《Ugly Bones || p.jm》2


The warmth inside the bakery was starting to get to Kazimir but she knew most of it was because of the embarrassment still lingering in the atmosphere after that Asian guy had left.

She could tell by his features that he was Korean. She was a half Korean herself but the fact that he wasn't a tourist was slow to register with her yet. Or maybe he was one and was just playing around with newly learned Czech phrases.

The tourists never argued about the cost of bread because most of the Czech people had a silent agreement that it was okay to rip off tourists. Bread along with other various groceries and necessities were offered at double the cost everywhere to foreigners.

Call it immoral or call it unethical but Kazimir called it good business on behalf of anyone trying to survive college life in an expensive city.

The extra cash would have gone to her own pocket and maybe, just maybe she could have finally been able to afford any of the clothes she had her eye on.

The warmth began increasing and it forced her to come out from behind the counter and open the doors of the shop. A chilly breeze blew in from outside making a round trip inside the small shop, taking up the waft of freshly baked goodies and flew out carrying both the warmth and the sweetened aroma to lure in customers.

Work was going to hit it hard soon because people were starting to wake up to a beautiful morning and Kazimir stepped out to welcome any possible tourists.

After a minute, a couple who looked madly in love walked into the shop hand in hand and that was her very first official rip off of the morning.

Prague was a beautiful honeymoon destination, but a very costly one when it came to breakfast as she convinced the couple to buy half a dozen muffins with double the price.

More customers came and went and her shift finally finished at noon when she left the shop to head home.

The busy morning didn't allow her to notice that the chilly weather from earlier had turned to a cloudy humid one by then.

The barometric pressure seemed to have dropped by a vast degree and Kazimir felt a headache slowly climbing up and nestling in her head because of it.

The warmth inside the bakery and now the humidity outside on the streets were making her perspire even more profusely than normal and she cursed the clouds all the way to her neighborhood for not hurrying up and pouring already.

When the clouds held their breath just before a rainfall, Kazimir's head did too. She couldn't focus on anything anymore except her blinding headache and the fact that if it didn't rain soon, the headache would transform into a three-day-long migraine.

As soon as she turned the corner into her neighborhood though, her phone rang and she took it out to see it was the shop's owner.

"Hello?" She answered in English knowing well the owner didn't feel comfortable speaking Czech.

As a matter of fact, she didn't either. But it was necessary to speak the Slovakian language while working to let the tourists get the full experience of being in a European country.

"Did you finish your shift?" He asked.

"Yeah five minutes ago. I was walking home. Why? Is there a problem?" She asked hoping nothing was wrong. She didn't want to go back.

"No, everything's fine but can you drop by for a minute and deliver something?"



"Okay. I'll be right there." She replied cutting the call because refusing wasn't worth losing the job on the first day.

She groaned in frustration at the prospect of going back and the number of water vapors in the air and the fact that how those vapors were giving her head a hard time.

Migraines triggered by sudden drops in air pressure were her worst nightmare and by the looks of the rainy climate of Prague, she was in for a painful ride.

The bell chimed as she walked in the shop and the other employee greeted her with too much enthusiasm showing off too much-flailing limbs and teeth.

Kazimir ignored her completely and went straight to the back. She would one day have to become acquainted with her co-worker but not today.

Today was reserved for ignoring other people's existence.

She took the box of freshly baked cookies and the address and headed out without a word. Her left eye had started to give her a hard time already and it was just the first rain of the season.

She read the address and realized she wouldn't have to go far. The villa was just around the corner and that gave her a small flicker of hope.

She rang the doorbell when she reached her destination and while waiting for the door to open, she noticed the rental sign plastered on it.

She started reading the details but felt bile rising up from her stomach when she tried to focus on the words and immediately ditched the idea of reading it. She hated how nausea caused by the migraines turned her into an illiterate person.

The throbbing on the side of her head intensified suddenly and she so desperately wanted to bang her head on the door to relieve the headache but she held herself back.

Banging head is not allowed during work Kaz, get a grip on yourself, she ordered herself.

The door finally opened revealing the Korean guy from earlier but Kazimir didn't find it in her to care in the slightest. She had started to get mental images of stabbing a knife through her left eye and all she wanted to do was get over with everything and bang her head into whatever she could find.

"Vaše objednávka."(Your order.) She said thrusting the box into the guy's chest with a bit too much force and both heard the cookies crashing into one another inside.

"Páni, hrubý hodně?" (Wow, rude much?) Jimin said grabbing the box and eyeing her up and down with an arched brow.

