《Triplets (girlxgirl)》37- This is It (part 1)


Third pov

It was a gloomy February and the cold wind ripped through the air. It had been three weeks since Kelly Hundale’s abduction and her family was slowly building an army. The main base was located at the school therefor school had been postponed for the time being.

The Witch Queen Aaliyah had called the alliance for help to stop the tyrant Duke of Farnon from his demonic activities. Rumors were spread that the Duke had made deals with the demons to overthrow the Alliance but he had made a mistake. Kelly’s abduction was a personal matter but he either didn’t think of the consequence of taking the Witch Queen’s little sister or he was confident enough to win the war. What he didn’t know was that with the moon flower, the alchemists and herbalists managed to create a liquid potion that could kill the Hound although there was only a limited amount. They knew they had to be careful to whom they give the potions to because if anything were to happen then they had no chance in winning the war.

Cameron, on the other hand managed to get a good amount of warriors to contribute in the fight. He had to pull in some favors while others volunteered. There were not many people who liked the Duke and most would love to see him dead.

Both armies of the Alliance and the Undergrounders were not getting along very well but after a few threats here and there, they settled down and ignored each other.

Cameron, Aaliyah, the principal, Siana, the Hundale family and other generals had been standing around a table discussing their plan of attack in the principal’s office all week. The scouts had discovered the Duke’s whereabouts. He was located in a field with an old castle surrounded by trees. Luckily, there was no snow where he lived. It was presumed but not confirmed that Kelly was being held within that house and the army was not going to take any risk.

It took them three weeks to get everything ready. Everybody was equipped with their armor and weapons. All was missing were the war speeches to get everyone going and excited. The entire army was waiting in the Arena with the Undergrounders on one side and the Alliance on the other.

“Fellow creatures” the Witch Queen’s voice boomed in the Arena “the time has come to reunite again. The world has suffered long enough to the threats of the demons. They are the menace trying to destroy your families and homes. They have Wizards Fire and demonic magic but worst of all, they have the Hound.

These monsters will not hesitate to kill you, to maim you. They will not hesitate to butcher you like animals. They will take everything from you, everything you hold dear. But we will win because we must, because we have to, for our families for our future.

Tonight, these demons will know that we are not a force to be trifled with; that they have no place in our world. They will know the meaning of defeat.”

The Alliance solders cheered as the Queen walked out of the Arena.

“Please tell your cavemen to stop yawning” the Queen growled at Cameron once she was done.

“Well you did give quite a boring speech witchy” Cameron grinned “These are criminals you are talking to; forget about justice and all that bullshit”

“You do it then Cave King” Aaliyah said and Cameron tipped his imaginary hat. With that he walked to the edge of the Arena and faced the Undergrounders.


“Alright boys, these demons think their tuff and all but they don’t know the Underground” Cameron said in a brisk manner. “They think they are all evil and mighty but we will show them pain. We will show them suffering. We will show them death. We will make them wish they were back in hell. It’s time for Mayhem, Destruction and Slaughter.” Cameron screamed loudly as the crowd roared in pleasure and anticipation.

Cameron walked back down to where everyone was waiting for him with a smug grin on his face.

“You call that a speech?” Jasmine asked impressed by his charismatic trait.

“Sweetheart, half of these creatures came for pleasure, a quarter came out of obligation and revenge and the last quarter is here because they owed me favors. Why make war such a catastrophic activity when these men are itching for a fight?” Camron grinned and patted Jasmines head “Come now, we must be on our way”

“I’m I going to see your real form?” Jasmine smiled shyly.

“Soon love, very soon”


Everybody was in position and waiting for a command. Jessica and Ren were wishing each other luck because they would not be at the same place during the fight. Ren was needed in the middle while Jess along with her sisters had to make their way to the house where the Duke, the Hound and Riker were going to be.

“I have to tell you something when this is all over so you better not die” Jess whispered to him as she hugged him tightly.

