymond’s bed out of the room to a new one. Kelly took a deep breath to calm her breathing. She was so tired but duty called and she followed the soldier who was waiting patiently for her attention.


Jasmine was sitting on the ground with her head between her knees. She was hurting everywhere. The amount of magic she used to kill Riker had consequences which were now flowing through her body. All of her muscles spasm and shook. Her breath was uneven and came out in short pants. Breathing hurt too. Her face was burning but her eyes were the worst.

Jessica was sitting beside her with her arms around her. The explosion had knocked her out cold but Jasmine woke her up when she tried to get up. She’d had turned back into her human form and was now looking around. When she found who she was looking for, she waved him over.

“Jazzy I have to go” Jess said. She removed her hands from around her sister but Jasmine took hold of her hand.

“What? Why?” she asked.

“I need to fin Ren, he’s in pain” Jess said desperately.

“No, wait, wait don’t leave me here”

“You will be in good hands. I’m sorry” Jess said while prying her sister’s hand off and ran into the forest.

Jasmine was shivering and scared. She couldn’t see anything and her sister had just left her in a field full of dead bodies. She didn’t know what to do. She yelped and flinched as a hand touched her shoulder.

“It’s me, love. It’s only me” Cameron’s voice said above her head and she relaxed instantly. She felt him kneel beside her and felt him touch her face. “We need you to get to a healer. We wouldn’t want to gouge your eyes out because of infection now would we?”

Jasmine giggled slightly and a small smile formed on her face. “You have a horrible sense of humor Cameron” she said as he lifted her up in his arms.

“That is why women love me” he chuckled. Jasmine placed her head on his shoulder and let the movement of his warm body walking comfort her.


Jessica was running in the forest desperately looking for Ren. Her mate was injured and she could feel his pain. She was close but she couldn’t see him.

“REN!” she yelled desperately. Screams echoed through the forest and she immediately knew it was him. She sprinted in that direction and what she saw froze her. There, lying on the ground naked and bloody was her mate. A coat had been placed to cover him up and three figures were standing around him.

“Jess” Ren cried out when he saw her. She broke her daze and sprinted to him. She bent down by his head and hugged him tightly which her returned desperately. After she looked up, she saw the extent of his injury. Ren’s calf was imprisoned by a bear trap. We could see its teeth sticking out everywhere and blood dripped to the ground.

“What happened?” Jess asked. One of the warriors had a sword in his hands while a mage was conjuring a fireball. A healer was sitting beside Ren’s leg looking at it thoughtfully.

“I swear I didn’t see it babe” Ren said. He grindge his teeth together to stop a scream from piercing his lips. He was talking fast and his breathing was short. ”I swear, it was there and I completely missed it. Ahh fuck” Ren fell back down growling.

“Miss, we are going to have to cut his leg off” the healer told Jess. She looked at him surprised,

“Is there another way?” she asked.

“Yes, yes cut it off” Ren yelled.

“There is absolutely no way we can remove the trap” the healer specified. Jess reluctantly agreed and looked around. She found a piece of stick and picked it up. Then, she went around Ren and grabbed him from behind. She locked her arms around his chest making sure his arms were pinned to his body. Ren’s hot body was lying on her and he dropped his head on her shoulder. He was breathing hard and buried his nose in the crook of her neck.

“Cut it off, cut it off” he growled. Ren wanted the pain to end.

“We have to heat the sword if you don’t want any infection” the healer said in a matter of fact. Once they were ready, Jess put the stick between her mate’s teeth and hugged him closely. Ren closed his eyes as the swordsman swung his sword down.

Ren’s scream was muffled by the stick and he trashed around as the weapon ripped through his flesh under his knee. Jess flinched and turned her head as the blood splattered around. The sword was stopped by the tibia and she man took it out. He swung a second time downward and the sword broke the bone and cut the rest of the flesh until the leg was no longer attached to the body.

Ren broke the stick in half with his mouth and howled in pain. Jess had to use all her strength to keep him where he was. The healer grabbed a medical wrap and wrapped it around Ren’s leg.

“We need to get him to the emergency” the healer said. “I can teleport him to a hospital”

“Ok, I’ll meet you there which hospital is it?” Jess asked. She didn’t want to let her mate go but she knew it was for the best. Ren had stopped trashing and was on the verge of passing out.

The healer told her where to go and she waited until Ren was teleported before sprinting to the portal where he will be. She cursed herself for not knowing how to teleport but she would make sure Jasmine would teacher.


The principal was looking at the castle before him which was in bad shape. Half of the castle had crumbled down. The other was barely standing. Debris was sprawled everywhere and it was getting hard to walk around the remaining of the building.