Kazimir ignored both his remark and the cute accent and let out another silent curse at the clouds before trying to remember what else she was supposed to do now that the order was delivered.

"Zítra zaplatím v obchodě." (I'll pay at the shop tomorrow.) Jimin finished for her trying to make eye contact but she seemed to be an expert at avoiding those.

Is he really not a tourist? Kazimir wondered again.

"아 그래," (Oh okay.) She said in Korean not realizing that the wrong language had slipped out and turned to walk away.

Jimin on the other hand froze upon hearing the native words coming out of her mouth so easily and a small light bulb clicked in his head.

That explains the eyes, he thought. The eyes he couldn't get a proper glimpse of yet again but he was damn sure he saw something move in them. Something like a little sparkle in the lower half of the orbs.


Jimin watched her retreating figure until she disappeared around the corner and closed the door. He placed the cookies on the kitchen counter and rolled up his sleeves to continue cleaning around.

A family was finally coming to see the house from the inside before renting the rooms and Jimin ordered the cookies specially for the tea he was going to serve them.

But before he could get back upstairs, he gave in to his little moment of inspiration and ran to the living room and pulled out his notebook from his bag. He turned to the page he had been scribbling on since the morning and fished for a pen from the bag to write down the few lines his mind conjured up at the sight of those eyes again.

The world spins us into the dawn

a strange shadow in your eyes still spells dusk

i see it dance and i lose track of time

is it my hopeless hope for something I can't hold

or are they a storm of their own, a sunset of their own

Kazimir carried herself all the way to her home with whatever strength God bestowed upon her and once she caught sight of the blue railing leading up to her front door, she almost jumped up out of sheer joy.

Now was the tricky part. She wanted to walk in without anyone noticing her presence, especially not Taehyung because he would want to have a talk and she was all in for it but not right then when her head was banging canons against the inside of her skull.

She climbed up the cemented stairs, each step making her feel like her brain was a tiny ping pong ball and her skull an empty basket inside which the ball rocked back and forth with every small movement.

Once she was at the top, she fished her keys out of her bag but before she could insert the metal into the lock, the door opened.

She closed her eyes shut, pressing the lids together with too much force hoping that whoever it was would take pity on her and leave her alone.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked and Kazimir let out the thousandth curse of the day.

"Yes," she answered through gritted teeth opening her eyes to see her brother in law's younger brother staring at her with concern.

"We need to talk," he started letting her in and Kazimir contemplated making a run for it but her heavily drumming head and a partially blind left eye kept her glued to her spot.

"Yes, we do. And a very long talk at that. But I have a very bad headache right now so can we postpone the talk?" Kazimir let out shouldering past him to walk to her room.

"You say that every time. For God's sake Mir, when do you not have a headache?" He complained following her to her room.

Kazimir's eyes landed on her bed against the wall of her tiny room and all she wanted to do was to crawl under the covers and smolder herself with the pillow. But she stood her ground and turned to face Taehyung instead.

"Blame it on the weather, Tae. I am this close to murdering someone," Kazimir said bringing her forefinger and thumb together with literally no space between them to indicate her point.

"Well dammit, I can't freaking control the weather for you now, can I?" He countered yelling at her.

Kazimir flinched at his words but his anger was valid. Kazimir couldn't think why her sister thought it was ever a good idea to let her stay with her in-laws only to one day end up in the situation that she was in right then.

It was a new war every freaking day now, inching her closer to madness.

She looked from her bed to Taehyung and the slight movement made everything she had eaten since morning trying to make their way up her throat and her vision blurred for a second.

Taehyung was clearly waiting for an answer or for her to explode in his face as was their daily routine now that they were newly engaged but she had no more strength left in her.


She turned and walked the few steps to her bed and laid down with her shoes still on and her bag still strapped around her body and turned away from Taehyung. Pulling her knees to her chest, she tried her best not to let the tears escape.

"Close the door on your way out," she said softly shutting her eyes to block out the world.

Taehyung sighed and came to sit on the side of her bed making the mattress dip under his weight and Kazimir's light body slid over into the depression until her backbone came in contact with the side of his thigh.

She turned around to face him bringing up one hand to press her fingers to her temple in an attempt to somehow mute the headache and give in to finally have the talk.

Taehyung's eyes ran the length of her face from the tips of her fingers on her forehead to her perfect cut-out bunny front teeth biting down on her lower lip and back up to her mesmerizing eyes.

Those eyes, he thought. God, those eyes.