Beside her, Siana was fidgeting by Jimhaya while making sure her lover’s thin armor was well placed. Jimhaya grinned and tried to stop the angel from worrying about her. She grabbed Siana’s hands and held them close to her before pecking her lips and soothing her with comforting words.

The principal, who was a few feet away from everybody, slowly transformed into a full blown white dragon. Once done, he shook his scaled body to his long tail before walking to his foster child. Every step he made the ground move.

“Siana” he rumbled with his deep voice. Siana stopped talking to Jimhaya and looked at the dragon with a small smile. “I want you to be safe alright?”

“Don’t worry about me, dad. I am going to survive this and we will tell tales during our tea break” Siana said determinedly but deep down she was scared to bits.

“You better survive this or your mother will never forgive me”

“I think she forgave you a long time ago but I am not ready to ask her. Besides, I have you and Jimmy too look after me” Siana said “Are you going to protect me when I’m down?”

“Always” the dragon said. Siana reached and touched the principal’s scales before kissing his nose. She smiled at her foster dad and wished him good luck as he turned around and walked to his post. Since he was a dragon, the principal was in charge of the majority of the demons because he could kill many with one breath.

On the other side, Jasmine was looking at Cameron take off his T-shirt and whistled. Cameron had one fine body to look at and he knew it. He cracked his neck a few times before changing shapes. He grew a little in height but his arms and legs thickened and doubled in width. Wings appeared on his back and his ears and teeth also grew. Once he was done, he shook the remaining of his clothes

“You’re a gargoyle?” Jasmine asked shocked. “I thought gargoyles did not have human bodies?”


“Love, I did not become a king without knowing a few tricks” Cameron chuckled. Jasmine was still impressed and slightly touched the man’s stony body. No wonder her hand broke when she punched him. Her dreamy state was broken by the sound of horns.

“Time’s up” Jimhaya said to no one in particular and grinned widely “Let the feat begin”


The war had begun. The demons recovered from the surprise attack fast and recoiled. There were less of them but they were much stronger than the Alliance and Undergrounders which gave an even battle. Creatures were falling down and blood was spilled in the forest.

Siana was swinging her sword left and right, cutting down anyone who was coming at her. She dodged the attacks and countered them on with her own but there was too many of them. One sword got through her defence and almost cut her head off if it weren’t for Jimhaya to push the attacker out of the way. She threw him down and gutted him with her claws.

The demons hesitated. Jimmy was crouched in front of her lover who had her arms and wings spread out with her specially made swords. Dark magic moved around Jimmy and cocooned her like a blanket while light magic spread around from the angel behind her.

Together, Jimmy and Siana started dancing their final dance: the Dance of Death. They knew each other’s body and movement so well they didn’t have to speak as they killed anyone who opposed them. They were Ying and Yang. They attacked without ever hitting one another and they defended each other’s backs which gave very little opening to the demons. Jimmy and Siana slowly made their way to the castle and left nothing but a trail of dead bodies behind them.

Close by, Jasmine was fighting four lizard men. She used her magic as a weapon but the demons were extremely fast. They dodged her and counter attacked. One of them swung his clawed hand toward her face but she ducked and threw electricity at his chest. The demon screamed and started to shake as the electricity burned his inside before falling dead. Unfortunately, it took too long for Jasmine to take her stand and strong arms grabbed her from behind. She growled and tried to get out of the arms when a lizard man grabbed her jaw and spat acidic saliva in her eyes.

Jasmine screamed in pain. She closed her eyes as they burned sending waves of pain through her body. The demon took that advantage to strike again but this time for the kill when Cameron, who had heard her scream, grabbed the demon and snapped his neck. He then grabbed the demon holding Red by one hand and slammed it into the other destroying the skull. Red fell to the ground shielding her eyes as tears ran down her cheeks.

“Jasmine, get up we have to get you to a healer” Cameron said in a hurry. Other demons were running their way.

“No, I need to get to the castle” Red said with determination and stood up on her shaking legs.