The principal closed his eyes and listen for any sound coming from the wreckage. He could faintly hear heart beats and hope spread through his body. His foster daughter may still be alive. He opened his eyes and looked at his people who were searching for any sign of life.

“We found something” a woman said aloud. The barely injured dragon jogged in the voice’s direction and carefully found a path through the rubbles. He arrived to a pile of rocks and bricks and looked down to find a lifeless hand sticking out. He and the others started to dig down until they found the head.

The principal sighed in relief. “It’s not her” he said as he looked at the black haired woman lying by his feet. “Keep looking”

“Sir, the whole castle is threatening to fall down at any moment. We can’t afford to look deeper” a soldier pointed out. The principal turned around and told the people around him

“If any of you cannot survive a simple collapse then by all means, leave. The rest of you continue looking. I am not leaving until I find my daughter”

With that he turned away and walked further into the remains of the castle. Only four people followed him as the rest went back out. They didn’t trust the building and they knew they wouldn’t survive if the castle collapsed. The remaining of the searchers looked and looked but couldn’t find anything because there was just too much debris. The principal was slowly loosing hope when he heard Marcus yell out.

“I found her” his student screamed from behind a wall. Marcus had crawled in a small whole that led him to an open spaced area. Part of the room was untouchable but he had found Siana faced down on the ground. From mid back down, her body was covered by the ceiling which had sagged on her. Only her left wing and arm could be seen. The rest was being pinned down. Blood and dirt covered Siana’s face and her tangled no longer white braid fell over her eyes.

“Is she alive?” the principal said from the whole in the wall. He had crouched down to see Marcus gently put two fingers on her neck to look for a pulse.

“No. I can’t- wait” Marcus said “Yes, I found a pulse, its faint. She is alive sir, but barely”

The principal sunk to the floor. He took a shaggy breath and smiled lightly. “That’s all I needed to hear. Good job Marcus”

The principal crawled in the whole followed by Boris, Kasumi and another man the principal didn’t know. Together, they walked to where Marcus and Siana were. They dug most of the angel out but there was a giant boulder squishing her back which would take all three men to lift it up. Marcus stayed by Siana’s head while the other four prepared themselves to lift the heavy wheight.

“On three” the principal said and they started to lift. Suddenly, a crack was heard over their heads and part of the ceiling went crumbling down. “LOOK OUT!”

The principal dropped the boulder and threw himself over Marcus and his daughter to protect them and Boris jumped on Kasumi. Both men ignored the debris falling over them and waited without moving a single muscle until the ceiling had stopped dropping. Once everything was quiet, the principal slowly got up and dusted himself. He made sure all the others were uninjured.

“Now what are we going to do?” Boris asked.

“We are going to lift it again but in a different way” the principal said while rubbing his forehead. He turned to the other man. “What is your name son?”

“Zoren sir” the big man replied.

“Sir?” Marcus said but the principal was thinking of a way to get Siana out of there.

“Zoren; you and Boris go on that side and I will go on the other” the principal continued.

“Sir!” Marcus repeated at the same time as Boris spoke.

“Sir, if we move the boulder, the entire ceiling will collapse on us”

“Maybe we can lift it in an angle” Zoren suggested and the principal nodded.

“SIR!” Marcus barked

“What?” the principal growled with anger.

“Her wing’s been cut off” Marcus said quietly. The principal froze at the information. “But not completely, there is about an inch left that has not been cut off”

“Alright here is what we are going to do: Zoren and Boris will be on the right side while I will be on the left. We lift the boulder in an angle in order to keep the ceiling from moving too much. Kasumi will pull Siana out and Marcus will hold on to the wing. Marcus; you make sure that the wing stays attached to her back. The healers will have a better chance of fixing her this way. Kasumi, as soon as you pull her out, use your magic to create a rope and tie her wings and arms securely to her body so that she does not worsen her condition”

Everyone agreed and got into place. The boys got into their positions Kasumi placed her hands under Siana’s shoulder and Marcus grabbed a hold on her wing. Again, but slower this time, the three men lifted the boulder off the angel. They lifted about two inches before they could feel the ceiling about to collapse again and it was enough for Kasumi to pull the body out.

“Ok men, slowly bring it back down” the principal groaned by the weight he was lifting. Once the boulder was securely on the ground, the principal walked to his foster daughter. She looked in really bad shape and her breathing was extremely slow. Her arms were strapped crossed around her chest and her wings were tied on her back so they couldn’t move. Her eyes were closed and her mouth slightly opened.

The principal picked her up muttering soothingly in her ear. He brought her to the whole in the wall and waited for the others to pass first before he gently pushed Siana into Boris’s arms on the other side. He followed suite and grabbed her from Boris’s arms and walked out of the castle ruins.

“You are going to be just fine girl” the principal murmured in her ear “I’ve got you now”

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