《Triplets (girlxgirl)》34- Actions and Words


I woke up with a throbbing headache and my whole body was in pain. I groaned.

"Miss. Bane, are you awake?" I heard a voice on top of me. "It's okay; you can open your eyes"

Slowly, I lifted my shaking hand and ran it on my face. I was alive, that's a good sign. I opened my eyes slower than a slug could move and let them adjust to the light. I took in my surroundings and realized I was in the school nursery and one of the nurses greeted my wake with a smile.

"Good evening. How are you doing?" she asked.

"Everything hurts" I said quietly. The nurse nodded and wrote something on a chart. I looked behind her and saw Jimhaya sitting on the windowsill with her eyes closed and her body relaxed.

"Don't mind her Miss. Bane. That girl has been on that windowsill since you came in" The nurse smiled at me "You are one lucky girl to have such a friend"

She didn't know half of it. I watched the nurse left the room to get something and turned around to see Jimmy staring with her beautiful blue eyes. I heaved a sigh. It was my Jimmy.

"Hey" I said. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Hey" Jimmy moved from the window and stood where the nurse used to be and grabbed my hand.

"You're back"

"Yeah" she scratched the back of her head "That was a long and unwanted conversation I had with my selves. How are you? Your nose was bleeding when you came back into your body"

I touched my nose, remembering the beast licking it in delight. I shuddered.

"Well, if ever I doubt you again remind me of this" I said wholeheartedly and Jimmy laughed sweetly. "I mean, you have one maddening mind"

"I know. You don't have to tell me twice" Jimmy chuckled. "It gets easier when you know how to tune the voices out"

"What happened after I passed out?"

"It's a bit blurry on my end because I was not controlling my body but I could tell you that Mrs. Adams couldn't get near you because the beast wouldn't let her. But Mrs. Adams is a sweet talker and managed to convince her to let the other me to take control. After that, she brought you here and you have been sleeping for an entire day. Going into my mind took a lot out of you and the principal was not very happy"

I was about to ask why when the nurse came back in with pills and water. She gave them to me and I let Jimmy help me drink it. When the nurse left again, I scooted over and patted the empty space beside me. Hesitantly she made her way onto the bed and cradled my head. Now there was my girl: the shy and uncertain girl who had no idea what to do in peaceful relationship moments. I smiled at myself as I curled my body around hers and drifted back to sleep.

I woke up the next day warm and feeling much better. My headache was still there but less intense and my body was not as sore. Jimmy was sleeping soundly beside me and I couldn't help but admire her.

I slipped out of the bed without waking her up which was hard due to the fact that we were cuddling together. Oh man, I never thought I would see the day that I cuddled with my girlfriend Jimhaya Hundale; the girl who didn't like physical contact. Now that was quite ironic.


I made sure my hospital gown was well tied up before making my way out of the room and into the nursery corridors. It must have been morning because I saw many workers with coffee cups and walking around yawning. I stepped around a corner a stopped in my tracks as I heard two familiar voices arguing.

"You're lucky she's still alive" the principal growled "Do you have an idea of the danger you put my daughter through"

"If I thought your daughter would be in serious danger I would never have sent her in but-" Mrs. Adams started to say.

"That's right, you didn't think. You decided to put my student, my daughter into the mind of an unstable girl with psychotic tendencies for your own curiosity"

"But sir, the results are phenomenon. The way Jimhaya reacted to Siana was engrossing. This may be the key to helping Jimhaya cope with the rest of the world"

"You know, I'm starting to think that some children cannot be fixed" the principal "What you did, without my authority might I add, was unacceptable. I won't have careless teachers roaming around the school encouraging dangerous behaviors"

"Sir please, this work is my life, you cannot take it away from me"

"And my work is mine. The safety of the children is my first concern" Having enough, I stepped in.

"Dad" I said. Both adults turned around. Mrs. Adams was on the verge of crying. She looked at me with pleaded eyes. "I was the one who asked Mrs. Adams to send me in"

"It was neither her right to accept nor her decision to make. She should have refused you to go in the first place" the principal said angrily.