“But your eyes; if we do not get them healed now-

“Cameron please, get me to the castle. My sisters need me there”

Cameron reluctantly nodded and grabbed Jasmin and put her on his back. He jumped in the air and used his stony wings to get them above the demons but not out of the forest. He dodged the trees and the attacks that were meant to kill them.

Jimmy and Siana were the first to arrive in the clearing. From there, they could see the Duke, Riker and the Hound standing close to the castle. They were watching the fight.

Panting, Siana pointed to an opening on the side of the castle where she and Jimmy could fly through a window. They had to make sure that the threesome didn’t see them but they also knew demons were waiting for them inside the walls.

Jimmy and Siana made it to the third floor of the castle wing and nobody was around them. All they had to do was find Jimmy’s mother, get her out and return to the fight. The duo made their way to the first level without encountering anybody. When they stepped on the main level, they were greeted by two unproportioned human demons. One had a huge body and a tiny head and the other’s neck was long and thin that could turn more than three hundred and sixty degrees. Both of them had sharp teeth with saliva dripping down their chins. In each of their hands were axes bathed in blood.

“Go get your mom” Siana said without taking her eyes off the two men. Jimmy nodded because she knew she wouldn’t be able to change her mind and sprinted down the corridor and followed her mother’s sent to the dungeons.

Jimmy killed the demons that were guarding the dungeon cell and sped down the cold stairs. She found her mother in the last cell tied to wall by chains. She looked like she had lost twenty pounds. Her hair had lost some colour and her hollowed cheeks were bruised. Someone had hurt her.

Kelly opened her eyes when she heard the door opened and was surprised to see her red eyed daughter. She had been expecting a demon but relaxed when she saw Jimmy coming in with keys in her hands.

Jimmy unlocked the cuffs around her mother’s wrist and helped her stand. Once Kelly could stand on her own, she hugged her daughter tightly. She never thought to see her children again. She muffled a cry when she felt Jamie’s arm rapped around her. They separated when they heard an explosion over their heads. Jimmy grabbed her mother’s hand and led her out of the cells. She picked up a gun and a rifle and gave them to her mother.

“Get out of the castle and run to the forest” Jimmy instructed. She made sure her mother was okay before leaving her mother and sped up the stairs. Her sister was calling to her and she had to answer.

Upstairs, Siana was frowning at the two demons because they had completely ignored Jimmy and stared and her hungrily. They were staring at each other in the middle of an empty dance ballroom. It was the perfect place to fight because there were no objects to interfere with their movements.

“Look brother, an angel” the long neck one said.

“I love angels, they taste so good” the big one replied.

“You remember the last one we ate brother?”

“Oh yeah, it was a real treat, an entire family of angels to eat for super. Too bad we couldn’t find the little one, she smelled the best” the big one licked his lips with his extra-long tongue.

The small one turned his head upside down so he could look at Siana backward. With great speed, he attacked Siana which caught her off guard. She raised her sword and the demon stuck his teeth into it instead of her. She lost her balance and fell on her back dragging the demon with her. She used that momentum to push him over her shoulder and rolled over her shoulder. She blocked the big guy’s strike but he was so strong that he sent her across the ballroom. Siana fell on her back again and struggled to get up.

The attacks were constant and the demons kept going at Siana. The angel had trouble keeping up and was starting to get tired. The big demon was too strong for her to afford getting hit so she had to dodge him every time. The small demon was harder to hit because he was so flexible and bending. Every time she hit him with her sword it would bounce back without so much as a scratch. The only time she managed to hurt either demon was by extending her sword with a magical blade.

She understood that the only way she could defeat them was by using her magic but it was getting hard to conjure it. She managed to get the upper hand and used that advantage to strike the small demon. She pierced him through the chest with her blade but the demon didn’t even flinch. She gasped as he smiled and licked her cheek with his long tongue.

“Boo” he cackled. He grabbed her arm and she tried to remove her hand. She felt the big demon behind her before the strike. She screamed in agony when she felt the ax ripping through her wing. The demon had cut her wing from the base at her back. She screamed and screamed as the ax came out swiftly and her wing fell limp beside her. There was less than an inch left of her wing that had not been torn off.

