《The "Best Friends" (LenxMiku)》Say what?


I felt my skirt buzz, I took out my phone and then saw a notification:

Mom: Hey honey! Sorry I might be late the storm is causing chaos and traffic I might be back really late

I then put my phone back "My Mom isn't going to be back for a while now." I said "How come you aren't working?" I asked and Len just sighed "Well, with the bucket full of carpet, I don't have a place to put it so I can't do anything besides wait for the storm to be over." he said. I felt my heart jump Why is my heart like this? I shook my head and then got bored. "Hey." I said "Want to play video games?" I asked and Len thought "Sure, ever sense I started working I haven't had a lot of time to play games." he said and I stood up and stretched. "Wait, how long have you been working with your Dad?" I asked and Len then stood up.

"4 years." he said and I widened my eyes "Wow, well then, follow me." I said and we headed upstairs "If you are going to question my game, taste or thing whatever they normally aren't mine they are my older brother's games, he is at a university in Japan." I said and Len seemed surprised. "Really. My sister is also in Japan in her dream University." he said. I opened my door to my room and then looked under my bed and got out the game. "Lego Rock Band." He read and looked at me "Me and my brother used to play it together." I said and he seemed to understand. I got out the guitar that I always use and I took out the other things "Ill play as drums sense I'm really good with them." he said.


I started the game and we turned on the things and then I chose the song Check Yes Juliet and then I chose expert and Len did the same then we started.

*During game*

I started with the notes and then Len started his notes and then we both seemed to be really good because we did not mess up, yet. And when he had his chance time thingy he somehow played REALLY AND I MEAN REALLY QUICK and then started playing like normal. W-W-Wha. WE kept on getting Unison Bonuses a lot and once again he got his thing so I decided to do it the same with him and once again, like the show-off he is. "Show-off." I said and he chuckled "I used to play this game a lot." he said "Yea. I can see that." I said. "Don't sell your heart, don't say were not meant to be." , man I love this song.

Once again we both did the same thing, he hit his streak note and I shook the guitar to activate mine.

*After game*

5 gold stars wow. "You played excellent." He said and I felt my face get hot "T-Thanks you did too Usually I'd never get 5 starts with my bad brother." I said. Then I heard a noise from down stairs "Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai Unmei wakatsu aware na futago Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru." I heard "Oh that's my tablet, be right back." Len said and then went out the room.

I waited patiently in my room still looking at the scores, I got 599 note streak and he got 1356 note streak wow. Usually my brother gets 200 but, wow. "Oh hey Rin." I heard Len say and I heard footsteps coming up here, I got out of the menu in the game and then started scrolling through the songs in the game, once again getting bored. "Well, I'm staying here with Dad's friend's house." I heard Len say, then he came in my room "Yea, I'm with their daughter right now." He said, he was wearing head phones.


I felt his body heat next to mine, he was sitting next to me. "Hey Miku mind if you play a song on expert so I can prove that you are really good at rock band?" he asked and I felt my face turn hot. "S-S-Sure." I said and then I saw the girl on his tablet Video Cam say something "N-No!" he said and then turned the camera to face me and then went behind me. I took out Lego Rock Band and put Rock Band 2 in and then put Down with the sickness.

(I'm putting another video but not the *during game thing*)

As I was done my fingers hurt, so I waved in desperation for the pain to go away >.

"MIKUO?" I said in excitement and then saw him smile warmly at him, "How's my baby sister?" I hear him say so I signal Len to sit down. I gently set the guitar down and then ran to sit next to him once again, hearing my heart beat really quick. "Hold on I know a good spot for your tablet." I said and got his tablet and put it on a table facing me and Len. I walked back unti- *CRASH* *Flick (Light turns off, power is off)*the lights are out.

I yelped and jumped on Len and then I heard a "Aw." and a laughter. "You really do not like storms, do you." Len said and I nodded, I felt my body shake Len was trying to shake me off. I only made my arms tighter THERE'S NO WAY I WILL LET GO, I HATE STORMS I then heard a sigh "Len, she probably likes you!" I heard his sister say so I let go, expecting to land on the bed that I threw him on instead I fell on the floor.

I heard laughter from everyone, I stood up, my face feeling hot. "I actually think she likes my brother." I heard Rin say to my Onii-chan, I acted like I did not hear her. Then I heard a tune "sugi ta kisetsu shizuka ni nijimu samuzora tori wo nozomu kono keshiki mo utsuroi yuku." Then I saw Len's sister get out her phone, her expression went blank. When she finished she put her hand on her head "Len Ill have to call you back." she sounded like there was a crisis, she then quickly hung up. "That's weird." Len said and I shrugged.

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