《Spice!》Chapter 13


''You know the way to my house, don't you? I don't want to have to wait again.''

Miku jumped a little as Len's velvet voice caressed her ear. She glanced up, at him, and saw him staring down at her, a quizzical look in his eyes. She swallowed and nodded.

''Good. Then make your own way there later. Text me when you're about to reach.'' With that, he disappeared, almost faster than her eye could see. She frowned.

He didn't seem jealous at all, he just seemed like he couldn't be bothered to talk to her anymore. Her heart sank. Had her plan backfired on her?

Gakupo, who was slouching in the chair next to hers, snapped his fingers in front of her face. ''Don't look so depressed, Miku. Len's not happy about this. Trust me, I know. If it was any other girl he had seen me with, he wouldn't be all cold like the way he is now.''

''But he barely wants to talk to me,'' Miku sighed. ''Should I tell him we aren't really a couple? I'd rather be friends with him than nothing at all.''

Though being his friend and seeing him flirt with all the other girls would tear even deeper than when he was just her crush, admired from afar.

I really have no idea what to do. Why can't I be more experienced at this kind of thing?

Because Len was the only person she had ever had feelings for, all these years?

''Don't tell him anything,'' Gakupo assured her. ''See how he's like during your study session later. If he ignores you...well, maybe it's time to do something more drastic than just trying to rile him.''

''What do you mean, more drastic?'' Miku asked suspiciously. Gakupo's eyes gleamed, and Miku had a feeling she wouldn't like his idea.

''Someone can spread a rumour that you invited me over to your house, and that we behaved much more intimately than we usually did. Knowing this school, the gossip will reach Len's ears totally blown out of proportion.''

''No,'' Miku frowned. ''I'm not risking my reputation, not even for Len. I'm not shameless, you know,'' she added primly.

Gakupo laughed. She didn't know how he managed to find humour in every single situation, really. ''I was kidding, Miku. Len isn't the type to pay attention to rumours. He only believes what he himself has heard or seen.''


Miku looked down at her lap. ''Thank you, Gakupo...but why are you even helping me?''

''I think you're good for Len. He needs someone who he can look after, you see. His whole life, Rin has been taking care of him. He needs to learn to be more responsible. And...I see how he looks at you. He's attracted, he just won't admit it.''

Her heart fluttered at Gakupo's words. ''Maybe he just finds me amusing. He knows so much more than me. To him, I probably seem childish and clueless about everything.''

Gakupo snorted. ''Don't put yourself down, Hatsune. He likes you. He talks to you in a way I've never seen him talk to any other girl, not even those he's intimate with. I'm his friend, and I know what I'm talking about. Don't you trust me?''

''I do, but...it seems so unlikely.''

Gakupo just smiled and rose from the chair, stretching. Leaning down, he patted her shoulder, his long purple hair falling around his face. ''Just go and see what he wants later, Hatsune. You might be surprised.''


Len didn't reply to her message, and Miku sighed, slipping her phone back into her pocket. She was about to reach his house, and like he had asked she had messaged him before she reached his house.

Well, she couldn't force him to do anything if he didn't want to reply. What could she do, anyway? She didn't control him - she wasn't even anything to him.


Miku drew to a stop as she reached Len's house. He was standing by the gate, and he watched her as she watched him, his blue eyes unreadable. ''Hey.''

She didn't know what to say, so she just mumbled ''Hi'' and looked down at the ground. She thought she heard the faintest hint of a chuckle, but when she swiftly glanced back up his face was as expressionless as ever.

''Come on in,'' he invited stonily, unlocking the gate for her. She trailed after him, unsure of whether or not he was angry at her. He didn't look too happy, and she wondered what on earth she had done to offend him.


Len led her up the stairs to his room, then without a word he went back down again. Miku swallowed and entered his room, sitting tentatively on the same chair as yesterday.

His room looked a little neater now. The take-away boxes were gone, along with the clothes strewn on the floor. Even his bed had been made, though it was a little creased.

Had he tidied up his room because she was coming? That same hope fluttered in her chest, but she pushed it aside. Not likely.

Len returned, faster than she had expected. He was eating a banana. ''Sorry. My after-school snack. You want one?''

Miku shook her head, and he shrugged. ''I cleaned up my room because you were coming. Does it look neater?''

He really had cleaned up his room for her. He must have seen the surprise flicker across her face, because he shrugged again, averting his gaze. ''I didn't want you to think I was a slob.''

''I didn't think you were one,'' the words slipped out before she could stop them. He raised his eyebrows, looking faintly amused.

''If you say so,'' he reached into his pocket, drawing out those familiar red spectacles. ''Now, where did we stop?''


''I'm done,'' Miku announced, finishing off the last question. Len smiled faintly, looking as tired as she felt.

''Good,'' he said absent-mindedly. Miku frowned. The whole time he had been polite, nice but aloof. Was he angry at her? Or had he assumed that she really did like Gakupo?

''Why are you being so cold?'' She must have asked the question out loud because he stiffened, looking up at her.

''I'm not,'' he said, a little too loudly. ''We're just classmates, after all. Aren't we? Can we even be considered friends, Hatsune?''

''Why can't we be friends?'' she murmured, unable to stop the question from forming. Under the hurt she felt, there was a burning desire to know - why wasn't she good enough for him? Not even for a sweet word, a lingering look, like he gave so many others?

The iciness of those blue eyes seemed to crack. ''How could we be?'' he spat. ''When you're Gakupo's girlfriend.'' He placed heavy emphasis on the girlfriend part. Miku blinked.

''Why not? He's your friend, after all.''

''That's why we can't be friends!'' he almost yelled, completely losing his cool.

''Why not? What's wrong with Gakupo?'' Miku demanded. What was wrong with Len?

He hung his head, refusing to meet her gaze. ''It's not Gakupo,'' he said quietly, a startling contrast to his previous shouting. ''It's me, Miku. I can't stand seeing you with him.''

Miku's eyes widened. ''Len...'' she said, voice soft. Still, he refused to look at her, but she pressed on. ''Are you jealous?''

''I don't know,'' he shrugged helplessly. ''Maybe I am.'' He glanced up at her, his blue eyes haunted. ''Yes. I am.''

Miku didn't think. She knew if she thought it through, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to, so on impulse she leant over and pressed her lips hesitantly against his.

He moaned quietly against her lips, kissing her back, his hands threading through her hair. He tugged her closer, pulling her onto his lap, and she went gladly, sinking her fingers through his soft blonde hair.

Len didn't think of the consequences of his actions, didn't care about how Gakupo would feel at that moment. All he knew was, he wanted Miku, and he would have her.

She murmured his name again, and it was music to his ears. He drew away, feeling feverish. ''I want you,'' he whispered into her ear, feeling her shiver against him. ''I want to know you, Miku, in every way possible.''

He expected her to deny him, and she didn't disappoint. She withdrew, eyes wide, and she croaked out, ''What do you mean?''

''You know what I mean,'' he purred suggestively. She gasped, her face a strange mix of inquisitiveness and shock.

''That's so wrong,'' she said, still sitting on his lap. Len shrugged, brushing her hair away from her eyes. He made to stand up, and she stood, letting him stand.

He sauntered slowly over to the door. ''Well, if you really don't want to, Miku, I won't force you...'' he turned the doorknob, slowly counting. One, two, three...

''No, Len. Come back.'' Miku said softly.

He spun around, knowing his eyes were filled with overwhelming hunger. ''You asked for it, Miku,'' he said as softly. ''Don't take it back.''

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