"But this was totally for the concern of the students. Come on dad, you heard what happened in dance class. You knew something had to be done"

"But you didn't have to take part of it" he said. He had lost his anger and his voice was almost pleading "I'm supposed to take care of you not get a message saying you almost died and are in a hospital"

"You have to understand that whether you like it or not, I am part of Jimmy's problems and I know I can help her. Heck, I'm pretty much the only one who can help her and that means doing dangerous things and you won't always approve of the decisions. Mrs. Adams did nothing illegal and should not be fired. She may be a pain in the ass in class but she is one hell of a good teacher."

The principal seemed to think about what I just said and Mrs. Adams sent me a grateful smile which I returned.

"All right fine" I grinned in victory "but your grounded" And my grinned vanished. Just like that.

"You have detention with me for a month" he gave me a sly smile

"A month? Are you crazy?" I yelled in disbelief.

"I am and if you say one more word it will be two months is that understood?"

I shut my mouth closed and nodded. That sneaky bastard was a pain in the ass. He wouldn't fool me though by asking me questions. I turned around and stomped my way back to the room to find Jimmy sitting on the bed fully dressed.

"There's something I have to do" she told me "I just wanted to make sure you were alright"

"Oh, can I come?" I asked. She scratched her head and had a perplexed expression.

"Uhm, I don't think you will like what I'm about to do" she told me uncertainly. "But, uh, sure you can come. If you want to"


"Great" I said. I found clean clothes neatly piled on the chair and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly got dress and then followed Jimmy out of the nursery. Those pills were really working well because my muscles were not making me cringe anymore. When we got to the exit door, we bumped into Jessica who was about to walk in.

"Oh, thank God you're awake" Jess said one she saw me and tackled me with a bear hug. I was a little stunned when I hugged her back.

"Okay?" I drawled. Jess let me go and took a step back.

"You have no idea what it's like to be the middle child" she groaned.

"I take it they have not made up yet"

"No because that one" she pointed to Jimmy who looked anywhere but at us though I could see a witty smile on her face. "Wouldn't talk to anybody until you were awake and I have been bombarded by Red's whining and grumpy mood"

I chuckled. "Don't worry; I'll come help you out"

"You better and you" she again pointed to her sister "better cooperate next time or I will bash your head in the cement" With another growl, Jess passed us and stomped to the front desk.

I turned to Jimmy and raised an eyebrow. Her smile slowly turned into a full grown grin. I desperately passed a hand over my eyes and puffed my cheeks.

"You are so immature sometimes. Why don't you tell your sisters that you like it when they fuss over you?"

"Because then it won't be the same. Plus, I don't always like it"

"So, have you forgiven Red?" I asked. Jimmy's smile faltered a bit.

"Soon. I'm still trying to figure some things out"

Fair enough. We resumed our walk to the parking lot and to my surprise I found my car. I raised an eyebrow at Jimmy to demand an explanation. Jimmy smirked and took my keys out of her pocket. That bitch. She dared to take my keys and drive my car. With a glare I snatched my keys from her hands and loudly made my way to the car. I heard Jimmy laugh behind me but I ignored her and opened my door but hands circled my waist and held me tightly.

"I'm sorry" Jimmy kissed my cheeks. My anger faded in an instant and I hummed as kissed me again. "It's exciting when you are angry. But you should be careful when you change gears because there is a problem with the stick"

With that she let me go sprinted to the other side of the car before I managed to catch her. I turned to face her over the hood and glared at her.

"What did you do to my car?" I growled but she just laughed and got in. I followed her inside and opened the engine. I double checked to make sure everything was running properly and that everything was in place. There was nothing wrong with my car. Boy was that girl was lucky because if she had damaged my car I would have made her pay and there is a saying that says 'Pay back is a Bitch'. I heard Jimmy chuckle beside me.

"You're in a good mood today" I remarked. Jimmy shrugged and turned around to face the window.

"You're here" was all she said. I smiled.

We stayed quiet as I drove but I had no idea where we were going.

"We are going the Underground tonight but we are going to teleport there. We have time before that though so we will go where ever you want to" Jimmy told me after I asked her.