What scientists called partial heterochromia mutations, he called sparks. Tiny specks of orange nestled nicely in the lower half of her dark orbs that loved playing hide and seek. And when they were hiding, they were hiding. But when they were not, they appeared as sudden sparks of small fires that lit up and died down in an instant giving the illusion of a dancing flame in a far off distance reflected in her eyes.

Who wouldn't want to have you? Taehyung thought looking at her outer beautiful shell, well aware that if he didn't know what was beneath her beauty, his name would top the list.

But he knew what she was really made up of on the inside and that scared the shit out of him. He wasn't willingly going to agree to spend the rest of his life with a sick person, carrying the weight of her dysfunctional body. He wasn't brave enough for that.

"I don't want us to marry," he said softly hoping not to hurt her feelings but she knew already.

After her parents passed away, Kazimir's sister Naomi became her legal guardian and Kazimir was welcomed to her new home, occupied by her sister's in-laws.

A beautiful family of a mother, father, and two sons. Naomi was married to the older of the two sons while the younger son, Taehyung, was seventeen when Kazimir first moved in, the same age as her.

Coming from an interracial family, Kazimir and Naomi were both raised to be independent but when she found herself in the confines of a conserved Korean family, she couldn't help but feel suffocated and complain all the time.

Mrs. Kim on the other hand felt responsible for Kazimir's well being but it was no secret what she really wanted in return.

For Lee's daughters to become a permanent part of her family.

"Why not?" Kazimir asked closing her eyes and turning all the way so that she rested on her side now, facing Taehyung.

She knew the answer to that question but wondered when Taehyung would finally muster up some courage and say it to her face.

"We are so young still," he lied and Kazimir let out a chuckle which made him stop talking and eye her for daring to laugh off the present situation.

"No one is asking us to tie the knot today, Tae."

"No know should ask us to tie it any other day either. Talk to my mom, tell her you don't want this."

Do I? Kazimir wondered. She knew Mrs. Kim would never force the decision on her if she just plainly said so but there was also the risk that if she did say no, she would lose the only family she had left.

"Why don't you tell her that?" Kazimir asked.

"It would have more of an impact if it came from you. "

Kazimir let her eyes focus and saw his pleading face. He was really something to look at whether pleading or otherwise.

He had the type of features that became more and more accentuated with every year added to his age and he had gracefully grown from a tiny face with dark thick eyebrows overtaking it all to a well-sculpted front that resembled Greek mythology legends. It was hard to pinpoint when and where the features stopped being soft and alluring to hard and attractive in every way possible.

His eyes remained the same with their dark orbs and the unique set of one monolid and one slightly double lid that held gazes better than a camera and that had the audacity to stare you into a state of restlessness with a mere look. But where the eyes held everything dark, the smile made up for it with a comical rectangular shape that lit up his entire face.

They both suffered enough through their last year of high school where the girls kept calling her lucky for living in the same house as him and the guys did the same to him for being so close to that pretty foreign girl.

But contrary to what everyone thought, they did not end up having any sort of feelings for each other and managed to graduate peacefully and move to Prague for college.

But being the pricey city that it was, they ended up moving into Kazimir's parents' old house with the whole family including her sister and the Kims.

But now that their college was nearing the end and both were twenty-one, Mrs. Kim said it out loud and made the engagement official a week ago, making both Taehyung and Kazimir lose their minds.

Taehyung thought it was Kazimir's decision while Kazimir thought it was Taehyung's. It took them a week to figure out it was neither's and now they needed to figure out a way to undo it.

Not that Kazimir despised Taehyung as a partner because feelings eventually do grow if they gave them a chance to but because she knew exactly what Taehyung thought of her and her health.

She wouldn't want to spend the rest of her life with herself either.

She rubbed at her temple, pressing her fingers down on her skull and tried thinking of a way to somehow dislodge her head from the rest of her body and her eyes fluttered closed.

"Mir?" Taehyung said after a while of them just thinking in silence. She opened her eyes and saw him looking at her with concern.

"You need to see a doctor, " He said getting up.

He pulled the covers from beneath her and draped them over her and gave her a small smile before walking out and closing the door behind him.

Would that make you change your mind? If I lied to you and said there was a cure, would you change your mind? She wondered.

Despite the lack of a romantic connection between them, there was a small part of Kazimir that didn't want to let him go just like that.

When the whole world was ready to ditch her side, she wanted there to be at least one person out there who wouldn't abandon her just like the rest. One person to stick by her side. Even if he was forced to.

I am sorry Taehyung but you should know how scared I am of ending up alone.

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