The big demon grabbed her by the back of her neck and threw her across the room. Siana crashed into the wall and fell limply to the ground along with the debris of the wall where she crashed. Dazed, Siana managed to get on her knees. Black dots formed in her vision. When she looked up, she could only make the outline of the two demons walking towards her. There was only one thing left she could do but she knew it could kill her too.

Siana gathered all her energy and power that remained and concentrated it into one small spot in her chest. Once she was done accumulating every last drop of power, she waited until they were close enough until she unleashed everything. With one last battle cry, she let the power burst out of her body creating a shock wave that destroyed the walls of the castle. Every window in the perimeter exploded. The demons were thrown away from her.

The castle began to crumble over Siana’s head. The ceiling collapsed and the demons were crushed under the rocks and boulders that kept falling. Siana had no time to think as something fell on her and her world became total darkness.

At the same time, Jimmy was running outside in the direction of the trio but she tripped as she felt the shock wave hit her from behind. She stopped in her tracks and looked behind to see the whole castle falling down on itself but now was not the time to think about her angel or mother. She only hoped both had made it out.

Riker, who was watching her, used that distraction to throw Wizard’s Fire in her direction but it never hit her. Instead, a giant wolf jumped in front of Jimmy and took the fire. The blow knocked him off his feet and he landed on Jimmy. Both the girl and wolf fell down as the wolf whimpered in excruciating pain.

Jimmy sat up while holding the wolf to her body. She saw Jessica from the corner of her eye tackling Riker to the ground. The Hound who was beside the magician grabbed Jess by his teeth and got her off his partner. Above their heads, Cameron and Jasmine flew onto the scene and landed between Jimhaya and the wolf. Jimmy took the opportunity of being temporarily hidden to search in her pocket for the moon flower potion. She opened the lid and poured the content on the wolf’s teeth and claws. Satisfied, she raised the injured wolf off her and kissed the top of his head.

“Kill him father” she whispered in his ear before sprinting to her redhead sister. Raymond howled once to draw the Hound’s attention and both canines attacked each other in a death fight with no pity or hesitation in their attacks.

Jasmine Hopped off Cameron and stood straighter. She spread her arms wide and summoned her magic. She felt her sisters close by and called to them.

“Sisters, lend me your power. Show me the way out of this darkness, show me the light. I call upon your power as we are but one. Guide me out of this madness” Jasmine whispered in the wind. Her sisters felt it and ran towards her. They each grabbed a hold of a hand and gave her their magic. Power flowed out of Jess and Jimhaya and into their sister. They fell to the ground exhausted.

Jasmine opened her mouth and let a silent cry as raw power ran through her body. This was the power the Hundale child would have owned had the body not split into three parts. The power was too great for one single body and it had been amplified with the vampire and werewolf blood running through their veins.

Jasmine knew it would not last because it was too much for her to handle. She knew that she would die if she did not give it back to her sisters. She opened her eyes and she could see clearer than she had ever before. Her eyes were a mixer of three different blues, like the ocean on a sunny day. She raised her hands towards Riker and sent a magic beam but it barely missed him as he ducked away.

The old magician grinned. This was the fight he was waiting for all his life. He got up and dusted himself and took a fighting stance. He and Jasmine looked at each other until she took the first step and sent a powerful attack his way.

“No” the Duke yelled and tried to interfere but Cameron was in his way in seconds. “You. You miserable excuse of a king. Let me get you out of my way once and for all”

The Duke transformed into a nine foot ogre. His body doubled in mass and his huge belly flopped down. His two inch bottom canine stuck out of his lips. His skin turned a brown-green color and his eyes became orange. He had big round ears that stuck out. His jewellery dangled on his neck and earlobes. He only had a brown fur towel to cover his private parts. The Duke touched a necklace and it transformed into a ten foot spear with tribal symbols written on it.

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