Since it was morning, we decided to go to brunch in town and since I had a sick pass, I had all day with my girlfriend. I found it quite weird to call Jimmy my girlfriend but I was content at the moment to call her that. After brunch we hung in the library since it was freezing outside. This winter had not been friendly this year.


I had left the car at the Hundale residence and Jimmy and I teleported to the Underground. Whatever she was doing was getting me nervous because she asked me over and over again if I was certain I wanted to tag along. She seemed skittish and it was making me uneasy.

I had my hat on that covered my white hair and wore black clothes to blend in. When we entered the Underground, I noticed it was quieter than usual. Less people were roaming around and the streets were gloomy. Most of the shops were locked tight with chains and bars around the windows. The air was thick and polluted and the people who were still around looked at us with apprehension. There were no crooked smiles or laughs that welcomed us into this delinquent city.

Jimmy and I stayed close to each other and were on high alert for any movement surrounding us. We walked into the fight club where laughs and cheers could be heard. The 'Golden Fist' did not seem to have been affected by the fear. This just proves that Cameron is living to his reputation and was a good businessman. Being the head of an underground mafia and one of the three kings of the city had its perks. The customers must truly trust Cameron to keep them safe from the coming storm.

To my surprise, Jimmy did not walk to the bar but made a turn towards the far side of the room. I looked at the bar and found Cameron starring at us with an unamused expression. I closely followed Jimmy but my I missed a step when I saw who she was going to see. There, sitting at a table with men around and women on their laps where Riker and the Hound. Riker was playing cards with other men while the Hound sat watching the crowd. There were at least four empty tables around them; probably the customers were afraid of them and kept their distance.

By the time I tried to stop Jimmy it was too late; she was already standing over them. From the corner of my eye, I saw Camron striding this way but all my attention was on Jimmy and the two escapees. The Hound was the first to see us but made no attempt to warn the others. He simply starred at us with an unreadable expression.

Another man tapped on Riker's shoulder to get his attention. At first, Riker didn't recognise Jimmy but his eyes widened and a grin formed on his scarred face. He hadn't seen me behind her and for that I was grateful. This man made me shiver in fear and disgust simply by looking at him. He had this evil and dark vibe coming out of him although it did not seem to affect Jimmy in any way.

"Well, well, well" he drawled with an Irish accent, "I was not expecting to see you any time soon. You are a brave girl to come here alone"

Jimmy did not answer him. Instead, she turned around and punched the Hound square in the face.

My jaw dropped. For two excruciating long seconds, the entire club was silent. Nobody moved.

The Hound touched his jaw with his fingers and looked at them in amazement. Suddenly, he was on his feet and snarling in Jimmy's face. The club erupted in chaos as people moved away. The Hound swung his paw at Jimmy who still had not moved but Cameron was fast enough to block the attack. I, on the other hand was still stunned by what was happening. It was Cameron's voice that broke me from my trance.

"Get her out" he screamed at me. Right. I grabbed Jimmy's arm and pulled her out of the club. I pushed the customers that were in my way until we were in the street.

"What is your fucking problem?" I yelled at her but she starred at me with blank eyes. She looked behind me, probably to look for Cameron but I was sure he was very busy fixing her mess. Before I could protest, she grabbed my arm and we popped into her living room. I ripped my arm out of her grasped. I couldn't believe she pulled a stunt like that. I started passing in the room, not caring about my surroundings at the moment.

"You know, I knew you were suicidal but I never in my entire existent you were going to go that far" I growled.

"It not what you think"

"SHUT UP" I screamed at her. My hands were shaking in fury and my magic was threatening of causing damage at the moment. "You had no right to do what you just did. For fuck sake Jimhaya, it was the Hound. As much as you so want to die, can you stop thinking about your petty life for one second and realize that other people actually do want you alive?"

"I told you, you wouldn't like it" Jimmy's face was expressionless and it was making me more frustrated. How dare she not have any feelings after what she did?

"Oh, don't get me that shit of an excuse"

"What is going on?" I heard her mother say by the stairs. I finally looked around to see the whole Hundale family along with the Royal family in the room looking at us. They were all in their pajamas which probably mean we woke them up.

