《The Next Madara (not being written)》Chapter 3


Naruto and Sasuke sat in the Hokage office. Hiruzen Sarutobi and Fugaku Uchiha sat next to each other.

"Both of you have proved to be.... Problematic in a regular academy class" Hiruzen spoke softly not trying to worry the two boys.

Naruto and Sasuke looked down ashamed and sad. They knew this meant they wouldn't be allowed to attend anymore.

"You will no longer attend the academy as you pose a threat to your fellow students" Fugaku spoke less calmly.

"But we have a solution to this issue as you are both advanced for your age we believe an apprenticeship under Hatake Kakashi shall suffice" Hiruzen spoke with a small smile as the boys raised their heads as the sadness disappeared.

"You may enter Kakashi" Hiruzen spoke and the door opened.

Kakashi walked in and Naruto and Sasuke watched him. They didn't seem to be impressed at the cyclops.

"Naruto, Sasuke this is Kakashi Hatake your instructor" Hiruzen looked towards Kakashi signaling for him to speak.

"Can I take them with me yet" Kakashi asked?

"I hadn't told them that part yet" Hiruzen sighed. "Me and Fugaku spoke with Kakashi earlier and decided a training trip around the elemental nations is the safest course of action" Hiruzen paused.

"As your powers grow you both could become extremely dangerous if not taught properly but people would talk if we trained you in the village" Hiruzen continued. "For the next two years you will be traveling with Kakashi training and learning about our world" Naruto and Sasuke looked torn.

"He is one of the strongest ninja in the world and he can protect you adequately if need be correct Kakashi" Hiruzen asked?

"With my life" Kakashi said with his chest.

"Both of you have been packed and our departing now we can't have you in the village for long people have begun to talk" Hiruzen spoke with his eyes closed and his brow furrowed. "I am sorry for both of you but it is necessary people are becoming afraid of you two" Hiruzen stood up after speaking.


He walked over to Naruto and hugged him. Naruto looked up at him his eyes watery.

"I'll miss you Grandpa" Naruto finally hugged Hiruzen back.

Fugaku stood and walked to the door. Before he left Fugaku turned around and looked at Sasuke.

"Goodbye Sasuke" Fugaku flatly said and finally left.

"Goodbye father" Sasuke said softly and quietly.

Naruto and Sasuke walked with Kakashi out the village gate. They both steeled themselves bottling their emotions. Sasuke saw movement in the tree line. Looking towards it he saw his older brother. Itatchi looked at him sadly but smiled at him. Sasuke waved goodbye to him and Itatchi did the same.

"Do you guys know any Jutsu they didn't tell me much" Kakashi asked?

"I know one Jutsu" Sasuke threw up a few handsigns but stopped on the last one.

"I don't know none" Naruto said slightly bashfully.

"That's fine that's not what we are really focusing on anyways" Kakashi said rubbing his covered eye.

They walked in silence for hours. The boys becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Before Sasuke broke the silence with a question.

"What kind of training will we be doing anyways" Sasuke asked?

"You understand about your Sharigan and Naruto his chakra is even more dangerous than that understand" Kakashi turned and faced them.

"Well the sun is about to set let's set up camp" Kakashi took off his pack and began to unpack equipment.

Naruto and Sasuke carried a pot of water over to the recently built fire. Setting it down they waited for the water to boil. Kakashi finished up the tent right after they sat down. They both saw a red flash before they heard yelling. A kunai flew into Kakashi's head his eye went wide and he collapsed dead. Naruto and Sasuke panicked freezing as men surrounded them.


"Kill them boys" one of the men said.

They charged at them and they both felt their abilities come out. Naruto shut his eyes as his Chakra forced out of him sending the men flying. Some of them breaking their necks on impact. Sasuke saw all movement slow and then blood began to drip from his eye. Then a force began crush skulls with screams of agony coming out from the men. Then another flash of red and they saw Kakashi eating ramen from the recently boiled water.

"SENSEI!" The boys shouted tears welling in their eyes.

Then they fell both of them closing their eyes confused and afraid. Sasuke began to cradle his head screaming to himself.

"It's called genjutsu I decided to wake you guys up to the real world....the ninja world" Kakashi stated calmly and continued eating.

Kakashi swallowed "when I was around your age I was beating up Jounin a few years later killing them" Kakashi's eye twitched after saying that.

"That will remain in your head forever and you may despise me for it but hopefully it will keep you from dying" Kakashi's eye once again twitched but he looked towards the boys now.

Naruto and Sasuke stopped panicking and looked at Kakashi tears still flowing.

"Your friends dying is horrible and will haunt you so let's prevent that mine did that's how I got this eye" Kakashi pulled up his headband flashing his sharigan.

Naruto and Sasuke gasped at the brutal scar etched over his face. But the sharigan was their primary focus. He wasn't an Uchiha how could he have gotten that.

"When my friend died he gave me his eye so I could see and be more powerful with his eye" Kakashi looked at them his voice deathly cold. "You two have abilities beyond normal if honed right you won't see each other die or any other friends" Kakashi covered his eye back up.

A week later

They felt changed what they saw in the genjutsu remained in their mind. But they felt better after realizing it was fake. But they knew one day they would have to do it in real life.

"I even know your brother Itatchi a little Sasuke" Kakashi said to Sasuke surprise.

Kakashi had begun to open up a little talking more. He spoke about his anbu days. He also told them more about his friend whose name was Obito Uchiha. Naruto and Sasuke also spoke but they had few experiences in life. They had been confined to clan compounds their whole life for the majority of the time.

Finally they stopped and Kakashi looked at them. "Time to train"

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