"Your no good of a daughter decided it would be great on a Tuesday night to punch the Hound in face when he was relaxing in the Golden Fist" A series of gasps tore around the room as they starred at Jimmy in disbelief.

"I had to see how they reacted" Jimmy said.

"What do you mean?" Queen Aaliyah asked before I opened my mouth.

"I punched the Hound to see how he and Riker would react. Riker laughed his head off instead of helping the Hound" she said to everybody then she turned to me "Which means, it will be easy to separate the two when the time is needed and can probably improve the chance of survival. I was thinking about you when I punched him"

"Well, isn't that comforting" I replied sarcastically. Jimmy rolled her eyes.

"You don't think we can win the war?" Connor asked and Jimmy laughed darkly.

"Of course we can't win the war as long as the Hound is alive"

"Then we kill the Hound" Jess said.

"You can't just kill the Hound Jessica. How do you think he survived this long?" Jimmy asked

"I heard he couldn't be killed" Brit added.

"Everything can be killed cousin. Everyone has a weapon created to kill them"

"Like a Kryptonite" I said.

"A what?" Jimmy asked "Never mind. Yes he has one but good luck finding it because the only place you are going to get that answer in the Kingdom of Howls. His domain, his world and only insane people go there. Everything is either dead or dying"

"You're insane" Ren spurted out.

"Not that much and beside, demonic magic makes me berserk"

"That is actually a good idea" Raymond the triplet's father said. "We can go in the kingdom, find an answer and come out with the results. We can build our attacks on what we find. I'll go because I'm a werewolf and I would blend better"

"Umh, honey, why don't you think about it first before you volunteer" Kelly said uncertainly.

"That's a great idea. I'm coming too" Jess said happily

"Absolutely not you're-

"Dad, I am more demonic than you are"

From there I tuned everyone out. I suddenly felt tired and I needed to get out of here. Without anybody noticing, I slipped into the night and to my car but before I could open my door, I felt Jimmy's hand on my shoulder.

"You're mad" she said. Well, no shit Sherlock.

"Of course I'm mad. Did you ever pause and think what it would do to your family? To me?"

"I didn't think-

"No you didn't think" I spat and turned around to stare at the dark trees. I took a deep breath before facing Jimmy again. "Why you? Why were you the one who had to do it?"

"Because no one else would do it. You know how I feel about death: it will come when it will come but letting you die over a simple thing had we not known Riker and the Hound's relationship would destroy me. I love you too much to lose you"

I froze.

"What did you say?" I asked slowly, not believing my ears.

"I love you" she repeated "I think" she finished.

"Oh you think, but you don't know?" I said sarcastically. "Well come to me when you know for sure because I can't keep up if you try to kill yourself over every little details"

With that I got into my car and slammed the door. The car swirled as I left the driveway. My mind was foggy because of everything that happened tonight. I felt numb and my fingers trembled on the steering wheel. I felt hot tears running down my cheeks and I let them. They were slowly cutting my vision so I stopped on the side of the road and put my head on the steering wheel and cried.

Jimmy had scared me so much tonight. I thought that it was the end when she hit the Hound. I thought he was going to kill her on the spot. Damn her. I hit the wheel with my hands. Why was she such a pain in my ass?

"I thought you would understand" Jimmy's voice said beside me making me jump in fear. I spun around and saw her sitting in the passenger seat with a small smile on her face.

"What the hell Jimmy?" I yelled out "Get out, I don't want you here. I'm still mad at you"

Jimmy didn't move. She frowned at me before the frown turned into a smirk. Oh man, did I want to wipe that smirk off her face at that moment.

"You are not angry because of what I did" she stated as if the answer was obvious "You're mad because I said it first"

I knew what she was talking about "Oh please. You said nothing but 'I think' I love you"

"How do I know what love is if I have never felt it before?"

"Do you have butterflies?" I asked annoyed. I just wanted her to leave already.


"Does your stomach contract?"

"Every time I see you" she said frowning. She was probably wondering why I asked that question.

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